Because the Bible doesn't mention aliens from other planets or Lilith.
Well, there's a lot of things the Bible doesn't mention.
Because the Bible doesn't mention aliens from other planets or Lilith.
As long as I don't look like a round one!![]()
Why are people opposed to the thought that God created everything, including aliens?
Genesis creation narrative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Story Of Lilith
Because the Bible doesn't mention aliens from other planets or Lilith.
correct me if I'm wrong but you believe more in aliens than God, right?
Nothing authentic was "left out."Not the English version. A lot was left out.
No. As you can see from the Bible, God never wipes out everyone but always leaves a way of escape thru salvation. He provided that way of escape right from the beginning. Even when there was massive destruction of people during the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Exodus, the remnant of the faithful few survived. That will also be the way in the future.Original scriptures mentioned a creation before man. Perhaps they were wiped out as was intended for man during the Great Deluge?
I hope wikipedia wasn't your source.Pre-Adamite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I have dug a lot and came to my own conclusions. I questioned very bright theologians only to have my questions unanswered.
Age of enlightenment
During the Age of Enlightenment pre-Adamism was adopted widely as a challenge to the biblical account of human origins, whereas in the nineteenth century the idea was welcomed by advocates of white superiority. A number of racist interpretive frameworks involving the early chapters of Genesis have arisen from pre-Adamism. Some Pre-Adamite theorists held that Cain left his family for an inferior tribe described variously as "white Mongols". Pre-Adamites also claimed that Cain took a wife from one of the inferior pre-Adamite peoples. The idea that Cain’s mark was blackness arose in 18th century Europe and was also popular in 19th century America.[7]
[edit] ca. 1800 - present
In 19th Century Europe polygenism and Pre-Adamism were attractive to those intent on demonstrating the inferiority of non-Western peoples, while in the United States they appealed to those attuned to racial theories who found it unattractive to contemplate a common history with non-Whites. Writers such as Charles Caldwell, Josiah C. Nott and Samuel G. Morton, rejected the view that non-whites were the descendants of Adam. Morton combined pre-Adamism with cranial measurements to construct a theory of racial difference that justified slavery.
...Following the American Civil War Southerners were increasingly receptive to arguments supportive of black inferiority. In 1867 Buckner H Payne wrote a pamphlet under the pen name Ariel entitled The Negro: What is His Ethnological Status?, in which he argued that the Negro is a pre-Adamic beast of the field (specifically, a higher order of monkey) which was preserved on the Ark.
...Campbell viewed the great flood as a consequence of intermarriage between the white (Adamic) and nonwhite (pre-Adamic) peoples "the only union we can think of that is reasonable and sufficient to account for the corruption of the world and the consequent judgement".[9]
In an unusual blend of contemporary evolutionary thinking and pre-Adamism the Vanderbilt University theistic evolutionist and geologist Alexander Winchell argued in his 1878 tract Adamites and Preadamites for the pre-Adamic origins of the human race on the basis that the Negroes were too racially inferior to have developed from the Biblical Adam.
...The ideologies of British Israelism, which developed in England in the 19th century, also sometimes involved a pre-Adamic worldview, though this was a minority position. According to this model the pre-Adamites were viewed as a race of inferior bestial creatures apart from Adam, who was the first white man and son of God. In this narrative Satan seduces Eve and the resulting offspring is a hybrid creature called Cain. Later Cain flees to East Turkestan to establish a colony of followers intent on realizing the Devil’s plan for domination of the earth. Further elaboration of this myth involved the identification of the Jews with Canaanites, the putative descendants of Cain (although the eponymous ancestor of Canaanites is not Cain but Canaan). It followed that, if the tribes of Judah were supposed to have intermarried with Cain’s descendants, then the Jews were the offspring of Satan as well as sundry nonwhite pre-Adamic races.[citation needed]
In the United States, British Israelism developed into the aggressively anti-Semitic Christian Identity movement in which the Jews were increasingly seen as outside the domain of humanity.
Nothing authentic was "left out."
No. As you can see from the Bible, God never wipes out everyone but always leaves a way of escape thru salvation. He provided that way of escape right from the beginning. Even when there was massive destruction of people during the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Exodus, the remnant of the faithful few survived. That will also be the way in the future.
I hope wikipedia wasn't your source.
The link you posted is troubling.
Some passages from that link:
Not good.
In relation to the teachings of the Catholic Church, he has stressed that extraterrestrial encounters "are not demonic, they are not due to psychological impairment, and they are not a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve to be studied carefully."[3] He denies the rumor that the Vatican follows reported incidents of extraterrestrial encounters from its Nunciatures in different countries.
Balducci's opinions received a wider context in 2008 when the Vatican's chief astronomer José Gabriel Funes also discussed the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
So was Satan and other deceivers. What does that prove?pre-adamites were around since Abraham.
So why did you choose that particular Wikipedia link to support your argument for pre-Adam creatures?The troubling notion you have brought up in regards to preadamites using this to support a racist ideology wasn't used until thousands of years later.
There are scriptures in the Bible that are being used for such ideologies now (however incorrect their ideologies are).
Man, talk about a red herring! None of those things had anything to do with the Creation of the world by God.But, as mentioned by another ADer, a lot of things are not mentioned in the Bible. Computers, automobiles, firearms, nuclear warheads, cell phones, etc.
Yes, I can because the context was about Creation. The things that Banjo listed had nothing to do with that context. We weren't discussing events that happened in the last couple centuries.Since those are not mentioned in the Bible, can you really use the Bible to support any argument that since something is not mentioned in the Bible it must mean it does not exist?
I have no idea what that's about. I'm not talking about the Catholic church, and what they do or believe or say has no bearing on anything I do, believe, or say.
I have dug a lot and came to my own conclusions. I questioned very bright theologians only to have my questions unanswered.
I'm not surprised. apparently - your questions weren't bright enough for them to intelligently answer your question
I know what a conversation with a theologian is like and let me tell you this - it's way outta your field![]()
Hey Jiro .... nothing personal but your talking out of your ass yet again.
So was Satan and other deceivers. What does that prove?
Prove satan exists.
So why did you choose that particular Wikipedia link to support your argument for pre-Adam creatures?
The wikipedia article clearly explains that preadamites existed since Abraham and thousands of years later the concept was used by white supremacists. You chose the latter, I pointed out the former - its in the link provided by wikipedia.
Do you believe that if there were such beings that their descendants are the non-white populations of today?
I believe that human beings are not the only intelligent creation. Why would a creator who can make the heavens and earth from nothing, need the rib of Adam to create Eve? To me, that sounds like a very simplistic explanation of cloning.
Man, talk about a red herring! None of those things had anything to do with the Creation of the world by God.
no, but the red herring was your statement that aliens could not possibly exist because they are not mentioned in the Bible
Yes, I can because the context was about Creation. The things that Banjo listed had nothing to do with that context. We weren't discussing events that happened in the last couple centuries.
Your comment about preadamites was about creation. Your comments about aliens existing had nothing to do with the story of creation.
I have no idea what that's about. I'm not talking about the Catholic church, and what they do or believe or say has no bearing on anything I do, believe, or say.
It was to simply point out that the Vatican believes in intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.
gettin' defensive there, I see.
what clearly explains in here is that this is way outta your head lol! just by referring to wikipedia simply points out that you believe that Bogeyman still exists in your closet.
The correct expression would be "way over your head".
that's not the expression I'm aiming for. and you might want to start learning how to use "your" and "you're" and "it" and "it's" first before you lecture![]()
Well, there's a lot of things the Bible doesn't mention.