I was at high school mainsteam (same skool as AllisonJoy/Hea but I was in different building. There was 2 buildings but 1 same school. 1 was academic where AllisonJoy/Hea was and the building I was in was vocational. All I can remember my teacher IMMEDATELY turn on the tv after a phone call. My guess would be from the office. Anyway, I was totally confused then I look at my interperter to explain what happened. (NO CC ON TV) I then look at the tv and saw the 2nd plane crash. I got more confused and basically was unable to think, focus, or anything else that day. I left that school to go deaf school for another half of the day, I then found out 1 of my teacher was flipping out about her son who was near WTC. She got calm the next day letting us know that her son was okay.
It was also scary because I was 18 at the time. Finally turn 18, free from my mom's rules... I went on the trip like in August, 2 week I think.. or the 3rd. I was in Penn. then on Sept 11th, it happened. I actually sunk on the chair and couldn't think correctly.
About a month later, I was dating with a guy who lives in MA, I live in RI. I took a Bonazona (sp?) bus to MA airport... man, no police, no nothing to protect us from the terrorist then a week later, people start to complain. How nice!
But today to think about it, I'm glad i'm alive today to see the fact the leader of the terrorist's 2 sons had died. They were being shot and killed by our AMERICA!

HARRAY AMERICA ARMY! AND to my brother - in - law serving our country right now and will be home in Feb, 2004.
As for Java, that song are very teary song.

I have been lately listen to GOD BLESS AMERICA by LeAnn Rimes. I also am terrified by flying the plane and still not sure if I should go on to fly another countries that I had dream of going to. My boyfriend is fighting with me about traveling methods and I kept saying 1 way of traveling...DRIVING!
Curious, had it change your life?