You guys are going in circles with your arguments, and many of you are resorting to petty personal attacks, which really don't serve you or your arguments well at all.
I think we all might be able to agree that ALL parents (or, at least all parents here) want what is best for their children. The problem we're running into with these discussions about cochlear implants is that for each family, the definition of "best" is different, sometimes vastly different. No one wants to think that the choices they make for their children are the WRONG choices, and so when we have such a controversial topic such as this, where each "side" is convinced that the decisions they've made are THE right decisions... it's going to be impossible NOT to take these differences of opinion personally.
For the sake of harmony/unity here on these boards, you guys are going to have to come to SOME kind of acceptance that your adversaries on the other side of this argument are NOT going to change their minds, and are doing what they think is best for their children.
As far as this particular argument about bacterial meningitis goes... some of you see the 0.017% risk as an acceptable risk. Some of you see ONE death as one death too many. I don't think either side is going to convince the other on this. Personally, I see it as similar to plane crashes... we know that there are hundreds or thousands of flights taking place each day. And if there are three crashes in the same week, it's going to receive a lot of media coverage, and a lot of people are going to shy away from air travel as a result. Other people will continue to see the risk as a small one, and continue to travel. Again, it's a personal decision.
As an outsider looking in, I can tell you that it is evident that ALL of you care for your children, and are only concerned with doing what you think is in their best interest. (Or, for those of you adults who've chosen to be implanted yourselves, you've chosen to do what you think is in YOUR best interest.) I think this is going to have to be one of those arguments where there isn't a RIGHT or WRONG final answer... but rather, a right answer for YOU or for your children. And personally, I think we'd do better to just accept whatever those decisions are, and not attempt to demonize those decisions on the other "side" of the argument.