Share something INTERESTING about yourself


Oct 26, 2009
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I can't sleep. Tell me something interesting about yourself.. A couple things about me to get the ball rolling...

1. I occasionally tell people my family invented Fanta soda, but to avoid paparazzi and stuff, we decided to call it Fanta, not Kanta (my last name)... Sometimes people will believe me if I swear up and down that it's true! :giggle:

2. I will either growl or cry when I am frustrated and/or angry. It is ALWAYS one or the other. ALWAYS!!! I can't help it.

3. People think I’m always smiling and I have a great aura. The other day I was told that the best adjective to describe me is “sparkly”. At work today, the lunch hour topic was exactly that! But in reality, I just have a big smile and blonde hair so people think I'm always perky lol :hmm:

4. A real live bear stole my sex toy a couple years ago hahaha

Your turn! Something interesting, please. Or is everyone asleep already?
I have two bachelor degrees. I learned that post-bac students are rarer than graduate students. I suppose I have a very diverse education.
I don't let frustration stop me when I want to do something I know can be done. I can remember trying to reattach a skidplate on my truck and spending hours getting one bolt lined up with its holes. Hours. And I told my friend about it and she just said that I was something else; she would have cried from frustration.
I had the opportunity to experience student exchange in Canada for a year.

I have a wonderful Ragdoll Cat.

I tend to be laidback and enjoys laughing.
1. I'm on a search for an original 1984 or 1985 Ruxpin bear for my girlfriend.

2. I have a teddy bear Rottweiler that thinks he is a lap dog.

3. I want a big 15 passenger van.

4. My girlfriend is eager for me to get hearing aids soon so that she can see how they works.

5. I have more than `150 bikes. I've lost count!!
There is a big difference between original and non-original Ruxpin bear. I don't know what it is. My girlfriend seems to know so I'll have to ask her.
Wirelessly posted

I love to play softball I love my Foster kids love to hang out at Disneyland and last but not least love my wife of 34 years
There is a big difference between original and non-original Ruxpin bear. I don't know what it is. My girlfriend seems to know so I'll have to ask her.

lol, I was just joking that I originally misread your post to say that you wanted a stuffed animal to be your girlfriend. I have no clue what a Ruxpin bear even is, although I assume it's not one that has claws and can maul you for licking it.

Well..I know many people who can write with either hand. I can write backwards..yep..entire pages. You can read it by holding it to a mirror or looking at the page from the back when held to the light. I never practiced this. I just started to do it when I was about 12. I actually wrote a complete
assignment for my Creative Writing class in High School backwards and " with a twist." My teacher, who already thought I was a bit of a nonconformist flabbergasted. She told me later that it had taken, her a bit of time to figure out what I had done.. because besides writing the assignment backwards I also started in the middle of the unlined page and wrote in a outward circular pattern. laughing..She told me I was given an A+, but wished there had been something better to acknowledge what she considered it to be Creative Writing, "in every sense of the words." She did ask me to show her how I did it, and I easily grabed a blank sheet of paper from my bag and began writing her a thank you note for her appreciation of my efforts. Smile. I attended an all girls Catholic High School the first year it opened (Archbishop Keogh HS, now called something else) The school was very advanced for it's time and offered classes unavailable at the HS level anywhere else. It accepted 250 students that 1st year based on a test given to qualify. I am proud to say I scored in the top 20 students who took the test. Only stayed my freshman year tho, NO BOYS ! come I begged and pleaded and finally my mom agreed to let me transfer to the local public HS..where I was allowed " to skip" a grade and graduated at 16.
Ahhhhh wonderful memories...laughing..and♥♥♥
lol, I was just joking that I originally misread your post to say that you wanted a stuffed animal to be your girlfriend. I have no clue what a Ruxpin bear even is, although I assume it's not one that has claws and can maul you for licking it.

Wow, what an off day for my English usage!!! Ya got me here!!
im a six foot tall girl. i grew up thinking i had alot of water in my ear but i found out i was just hard of hearing. more in my left then my right but my rights no that great either. im the oldest of six kids and im 18 years older then my brother and im 18. lol
Well..I know many people who can write with either hand. I can write backwards..yep..entire pages. You can read it by holding it to a mirror or looking at the page from the back when held to the light. I never practiced this. I just started to do it when I was about 12. I actually wrote a complete...
Ahhhhh wonderful memories...laughing..and♥♥♥
That was very interesting! :)
The interesting thing is...there is nothing interesting about me.:P