San Franciso Banned Bottle water?

Maybe there is a time limit on how long you can park in one spot ? There is a 3 hours limits to park in one spot at parking lot in my city. People that work down town will move their to another parking space to avoid getting a ticket .
Downtown Charleston also has time limits for the parking meters. I usually use the parking garages instead.

Then I might had ended here ! LOL!
Did you know her parents (in real life) are deaf, and that she signs?
Wasn't that Cool-Hand Luke? :hmm:

I thought that was in 'One flew over the cuckoo's nest ' with Jack" Nicholson and that was why he got locked in nuts house . You're right . I got my movies mixed up. OOPS !
They ban plastic bottles plastic bags but they legalize pot. That makes a lot of sense. :roll:
I get the impression that this could be installed to just one tap and get just drinking water out of that one. If so, that would help the waste and cost.

It's installed at one tap and the waste of water with the RO system is always the problem: some systems lose 4 gallons for each gallon of drinking water. Most bottled water companies use RO systems to treat their water and they waste a lot of water to provide you with drinking water in those plastic bottles.