I agree somewhat you say. However, I've read some posts that the facts aren't true, and they spread around that CI is no good. That pisses me off that they're spreading stuff that aren't even true.
They would say stuff like, CI should never be implanted on children, CI sucks, Poor to those people who were ex-CIers, etc...then they don't back up their facts. There are posts that says "Why implant kids? Accept their deafness? who cares HA doesn't help. Use ASL. Don't use oral methods. CI destroys Deaf culture, etc" among those lines. THOSE people I call anti-ci because they won't accept the fact that CI is helpful for SOME people. I've always said that CI is not for everyone, and it's all based on personal choices (majority about parents implanting their children)
I'm sorry for those people who did not do the research beforehand (like many parents who implanted their children and thinking that they will be hearing, or adults with high expectations, etc), or the implant didn't work for them for various reasons (lack of training, bad surgery, bad implant, or as simple as it just doesn't work for them).
It's okay if people don't like CI because of personal choices, personal beliefs, etc, I have no problem with that, and I will not call you anti-CI. You can talk about why you don't like CI, and if it's a false belief, or false fact, it most likely will be attacked.
Sometimes I think of this subject as pro-choice, Pro-life. Pro life have their reasons why they are against abortion, and they back up their facts (which are true). Pro-Choice back up their facts as well. This battle won't win. same thing for Pro-CI, Anti-CI - the battle won't win. However, if both sides realize that "this exists", we can learn from both sides. I did not realize how many people out there that the CI doesn't work for them until I looked through this site or heard from others, but then I discovered the reason WHY it didn't work for them.
The one issue that bothers me the most is that some people will say, "See! Implant didn't work for him because HIS PARENTS FORCED CI!" Having the CI does not "fail" because of the force from the parents. Yes, there's some users that do not want to use their CI because they blame their parents forcing them to have CI, but it doesn't mean that the CI doesn't work anymore....it was a personal choice for this person not to have CI. I hope I'm making some sense in this statement...
It doesn't make me any more Pro-CI, or less Anti-CI. I am against CI for several reasons, and I'm an advocate for CI for several reasons.
Does that help clarify things a little bit? Mind you, this is from MY observation.