Where were you when Sept. 11 incidents happened in New York and Washington DC?
I was just wondering where you guys were when that happened. I sure hope it isn't a repost as I haven't been in AD 1 as I am aware this one is the 2nd one, right?
MOD: if this is a repost, I apologise and could you move it to the correct thread if there's one.

I was asleep as it was September 12th around 1am when the incidents in NY and Washington DC began to happen. (Remember, I'm in Australia and we're about a day (18+ hours) ahead. My father in law rang my husband and woke us up and said to watch TV, 'America's being attacked.' That scared me...I did'nt know what to expect, so I turned the TV on. The first pictures I saw was of one World Trade Centre on fire with smoke billowing from it. I immediately went online to check to make sure my sister was OK as she lives in Maryland, not too far from Washington DC...as reports came in about a plane crashing into the Pentagon.
Sister was OK -- it was strange that I was the ONE relaying the news to her as there were no TV's where she works and she had NO idea what was happening, so I told her what was going on, etc.
It was quite distressing watching a plane crash into the 2nd WTC then them collapsing. I cried when I saw people hanging out from the windows and then falling out. It was terrible.
:madfawk: at those damned bloody terrorists! They killed thousands of people at the WTC and some at Pentagon and in the planes!
*sighing* Had to vent this out -- just wish that there was a way to eridicate those terrorists off the face of earth.