Wow, tired topic revived.
I believe the mis-education of parents regarding SEE comes from well meaning but ill-advised/poorly trained teachers.
The schools in my area have MH classrooms where the teachers use SEE. Why? Because when they were in college, dealing with deaf children was a small block of a quarter and they had the big yellow Signing Exact English book thrust upon them and told 'do this'.
Students in the middle and high school settings are provided aides, not interpreters who were tossed the big yellow book and told 'do this'.
A good example this year was the Christmas Program. My 3yr. old granddaughter is in the preschool program and their song was 'Up on the House Top', to sing and sign. We were excited to help her practice...but...the signs were word word word in English order - or - help from us. The audience was thrilled and we heard several comments about how great it was to see classes doing ASL.
Long way around to my point or observation...people are not educated about linguistics and believe ASL and MCEs are the same thing and interchangable.