mld4ds said:
Bravo, you accept. What's a big fussy over this SSI issue?
My hearing friend from my high school got accident in the food store. He lost his toes. He applied for SSI+ and got it while studying at the state university. Yeah, that's a pretty strange why SSI govt approved his application since he can not work on manual jobs dues to his balancing. That's why he lived in a small town with big univeristy.
I think you overlooked the word "If." I would only accept it is a last resort of income. Only IF I was actually disabled, IF I had bills to pay, and IF I could not find a job, which is very unlikely, considering how truly easy it is to get a job.
There are other jobs besides manual jobs your friend could perform, so I can see why his application was denied.
Can we contact Congress to cut the spending on miltiary colleges so that the students have to pay? We need to trash G.I Bills. No? then you need to leave Deafies and others with disabilities alone.... Methinks that you need to move to any big city and be with deaf roommates. You will understand their realities...
The military functions for the defense of this nation. If anything, the military can be seen as a investment and serves a purpose. Some random deaf person living with their parents, receiving SSI checks that are more than my paycheck? Not so much.
Yeah, quit whining like a bitchy boy. Deafies with SSI+ do pay taxes when they work....
Yeah, we all pay taxes, but that doesn't justify the fact that I'm paying a specific tax that goes to help these people stay dependant upon government aid, and in many cases, do not need the income.
That is why you are so dummy....
Oh, yes. One incorrect tense of a word, and I'm completely discredited. </sarcasm>
:roll: "Dummy" is a noun. Not an adjective. I've been told its rude to correct a deaf person's grammar mistakes, and I've seen you make many before, also. Push me more, and I'll feel free to correct them for you.
Whoa...wait a as a relay operator do not interpret. What do you mean to interpret for Deafies? That is massively impossbile for you to understand their typing language. You mean to relay? Yes, your job is to relay the messages.
Definition of interpet:
1 : to explain or tell the meaning of : present in understandable terms
2 : to conceive in the light of individual belief, judgment, or circumstance : CONSTRUE
3 : to represent by means of art : bring to realization by performance or direction <interprets a role>
I interpret typed messages into conversational voicing, with the intended expression and voice inflection the relay user intended. And in some cases, I have to translate ASL-influenced grammar into conversational English, and vice versa. Therefore, yes, I do interpret for deaf people.
You do not know Deafie in situtations need to obtain the SSI+. See my post below:
1. College student - A full/part-time college student can work part time while do obtaining the SSI+. Ensure that he/she can not work over 25 hours a week or risk to lose some their amount of SSI+. There is nothing wrong with it. It is great benefits for them to have SSI while in school. They do need some health food, warm clothes, paying housing rent expenses, etc. Look at the hearing students are on free rides for expensive colleges. That's why they decided to join the military forces or work for federal government so that they would waive their college debts. That's not fair for deafies...{/quote]
Like I said before, there are so many scholarship, student loan, government grants, and financial aid programs available for students today, it is unnecessary for a deaf student to depend on SSI while attending school. My sister just recieved a $10,000 student loan earlier this year.
2. Employment seeker - They may not have any unemployment checks since they never work long term in their careers earlier.
Again, I've addressed this already. I'm referring to those who are capable of working, and do not. This is much the same situation with the abuse of welfare, in which one is exptected to search for employment, but puts no effort into looking. Tighter regulations to be implemented to prevent this kind of abuse.
3. Unwedded mother/father - Oop! Kids are coming on the way...Yikes! You can not blame unwedded mothers. Look at many deadbeat fathers for not supporting their kids...
My mother raised my sister and I without my father ever being involved in my life. He still owes over $10,000 in child support. My mother put both me and my sister through private school, and provided for us on her own with no financial help from anyone.
4. Job interviewee - Deaf job seekers are despair looking for the nice jobs with great benefits and handsome salaries. Not many of them are not successfully in the final stage of job interviewing. They do need to polish their resumes and improve their communication skills. I wish them good success
If they "despair looking for the nice jobs," that's their own perogative and problem.
5. AllDeafies - Some of them are on SSI+…..[/quotes]
What about them? Miss P is a prime example of why I am opposed to SSI for all deaf people.
6. Multi-disabilities – Who is goanna to hire individual with multi-disabilities? I do wish them to work better environmental offices. I strongly suggest them to have additional college degrees so that they would grab great positons.
Again, you're playing copy and paste with my words. I am speaking out against those who, in all actuality, do not need SSI, and in fact abuse it. If you can't work, you can't work. Such as TweetyBird said, she has a doctor's order not too work. But on the other hand. look at a person like RJR: deaf, and a quadraplegic. He's accomplished to much already, and will be attending college next year.
7. Part-time/seasonal employee – Everyone knows why deafies can not purse full time positions. They do not want to risk their SSI+ if they take full time positions. They do have good reasons why they can not work many hours due to their health issues. For seasonal positions, those are perfect for college students to make more money to pay off their college debt, personal debt, etc.
So because they're trying to be less dependant upon government aid, they're paid less? That is not right.
8. Poverty in rural/small town – Everyone knows why there is no great pay in small town. Yes, deafies live in rural for very low housing rent cost. They may not have to worry about food since they do tend their vegetable garden. They do hunt rather than paying the meat at food stores.
I'm from Tennessee. I'm well aware of this, and as I've stated over and over, "if you can't work, you can't work."
9. Race/color – Who is goanna to hire African/Asian/Indian/White who is deaf? Come on, that is pretty discriminating against their color of skin. Notice between small towns and big cities… It is better for them to get SSI+ than nothing. I truly want them to be successful business people no matter what color…
So all potential hirers are automatically assumed to be racists?
mld, maybe you're heart is in the right place, but you sure do take everything far too personal.