Those stories from the five books of Moses (the law of Moses) are in the Old Testament, and they are the Jewish teachings, not the Christian teachings. In the New Testament, the Jewish beliefs were taken away when Christ came. Yes, Christ was baptized under the Jewish faith when he was a baby. He wasn't in the position at the time. Later, He was baptized by his cousin. Christ's teachings were often in conflict with the law of Moses. In the days of the Apostles in the New Testament, there are many verses that mention circumcision, but none of them say it has to be done. The Apostles determined that it is not required by the Lord.
Circumcision had been around a long time before Moses, and even before Abraham. It is first recorded in Ancient Egypt but had become fairly wide spread. However, the Greeks didn't approve of it, so it was highly discouraged after the conquests of Alexander the Great. Ancient Greeks didn't consider a man truly naked unless his prepuce was retracted.
In US, the highest rate of circumcision rose to 91% in the late 1970s. These days it has declined to about 50%. It is still declining, and so it is unnecessary to produce the new local law in the first place.