Sound and Fury

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Well, if a family feels they have enough hearing loss in the family and wants to do something about it, that's up to them. And who are you to judge on what that family should or shouldn't do.

Excuse me, did Alleycat say what the family should do or not? I think not! You're the one with the hang up on deafness, not us. :roll:

I hope someday you will find it within yourself to accept that deafness is nothing to be ashamed of. By the way, if the grandmother's ashamed of deafness then that's something you'd understand. Then I pity you and the grandmother.
Well, if a family feels they have enough hearing loss in the family and wants to do something about it, that's up to them. And who are you to judge on what that family should or shouldn't do.

Actually, if you read my post carefully, I was not judging - I was saying it is not something to be ashamed of. If I had said they WERE/ARE ashamed, then that would be me judging them.
There isn't much anyone can do about hearing loss due to genetic heritage. Deal with it now. None of us can chose our heritage! I know-on my fathers side- though none of his brothers become deaf before their deaths-just Profound hearing loss.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Maybe it's also a question of that the grandmother was as constructively put just being a little tired of having hearing loss being so rampant in her family?

A hearing person should never push a deaf person to "fix" their deafness just because he/she is tired of deafness being rampant in his/her family. That's very audist.
Excuse me, did Alleycat say what the family should do or not? I think not! You're the one with the hang up on deafness, not us. :roll:

I hope someday you will find it within yourself to accept that deafness is nothing to be ashamed of. By the way, if the grandmother's ashamed of deafness then that's something you'd understand. Then I pity you and the grandmother.

Wirelessly posted

shel90 said:
HHIssues said:
Maybe it's also a question of that the grandmother was as constructively put just being a little tired of having hearing loss being so rampant in her family?

A hearing person should never push a deaf person to "fix" their deafness just because he/she is tired of deafness being rampant in his/her family. That's very audist.

"Fix" or treating deaf like a burden.
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I hope someday you will find it within yourself to accept that deafness is nothing to be ashamed of.
And I hope someday you will find it within yourself that wanting to hear better is nothing to be ashamed of either.
And I hope someday you will find it within yourself that wanting to hear better is nothing to be ashamed of either.

Sorry, I had to snicker because that's one of the stupidest comeback. It's apparent you need to concentrate on learning how to read and write English. What's more I pity you overall because you've got serious issues, deaf or not.
And I hope someday you will find it within yourself that wanting to hear better is nothing to be ashamed of either.

To be frank, I think you are just ashamed of yourself.
Sorry, I had to snicker because that's one of the stupidest comeback. It's apparent you need to concentrate on learning how to read and write English. What's more I pity you overall because you've got serious issues, deaf or not.

Wow, I am not the only person who said that. :shock:

Careful there, he has honors in reading and English...
Definate self esteem issues going on there.
Ever notice that the VERY same people who are pro oral only and pro mainstream are always saying they don't fit into the mainstream and they don't feel like they fit in with hearing people, and they wish they could hear? There's nothign wrong with wanting to hear better....heck I love my digital hearing aids! It's exactly like remember back in the 1940's when black people were encouraged to be as white as possible, with hair relaxers and lighter skinned blacks being idealized?
Ever notice that the VERY same people who are pro oral only and pro mainstream are always saying they don't fit into the mainstream and they don't feel like they fit in with hearing people, and they wish they could hear? There's nothign wrong with wanting to hear better....heck I love my digital hearing aids! It's exactly like remember back in the 1940's when black people were encouraged to be as white as possible, with hair relaxers and lighter skinned blacks being idealized?

Yeppers, I have noticed that. It is one of the variables that is very, very consistent. Of course, they also deny having any psycho-social issues. Riiiiiight. :cool2:
Yeppers, I have noticed that. It is one of the variables that is very, very consistent. Of course, they also deny having any psycho-social issues. Riiiiiight. :cool2:

Who are you to decide that a person has psychological issues? As a professional isn't it against your ethical guidelines to evaluate people without taking full histories and doing ACTUAL evaluations? I think it is disrespectful and unprofessional for you to make sweeping statements about the psychological well being of people you don't know and have never met.
Who are you to decide that a person has psychological issues? As a professional isn't it against your ethical guidelines to evaluate people without taking full histories and doing ACTUAL evaluations? I think it is disrespectful and unprofessional for you to make sweeping statements about the psychological well being of people you don't know and have never met.

My dear, it is my opinion that you need a team of shrinks working around the clock on you. Preferably in Vienna.
Who are you to decide that a person has psychological issues? As a professional isn't it against your ethical guidelines to evaluate people without taking full histories and doing ACTUAL evaluations? I think it is disrespectful and unprofessional for you to make sweeping statements about the psychological well being of people you don't know and have never met.

I'm a psychologist. Duh.

And I don't need anything more that what is so obviously presented. When someone meets the obvious criteria, then they meet the obvious critieria. Period.

And the fact that you seem to be so offended and seek out every single post I make in order to argue on some absurd level speaks volumes regarding your psychological state.

Likewise, it is not just my opinion, but the findings of numerous research studies as well.
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