Ah.. there is a difference between being a fundamental Tea Partier and being the stereotype of the Tea Partier. I was referring to those who fulfill the stereotype of being a Tea Partier. I believe that there are a lot of Tea Party posers, i.e. those who call themselves Tea Partiers but don't really know what it's all about. Curious, do you agree that there are some posers?
Of course-there are posers in every club\group etc... Most of them claim to be Tea Partiers when their not. The Tea Party is not about the GOP, or the Dems, its about America. It's about America because our Government-yes, all Government regardless who they are affiliated with, can't seem to understand that they are NOT royalty. The money they spend is not "Government" money, it is the American citizens money. The Tea Party welcomes all, regardless of race, color, affiliation, sex or religion-as long as you believe that it is our money and not the governments money. We are not about "no tax's at all" because that is unrealistic.
If we as Tea partiers fail, it's is not the "Tea Party" failure, it is the American Citizens failure to reign in government spending. You really want to understand what we are about? I challange each and every one of you to take one month and do this.....
For every tax dollar spent on gas, clothes, medical supplies, propery tax, tax's on your bills, junkfood tax, payroll tax-this includes all state tax talley it up. You will find that you are working for Uncle Sam and your state 4-6 months a year. In other words-January 2012 to April-June 2012 all that money you earned goes to taxes-not to you.
Obviously-for those who are getting and living off of the government check, well, I guess they won't really care as much.
Our governments solution is to make you pay more taxes so they can spend more money. We need a budget, we need budget cuts, it's gonna be painful but it has to be done-like going to the dentist. We need to do this for our children and our childrens children and we need to keep America strong.
If, after you take the challange, you still don't believe in reigning in taxes and government spending it will be either because you don't pay taxes or as I said above your getting a government check.
If you feel awckward about joing the party but still believe that it's too much tax-well, you really don't have to be a partier. Elect someone who cares about the same thing and write to your congressperson