So, will the deaf culture be there?

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Wirelessly posted

But we are talking about ASL/PSE, not SEE.
The best storytellers are the ones in ASL. Telling a story in SEE is too hard on the eyes and difficult for me to comprehend without working hard to make sense of the signs and structure. For a young child, most likely a lot of the concepts or the main idea of the story will get missed.
:lol: Ok, cuz I was wondering about and even asked you over at another thread what you meant by looking/acting old? :lol:

When I said that, I meant acting old as in thinking you're too old for this and that and being very inflexiable in your ways even when its' more reasonable to be more flexiable toward others.

I look old (or so I think) but I'm told I don't act it.
It will be interesting to see what the Deaf Culture is like in the future.

I'm not that involved in Deaf Culture yet, but am working on it. I'm even teaching sign language at Church so others can communicate with me better. Even my wife is learning, although it has it's difficulties. Same with my family.
I think the culture is merely changing. Heck back when hearing aids were first introduced and widely used people prolly thought that Deaf culture was dead.
I think all technology will do is make Deaf culture more Hoh friendly
I also think that what faire joure doesn't understand is that oral abilty and abilty to hear doesn't nessarily mean that a dhh kid will be on par with a hearing kid. MANY hoh (orallized and mainstreamed to the max) kids have good oral abilty and good hearing abilty.....but yet those same skills do not totally eqaulize dhh kids!
I think too faire joure is making the mistake of corralating life acheivement with oral abilty.
That theory is based on an AG Bell hypothesis, that is that orally skilled kids are higher acheivers. It may seem that way b/c of the fact that the Suburban Overacheiver families tend to flock to oral only.
I think the culture is merely changing. Heck back when hearing aids were first introduced and widely used people prolly thought that Deaf culture was dead.
I think all technology will do is make Deaf culture more Hoh friendly
I also think that what faire joure doesn't understand is that oral abilty and abilty to hear doesn't nessarily mean that a dhh kid will be on par with a hearing kid. MANY hoh (orallized and mainstreamed to the max) kids have good oral abilty and good hearing abilty.....but yet those same skills do not totally eqaulize dhh kids!
I think too faire joure is making the mistake of corralating life acheivement with oral abilty.
That theory is based on an AG Bell hypothesis, that is that orally skilled kids are higher acheivers. It may seem that way b/c of the fact that the Suburban Overacheiver families tend to flock to oral only.

No, I equate achievement with achievement. I believe that deaf kids who have language, literacy, and educational skills that are on par with hearing kids are doing well. It has nothing to do with how well they do or do not speak. Unfortunately, AV is the only methodology that can show that they can equalize kids.
I think parents gravitate towards oral only b/c they see the AG Bell high acheivers, and they think that their kid can do know it promises them the American Dream of a "healthy normal mainstreamed kid who doesn't have to use any "speshal needs stuff.
They think oral only always results in a high educational level, and they are terrified of deaf schools. But the question is, is the myth of deaf Schools being bad, a myth?
I mean we've had a couple of people who did the "mainstream with minimal accomondations" approach, and then put their kid in a dhh program or even res school....and they are AMAZED at how well their kid is actually THRIVING!
if I could find one, but I don't know how to search researches nor my reading comprehend is that great... and I'm oral only since two or three years old. (never had ASL or ANY sign language) so much for that.
if I could find one, but I don't know how to search researches nor my reading comprehend is that great... and I'm oral only since two or three years old. (never had ASL or ANY sign language) so much for that.

The research shows that children with CI's and using AV (not just oral, it is a different methodology than "give them aids and pretend they aren't deaf) score the same as hearing kids in language, speech, reading, math AND self esteem. That would be ALL areas.
ah, your FAVORITE research again, huh? Guess what, I found out that kids are not losing their hearing due to Ipod. So much for research that claim too many kids who are.
ah, your FAVORITE research again, huh?

Actually, I wish that ALL kids were successful. I do not do AV with my daughter, and while I support parental choice, I wish that more parents would sign. BUT, how do you deny the success, especially when it is paired opposite things like 85% of CSD students read "below average" and that since 4th grade is "average" for reading levels, that means that 50% of deaf kids read BELOW that. If ASL can't back up it's claims of superiority with research, why WOULDN'T a parent choose AV?
ah, your FAVORITE research again, huh? Guess what, I found out that kids are not losing their hearing due to Ipod. So much for research that claim too many kids who are.

Show the research.....oh wait, you made it up....
Actually, I wish that ALL kids were successful. I do not do AV with my daughter, and while I support parental choice, I wish that more parents would sign. BUT, how do you deny the success, especially when it is paired opposite things like 85% of CSD students read "below average" and that since 4th grade is "average" for reading levels, that means that 50% of deaf kids read BELOW that. If ASL can't back up it's claims of superiority with research, why WOULDN'T a parent choose AV?

:) Bringing up the CSD thing again.......... tsk..
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