Since I turned in 21 yrs old in July 2005. So, I consider that law should keep 21 years old to allow drinking but I dont think its good idea to change to 18 yrs old since because mostly people who are under of 18 yrs old tend to be friends with 18 yrs old people because I remember I used to smoking cigs when I was underage and asked my friends who are 18 yrs old for cigs. So they can ask their friends for wine, beer etc like that if laws change to 18 yrs old.. I dont think its good idea. But all of schools should have education for kids to learning abt drunking and driving since I dont have ONE at my school and my best friend learned abt it and knew abt it, of course I knew abt it but why not all of schools have that so we can learn something abt it and we will know why and understand?

I just wanted to tell ya'll abt it..
Since, I have a friend who died by drunking and driving. He was only 19 yrs old. He did drinking some of beer and got in car accident, he is not driving, his friend is but she did DRINK one bottle of beer. Another truck whose hit that car where my friend in was VERY drunk and hes only 23 yrs old. So, all of them(a man who drove the truck, a girl who drove in the car and another guy in the car with them) plus kids who bought beers got in jail for that happened. Everybody felt bad abt it. I knew him for whole of my life since I born. I want all of schools to having that education like healthy, sex, etc. Why not they have edcaution for drunking and driving? Teach kids abt it so they will learn. Even show them how feel during they get in car accident if they are drink and explain them abt that stuffs like that even if they want someone speech abt their experience drunking and driving. Since my friend killed by that. I consider schools should have that... I will understand if some of you disagree with me but I thought they should do that.. Since, I heard abt that in Wisconsin School of the Deaf(I think or another I forgot which one) have that education and they did watch the movie and see how they get hurt, bleed, etc like that. They learned alot abt it.. So... I think should be stay 21 yrs old because mostly of % people who turn in 21 and they are adult and reponsibility more than 18 yrs old people.. Thats why I think its better idea. Thanks