Sotomayor's views on guns prompt questions

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So? Two wrongs don't make it right. If we arm all people, there will be a LOT of homicides/suicides THANKS to guns. Statistics have consisntely showed that the risk of murder increases significantly when you own a gun for ANY reason, even for self-defense.

I see ... Well, it is a good thing that you don't believe in guns. That's fine. I sure as hell wouldn't trust a liberal, like you, to protect me. I prefer to see somebody else prevent a criminal (not only criminals - burglars, former spouses/lovers, or whoever person is) from killing more people. I don't believe in self-defnese is murder, either. So how would I protect myself from the shooter, who has a gun, if I don't have any weapon to defend myself. With no doubt, I will be killed so easily. Running away is not always the answer, either. Guns beat knifes or any weapon, obviously, guns are faster than any weapon. It's so impossible to defend you if someone has a gun in a such situation.

That's why I don't trust gun controls at all.

More people (babies, kids, teens, adults) were killed accidentally by automobiles than guns. According to some estimates there are some 200 million privately owned guns in the United States (this estimate varies).

But for cars, there was an estimated 136 million cars in 2007 on the road but some 43,000+ were killed each year in motor-vehicle accidents.

Table MV-1 - Highway Statistics 2007 - Highway Statistic Series - Policy Information - FHWA

Yet, over 40,000 people die each year from automobile accidents versus some 750 to 850 die each year from accidental shootings.
NSC - Injuries in America 2008

Let's ban cars first before we ban guns. Guns are much, much safer than cars that are drastically less risk to have.
So? Two wrongs don't make it right. If we arm all people, there will be a LOT of homicides/suicides THANKS to guns. Statistics have consisntely showed that the risk of murder increases significantly when you own a gun for ANY reason, even for self-defense.


I’ve never understood why Americans need to carry guns. Yes, I know that criminals use guns and kill innocent people and people should have the right to defend and protect themselves and their families but the problem is gun, lack many people´s common sense for shoot many innocents including children because the gun is too easy for them to shoot. I also read about the happened when the children get a hold of guns lead to terrible consequences...

My heart goes out to the victims and their family.

If you think everyone should have a gun to defend themselves, then perhaps every country in the world has the right to nuclear weapons. :roll:

This Forum, I can express my opinon.

This was Hilter´s opinoin. :dunno:

I bet you never understand about 2nd Amendment, come on and you can't take our gun rights away and go review on 2nd Amendment before start nonsense argument.

2nd Amendment is Bill of Rights, you can't overturn it, hehe.

I will become gun owner in later, none of your business to interfere with gun owners.
I see ... Well, it is a good thing that you don't believe in guns. That's fine. I sure as hell wouldn't trust a liberal, like you, to protect me. I prefer to see somebody else prevent a criminal (not only criminals - burglars, former spouses/lovers, or whoever person is) from killing more people. I don't believe in self-defnese is murder, either. So how would I protect myself from the shooter, who has a gun, if I don't have any weapon to defend myself. With no doubt, I will be killed so easily. Running away is not always the answer, either. Guns beat knifes or any weapon, obviously, guns are faster than any weapon. It's so impossible to defend you if someone has a gun in a such situation.

That's why I don't trust gun controls at all.


Second here. :)
and yet they are far more credible than those that believe in inter-planetary proctologists that probe human rectums under flashing lights inside a craft that resembles a disco ball...

That's quite a narrow-minded thing to say. You would be surprised at what's out there. :cool2:
This American doesn't value guns more than anything else but I do value my Second Amendment rights along with the rest of my Constitutional rights.

Then perhaps there has to be a middle ground in regard to gun rights.

As for your remark about gun laws not being enforced, there are some people out there that don't want any gun laws at all.

Again, I think we can find a middle ground on this issue. :)

I’ve never understood why Americans need to carry guns. Yes, I know that criminals use guns and kill innocent people and people should have the right to defend and protect themselves and their families but the problem is gun, lack many people´s common sense for shoot many innocents including children because the gun is too easy for them to shoot. I also read about the happened when the children get a hold of guns lead to terrible consequences...

I have to agree. I don't get it either, especially when Obama was elected and sales of guns went up. I thought it was rather silly and knowing Obama, he has yet to signal for an outright gun ban. He once practiced in the field of constitutional law and isn't as daft as some people think he is.

