Haha RoseRodent, I didn't know you could do that with an FM! I wouldn't have dared- teachers pet.
Deafdyke, I'm 25 this week so not quite a kid but thankyou

I did well academically with the exception of music and PE, which I suppose I 'failed' but we weren't graded as such, just didn't get the option of continuing them to a higher level. Both because I felt like a tiny tiny fish in a big pond and couldn't understand what was going on- but when I was wearing my aids and using the FM system what else could I do? I was too ashamed sometimes to say anything, didn't want to rock the boat. I got good grades in other subjects.
My SEN report from age 8 or so said I was often insensitive but easily hurt myself, and could benefit from social counselling-- did I get anything?... As an adult I've struggled severely with depression and self esteem, and my school years had a big impact on me.
I know what you mean about group work, RoseRodent. I either ended up being ignored, or doing all of the work for little of the credit.
Deafdyke- yes, friends who were like me were so important. Having terrible analogue ITEs made things difficult in the playground- kids would tease/bully me and half the time I wouldn't hear everything but I knew they were mocking me- the 'WHAT? WHAT? PARDON?' I still get sometimes. I loved being with the other SEN kids but as I got older we were split up and mainstreamed. My main issue with being mainstreamed was the amount of background noise/difficulty for me- school was an old building with high ceilings and 30+ kids in a class. A lot of the teachers time was spent telling us what to do or disciplining unruly kids- just not enough time to help people with the work. I felt singled out in a negative way- 'Do you understand, Melissa?' was shorthand for say yes and figure it out later or you risk looking stupid. My other criticism was that the FM allowed listening to the teacher, and aids to the background noise of the class- so not both- either way I was cut off from something.
I don't know if I would have been academically any better, but I think I would have been happier socially and in myself. Why is it an 'achievement' to go from hearing very well in a quiet room to not understanding conversation, in a crowded room, but managing to get along- or do very well as RoseRodent said, if the work is mostly written.