What do we know about Wade Michael Page? We're awaiting official word from a press conference due to start in moments.
But we do know that Page fancied himself something of a musician. And a white supremacist record label in Linthicum, Maryland, liked his music enough to pay him to record it.
Label56 runs an independent record label. Odd thing. Most of their groups seem to be of the sort that play music known as hate rock. Groups like "Short Cropped" with songs titled "Feel the Anger, Feel the Hate" and "Drink, Fuck and Fight." Like "Enforcer" with tunes like "Gather Up Your Guns" and "Blood of the Martyrs."
Leading the pack at Label56? The group that seems to be their biggest money maker? A group called "End Apathy." Their leader? And angry man named Wade Michael Page. The Label56 website interviewed Page in April 2010 and asked him about the band's origins.
End Apathy began in 2005 and the concept was based on trying to figure out what it would take to actually accomplish positive results in society and what is holding us back. A lot of what I realized at the time was that if we could figure out how to end peoples apathetic ways it would be the start towards moving forward. Of course after that it requires discipline, strict discipline to stay the course in our sick society. So, in a sense it was view of psychology and sociology. But I didn’t want to just point the finger at what other people should do, but also I was willing to point out some of my faults on how I was holding myself back. And that is how I wrote the song “Self Destruct”.
Well, it seems like Page finally got to the bottom of what was "holding him back."
The "indy" label's website lists a mailing address of Label 56 P.O.Box 172 Linthicum, MD 21090.
The press conference just started, and we'll add info as we hear it being shared.
"End Apathy" was not the sort of group you would likely want to book for your wedding. Songs like "Self Destruct," "Insignificant," "GCPC", "Usefull (sp) Idiots" and "Submission". The music is angry, the lyrics incomprehensible. They have five songs on their MySpace page, which you will have to look up yourself because we are not going to share the URL.
This hatred did not grow out of nothing. As the right wing scrambles and tries to hide from the cold, glaring light of truth, it can not escape the responsibility for the hatred that breeds people like Wade Michael Page.
This is not the sort of music, or artwork, or behavior that arises from progressives. This is the sort of hate that comes from constant reinforcement of racism, from right wing sources which shall remain nameless that confirm in these people that their hatred is justified, that their fears of being overrun by "the brown people" are real, that the "Kenyan pretender" in the White House is going to come and steal their penises -- sorry, we mean, their guns -- while responsible Republican leaders turn a blind eye and a deaf ear towards the hatred being spewed by members of their own caucuses.