Wade Michael Page is being called a "racial collectivist". I actually had to look that up, as I have never seen that term used before. I have also never heard of "The Turner Diaries" which, apparently, is a racist book that a lot of "racial collectivists" read.
Now that it has been made crystal clear, with no speculation involved, that Page was a racist, it could only follow that this attack on a Sikh Temple was racially motivated (I know, a no brainer there). But really, nobody knows for sure, even if it is glaringly obvious.
Now, I did some digging into what the "Turner Diaries" was, and came across this segment in an interview:
Neo-Nazis are hoping attacks like Buford O. Furrow’s push the nation toward stricter gun control, say conservative students of right-wing hate movements, because they believe such restrictions will touch off anti-government warfare.
“They really believe ‘The Turner Diaries’ is the road map to their success,” says J.D. Cash, an Oklahoma reporter with long associations among right-wing activists who broke stories about Timothy McVeigh’s links to white-supremacist groups like Christian Identity.
“The Turner Diaries,” an apocalyptic novel embraced by McVeigh and other Christian extremists, portrays a “patriot” who foments a right-wing backlash against the government’s effort to crack down on guns by setting off bombs.
That interview was with a guy named J.D Cash and the interview was done by Jeff Stein, that was 13 years ago.
The link below is an amazon link to the book (which I have never read, and up until today, never even knew existed):
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/The-Turner-Diaries-A-Novel/dp/1569800863]Amazon.com: The Turner Diaries: A Novel (9781569800867): Andrew MacDonald, Dr. William Pierce: Books[/ame]
This is dangerous stuff. I thought that perhaps this might just shed some light on the motivation behind this shooting. The theory behind this, is if more mass shootings occur, there will be a push to ban guns, which could erupt into a Civil War.