I will never forget 9/11. I was there because I work for PENTAGON.
I was five months pregnant with my first son. I work for Pentagon. I work at Navy Annex (FOB2) owned by Pentagon, Pentagon is FOB1 (two buildings) I am a block away from Pentagon. I occassionally go to Pentagon (FOB1) for meetings where I work.
It still scares me to the day, I still work at FOB2 today.
My co worker and I heard about the WTC attack. We were glued to the tv watching WTC 1 on fire, and we saw the 2nd airplane going into WTC2 knowing it was something wrong, knew it was an terrorist attack. I ran to call my husband at work to let him know what is going on since he does not have access to tv or radio. just internet.
My hubby was confused and all. While I was talking to him on the phone, My whole office shook, frames and office panel was trembling, I looked up and saw my papers shaking, then Loud BOOM! it was deafening.
I looked to my co worker, she looked at me and said , "oh my god! let's get the fuck out of here", I hung up on my husband. grabbed all my stuff and ran towards the door to exit my office, we saw huge fire ball and smoke coming from our office windows, our windows looks straight to that section where airplane was struck, all my co workers fleed in panic, we told our boss we are outta here, he didn't give a damn, he was sitting and working on his computer. he lost his mind. ANyway, my co worker helped me to go down the stairs because I was pregnant and did not want me to miscarry because of all stress and traumics since I had my first miscarriage two yrs before.
We ran, people didn't care, pushing and shoveling, but I managed to get out of staircase, ran to the parking lot, we were in shock and could feel the heat from the flame and heat was so bad, you could smell gasoline, we saw the whole destruction, the plane, the wing, tail, you name it.. before emts arrived, we would like oh my fucking god....my co worker just pushed me in her car and drove/sped out of the parking lot before it got closed, she ran over grass median before cops could stop her, my co worker didnt give a damn because she didnt want us to stay at building and be stuck.
we drove to her place, I vanpool with those people who works at pentagon, had no clue where they are, too much so my co worker took me home and tried calling her parents and I tried calling my husband. My husband was so so scared because he thought we were struck since I hung up on him, like 3 hrs later I got a hd and told my hubby that I was ok and he was relieved and was worried about the baby and me, and told him that I didnt know when I would get home because they closed the highways.
my hubby was able to get a hold of my parents in Texas, my parents and family were all upset and crying not knowing where I was since I work at Pentagon. Once my hubby got a hold and told them I was ok and was out of there. I didnt get home til 7 at night by using backroads trying to get home, my co worker took me home because no transportation was being run, I didn't go to work next day that my boss expected me, how can you go to work and see destruction from our office windows. Later on, we found out that the plane did actually fly over our FOB2 bulding into pentagon, broke our building's antennas, broke some windows from the explosion.
now the pentagon is all rebuilt, trying to raise money to build a memorial park for those victims who died at penatgon attack. they need like 30 million dollars. We just got new antennas built last month, better and newer technolocy. I am still trying to find a job and move out of state, it still haunts me today, and am still thankful that I had my son born in jan 2002.
I do feel for those victim's family who died on 9/11. Rest in peace.