Well said Banjo!
The bible is incomplete. There are so many versions and ALL of them were written by
humans. If one takes a Catholic version and a Protestant version then one will see that there are books included in the Catholic version that have been removed from the Protestant version....which I was given to understand is a big ol' no-no. (Yes, I am VERY familiar with the bible..I had it ground into me as a child...one of the contributing factors to my utter loathing of all man-made religions...and they are ALL man-made.) It is at best a some what accurate historical document.While I am aware that this is considered by some here to be only my opinion...it is an opinion shared by hundreds of thousands of people. Frankly, there is more evidence for the existence of alien beings than there is for the existence of Jesus. A few stories are not proof or evidence. I have always found it to be a source of amazement that people find it easier to believe that an amorphous, invisible god-being basically made a mud doll, also known as a golem, and turned it into a human being; (which is pretty fanciful and fantastical by most anyone's standards), than in the existence of advanced intelligent life out in the cosmos that had a hand in the genetic manipulation and creation of our species. Hells bells, even the Christian bible makes the reference to several "gods"...in the very first chapter of Genesis...and nothing is said about it being that "holy trinity" thing either. Do we not have the knowledge and capability of genetic manipulation? Can we not manipulate the DNA of any living thing, including humans, now? Does not even the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes say there is nothing new under the sun? The bible is full of stories that sound remarkably like modern alien abduction scenarios and encounters with beings that look like us only bigger. (Made in their image perhaps?)
Blind faith is just blind gullibility. Faith without something to base it on has no merit. Real faith, or belief in something or someone, has to be based on something real and tangible. For example, many people have faith in the government, although there is plenty of proof that people should NOT put their faith and trust in anything the government or the media says. However, putting you faith in the abilities of someone who has proven themselves worthy of such trust is done because there is tangible evidence that they have given you reason to do so.
The term "god" merely means "ruler" or "over lord or over seer"....(which makes it a job title and description...NOT a name.:roll

Millions of people have seen UFOs. Many more have reported having experiences involving humanoid beings that can not be so easily dismissed. Fact is, people who refuse to accept that anything is possible outside of their narrow point of view and fanatical ideology does so out of fear. Fear that they would find out that everything they cling so staunchly is just a lot of lies and that they have been made fools of. That anyone would be so egotistical to think that there is only "one true religion" is appalling. There is no such thing. The arrogant notion that humans are the only intelligent life in this vast universe is absurd. The idea that we are the pinnacle of creation is nothing more than human arrogance as well. We are not that special in the big scheme of things. Every living thing has a spirit and soul. If one had the eyes to see the life force that surrounds every living creature, including the planet we live on, then perhaps the way humanity thinks about our place in the universe would change and we start viewing even the universe as the living entity it is, and just perhaps, give all living things the respect that humanity seems to think that only it is entitled to.
This is NOT a religious thread. I would ask that such discussions be kept to threads in which they are relevant and stick to the subject of the thread. Thanks.