No offense to any gun owners on here but whenever I'm reading stories about fools with guns, I wonder if they should take an IQ test whenever they're registering for a gun. Some people don't have the proper mental capacity to own/use guns. ;)
More people (babies, kids, teens, adults) were killed accidentally by automobiles than guns. According to some estimates there are some 200 million privately owned guns in the United States (this estimate varies).

But for cars, there was an estimated 136 million cars in 2007 on the road but some 43,000+ were killed each year in motor-vehicle accidents.

Table MV-1 - Highway Statistics 2007 - Highway Statistic Series - Policy Information - FHWA

Yet, over 40,000 people die each year from automobile accidents versus some 750 to 850 die each year from accidental shootings.
NSC - Injuries in America 2008

Let's ban cars first before we ban guns. Guns are much, much safer than cars that are drastically less risk to have.

Let's not use distractions and stick to the issue at hand.
This was Hilter´s opinoin. :dunno:

yes, his opinion was to register all the guns so the Nazi party knew who owned them. the Nazis went door to door to take them away from the owners. so when the stormtroopers started rounding up people to cart off to the gas chambers and ovens, one had a chance
So? Two wrongs don't make it right. If we arm all people, there will be a LOT of homicides/suicides THANKS to guns.
homicides:without guns the only guarantee is there will only be unarmed victims.
homicides are also committed with knives, blunt objects, poison, asphyxiation:rope, scarves, wire and bare hands
so lets also ban cutlery, rope, scarves, rocks, candle, sticks, wire and hands

suicidal people: are the people that shouldn't have owned guns. they all so do it with pills, knives, razors. rope, steeping in front of cars on the highway, jumping off buildings...
so if we ban guns we need to ban pharmacies, cutlery, shaving, rope, cars and buildings....

Statistics have consisntely showed that the risk of murder increases significantly when you own a gun for ANY reason, even for self-defense.
I've was stranded one night in the middle of nowhere. a group of kids showed up and and drove past a few times very slowly. the came back a few minutes later with the plate off the car, 6 punks got out holding tire irons and bats. i pull my 9mm with a 30 round clip and said ""I've got 5 shots for each of you. Then flip the clips. You kids may want to rethink this". the kids drove off.

that is an example of how guns save people from being murder victim statistic..
So? Two wrongs don't make it right.
two wrongs?

one was a murder, the other people were targets! if one of those targets had a firearm there was a chance the gunman would have been shoot a fewer people would have died
homicides:without guns the only guarantee is there will only be unarmed victims.
homicides are also committed with knives, blunt objects, poison, asphyxiation:rope, scarves, wire and bare hands
so lets also ban cutlery, rope, scarves, rocks, candle, sticks, wire and hands

suicidal people: are the people that shouldn't have owned guns. they all so do it with pills, knives, razors. rope, steeping in front of cars on the highway, jumping off buildings...
so if we ban guns we need to ban pharmacies, cutlery, shaving, rope, cars and buildings....

I've was stranded one night in the middle of nowhere. a group of kids showed up and and drove past a few times very slowly. the came back a few minutes later with the plate off the car, 6 punks got out holding tire irons and bats. i pull my 9mm with a 30 round clip and said ""I've got 5 shots for each of you. Then flip the clips. You kids may want to rethink this". the kids drove off.

that is an example of how guns save people from being murder victim statistic..

Yeah ... that's what I said! Sighs. That is just another big one that people freak out about.

If you don't like guns, you can choice to not buy any gun, by then. Well, you really don't need to demand everyone to be forcibly deprived of their gun rights... For your info, I don't own guns cos I don't like them. :)

In many proofs, that citizens who have guns have saved their lives and the lives of loved ones! I truly do understand that there are accidents with guns, and I agree that they could have been prevented. I understand that... But, still... I disagree that they could have been prevented by simply taking away the guns. Just NO. NO.

If you prefer to call the police, do you? Sure, go ahead and do it if you want. That is fine. You see, there is only about a fifteen to twenty minute to response time... even then, if there is no guarantee. NO, don't get me wrong. I do think the polices are great. They go out in what could be politely termed an urban war-zone everyday and bust their butts to keep us safe. Well, let's fact is they can't help everyone, and that's the truth. You know that.

