To be honest, I can see both sides of the issue. My twin daughters were born 10 weeks premature. One of them has a foot that turns in as the result of possible mild cerebral palsey. Once we had exhausted all of the exercises that we told to do with her, we were told that the only option left to us was to have her leg surgically turned below the knee. In other words, cutting the leg bones below the knee and turning them to straighten her lower leg. By this time, she was nine or ten years old. My husband and I discussed it and decided that it was entirely too invasive a surgery for us to make for her at that time. It would have required a significant amount of recovery time and the end result really wouldn't make a huge difference in the long run. We did discuss it with her and told her that if she wanted the surgery, that we would go through with it, but that we felt she should wait. Wait she did and even though her foot still turns in at the age of 21, it isn't a really big deal. She may not be the fleetest of foot in a foot race, but on the other hand, is that a major deal.