I do, and we need laws restricting access to guns, tougher gun-control laws. Let me tell you a short story, There was a story that someone in Ohio brought 87 handguns--- the same make, the same model all at one time from one place a gun dealership. OK? Then within a couple months later those same 87 guns had ended up being used in New York, some of those guns were used in homicides and robberies.
My question is why a gun dealership at one place sold that many guns in one day to the same person? Didn't he ever thought this person might is planning on doing something illegal with those guns? The gun dealer showed lack of common sense.
And this is what we need in America, we need a common sense approach to keep the public safe.
I'm so tired of people saying, "we don't understand guns, and if we don't like guns, then don't own a gun." That's not the point, the whole point is to keep the public safe.
Here are federal gun laws (
source) -
Federal law regulates these sales through federally-licensed dealers; and the identity of the purchaser and terms of the sale are recorded on Form 4473. Dealers may be inspected once a year, and must be inspected at least once every three years. They must also notify the FBATF anytime multiple handguns are purchased from a single individual within a five-day period.
Gun shops are required to submit Form 4473 to the ATF.
States primarily regulate firearms sales between individuals, but federal law restricts interstate sales: Only individuals with a federal license can sell outside of their own state. They can, however, transfer the gun’s sale through a licensed dealer in the other state. Individuals may lend and borrow firearms provided they’re used in legal activities.
but then.... what about people buying a large amount of lactose powder? You know it's used to mix together with cocaine to sell drug.
Doing a requiring background checks on gun purchasers does not help any or will it protect the public or will it stop any future crimes. It doesn't. Just because a gun purchaser doesn't have a history, it doesn't mean he won't be a future criminal.
Actually - ever since GWB signed the bill that created NICS.... the safety went up.
In addition, other federal provisions restrict certain individuals from purchasing, selling and possessing firearms. Along with age restrictions, these are checked against the FBI’s NICS databases. Some state-issued permits can take the place of the NICS check. Restrictions include:
* Convicted criminals whose crimes were punishable for over one year (excluding misdemeanors punishable by two years or less); or those convicted of domestic violence
* Fugitives
* Illegal drug addicts
* Individuals under a restraining order from a partner or child
* Anyone dishonorably discharged from the military
* Illegal aliens and individuals who have denounced their citizenship
* Individuals with certain mental disorders.
Please do review our federal and your state gun law (
link). It's actually safer than before. A lot has changed under Bush Administration.
Conclusion - Gun Ban/Restriction was INEFFECTIVE as proven under Clinton Administration. Better Gun REGULATION was EFFECTIVE as proven under Bush Administration.