Okay. Basically, if I have a gun and someone broke into my home, I have someone to protect. I have my own life to protect because I do care about lives to protect. I have my home to protect as well. You have to be remember that I'm only female. I am at a disadvantage. Biology has, for anesthetic reasons, made me smaller than a man and I have less muscle tissue, too. Which means I'm both much lighter and much weaker. A gun is an equalizer between the sexes, the best one. Maces, tasers, and pepper sprays have their place in self-defense. A gun is something that I would rely on because an attacker would take one look at it. And to understand one pretty simple fact is that if I intend to live through our encounter with no harm coming to me. I am probably willing and able to use potentially fatal force to do so...

Under no circumstances would I want to shoot, for the sake of protecting myself and any loved ones there at the time, I would be willing to. There is a vast difference between advocating gun rights for hunting and self-defense, and advocating them for the use of crime or other criminal activities.

Well ... ban everything could be used to kill a human is not the answer. Cars would be gone cos they could kill humans by running over them. Ban all cars! Knives would be gone (inculding eating utensils or all kinds and etc etc) cos you can stab or cut people with them. Ban all knives! Well, near anything could be used to kill someone, so we have to live in a total vacuum... which is... uh, kill us. :roll:

Sorry, liberals, you can't demand to take our gun rights away from us. =/
Let's not use distractions and stick to the issue at hand.
it is not a distraction. it is an example of how absurd the gun fearing propaganda can be. other things are just as dangerous or more so...

and yes a car can be used as a murder weapon too...

your opinion seems to stand as:

people with guns and believe in gun rights are idiots
Gotta love how some Americans value guns more than anything else.

Idiocracy in action, folks!

not believing in aliens is narrow minded
That's quite a narrow-minded thing to say. You would be surprised at what's out there. :cool2:
maybe your alien friends will show up and guns will vanish. there will be a utopia of peace harmony and rectal probes. sounds like paradise :giggle:

maybe we all should invest anal lube stock :hmm:
maybe your alien friends will show up and guns will vanish. there will be a utopia of peace harmony and rectal probes. sounds like paradise :giggle:

maybe we all should invest anal lube stock :hmm:

Sorry, to say this, but I like your quote. :laugh2:
That's why I don't trust gun controls at all.

I do, and we need laws restricting access to guns, tougher gun-control laws. Let me tell you a short story, There was a story that someone in Ohio brought 87 handguns--- the same make, the same model all at one time from one place a gun dealership. OK? Then within a couple months later those same 87 guns had ended up being used in New York, some of those guns were used in homicides and robberies.

My question is why a gun dealership at one place sold that many guns in one day to the same person? Didn't he ever thought this person might is planning on doing something illegal with those guns? The gun dealer showed lack of common sense.

And this is what we need in America, we need a common sense approach to keep the public safe.

I'm so tired of people saying, "we don't understand guns, and if we don't like guns, then don't own a gun." That's not the point, the whole point is to keep the public safe.

Doing a requiring background checks on gun purchasers does not help any or will it protect the public or will it stop any future crimes. It doesn't. Just because a gun purchaser doesn't have a history, it doesn't mean he won't be a future criminal.
I do, and we need laws restricting access to guns, tougher gun-control laws. Let me tell you a short story, There was a story that someone in Ohio brought 87 handguns--- the same make, the same model all at one time from one place a gun dealership. OK? Then within a couple months later those same 87 guns had ended up being used in New York, some of those guns were used in homicides and robberies.

My question is why a gun dealership at one place sold that many guns in one day to the same person? Didn't he ever thought this person might is planning on doing something illegal with those guns? The gun dealer showed lack of common sense.

And this is what we need in America, we need a common sense approach to keep the public safe.

I'm so tired of people saying, "we don't understand guns, and if we don't like guns, then don't own a gun." That's not the point, the whole point is to keep the public safe.
Doing a requiring background checks on gun purchasers does not help any or will it protect the public or will it stop any future crimes. It doesn't. Just because a gun purchaser doesn't have a history, it doesn't mean he won't be a future criminal.

I understand what you said and have a point, indeed. Well, your post is sound you are probably anti-guns and want to make it illegal or something. But if your post is, I'm sorry that I have to disagree. If there is a problem with 'guns control' while it is legal, then they need to do the fixing to resovle a confict in it. Rather than make it illegal...
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