Putting The Blame on God...

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God made plan for us to teach other ppl about the mistake or suffereing what we have been through. It is not God's fault. It just the plan and we dont know the plan. Once we learn the plan and find it mistake or suffering then we turn into a teacher to teach other ppl about our mistake and suffering. Hoping that other ppl will not make mistake or have suffered what we went through in the first place.

Dont blame God but be thanksful for the plan to learn the lesson.
^Angel^ said:
Since I've been reading this book called " The Power Of Forgiveness " and also notice some people putting the blame on God....I thought I would share some of you what I've read in this book and I hope it helps each of you to understand instead of putting the blame on God....

" Many people have problems of unforgiveness toward God. Those who have never experienced that feeling may not understand it. But those who have know what it is to feel animosity toward God because they blame Him for cheating them out of something important in their lives. Things have not worked out the way they had planned. They firgure that God could have changed things if He had wanted to, but since He didn't , they feel disappointed and blame Him for their situation.

If you are holding on to this attitude, you know it is impossible to have fellowship with someone you are mad at. If so, the only answer is to forgive God. Of Course, God does not need to be forgiven! But such heart honesty can break the bondage and restore the fellowship that has been broken with the Lord.

Often we think if we knew why certain things happened to us, we would be satisfied. I believe God tells us only what we really need to know, what we are prepared to handle, and what will not harm us, but will, in fact , help us. We must learn to trust God and not try to figure out everything in life.

There must come a time when we stop living in the past and asking why. Instead, we must learn to let God turn our scars into stars...."

Why we must forgive?

" Jesus taught us that we are to forgive those who hurt us, to pray for those who despitefully use us, That is hard, But there is something harder --being full of hatred, bitterness and resentment..."

I know all too much about this, I was sexually, physically, verbally and emotionally abused from the time I can remember until I left home at the age of 18...I have been rejected, abandoned, betrayed, and divorced. I know what it means to hurt....and I thank God that He has shown me how to recover.... Wounded emotions can become a prison that locks us into our pain and keep others out. Perhaps you are in the condition in life where I was, an emotional prisoner, It's a bitter, resentful, angry prison cell, and forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door that holds us there...

Do you think it is time to let go of whatever happens in the past and forgive those who hurt us? and Do you think it time to stop blaming God for all the problems you are having in the past to now that's inculding losing your hearing?...

Yes, I think it is time to let go of whatever happens in the past and forgive those who hurt us... We learned that it is better to let go painful experience from the past. And focus on future, because we are going to face another painful experience. No pain, no gain.

No pain, no gain... To me is like, if I wanna lose weight, of course I will feel pain in my stomach growling for food, and have cramp in my legs from exercise.
And if I want to look better by having face surgery, of course I will have swollen face with pain.
And if we go to work everyday, of course, it is hard, but we gain money.
And if love relationship is so hard, of course, we gain by getting marry.
And raising children, it is a rewarding.

I don't blame God for my problems....
When I wanted something so bad and can't get it, and I feel God is trying to tell me something, but I ignored him, and sneak in by lying and all and finally got it, and face consequences.
No pain, no gain.

There is no way to get things without working hard for it, nothing is easy.
God is testing you....

How much you're pain and no matter what you're still forgiven what Jesus gave you "forgiven your sins"
You feel angry at God.. cannot be blamed to God...
What you did your own brian and control.... God is not puppet you..
God likes let your own life and what r u planning.. want to join Jesus in your heart...
Will be happy forgiven you...

Im not here blame God..
sometimes I felt angry god.. I know God is not fault..
What I've mistaken.... and ask God forgive me for my sins.. that normal for everyones.
All evil proceedeth from satan.

All Good proceedeth from God.

That is how I see it.
Wow, I forgot all about this thread.....nice to see it again! heh...
How can some people forget about their thread?

And how can people blame God for their problem, I don't get it.
I don't blame God for my problems, I blame the human race for my problems. I seek to God to guide me in the right path, I do believe that God gave me signs that this guy was no good for me, I oversight them, didn't even think about those signs. If I would pay attention more I would not get hurt as much. ;)
Sign, yeah, everytime I want a man, I ignored the sign and met a wrong man.

And when I don't want man, I ignored the sign and missed the right man.

Why do the right guy always comes along at the wrong time?
Pomeranian said:
God made plan for us to teach other ppl about the mistake or suffereing what we have been through. It is not God's fault. It just the plan and we dont know the plan. Once we learn the plan and find it mistake or suffering then we turn into a teacher to teach other ppl about our mistake and suffering. Hoping that other ppl will not make mistake or have suffered what we went through in the first place.

Dont blame God but be thanksful for the plan to learn the lesson.


Don´t blame God.. We should be grateful for the strength what we get from God and Jesus to acheive our life to learn wrong or right.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
How can some people forget about their thread?

This thread was create last year hon and beside I create many threads here...
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Sign, yeah, everytime I want a man, I ignored the sign and met a wrong man.

And when I don't want man, I ignored the sign and missed the right man.

Why do the right guy always comes along at the wrong time?

The first thing that needs to happen for that, Miss*Pinocchio, is that you need to be the right woman.;)
Vance said:
this topic is perfect for ravensteve.

nice one, angel.


I'm going to pm you to come back and stay here...we need your input. I don't recall seeing your posts before, but that's okay. However, I will say that this topic is perfect for all of us, not just for ravensteve. Christians need this, as do people who don't know Christ as Saviour need to hear this. Besides, medical studies have shown that forgiveness does a body good.;)
However, I will say that this topic is perfect for all of us, not just for ravensteve. Christians need this, as do people who don't know Christ as Saviour need to hear this. Besides, medical studies have shown that forgiveness does a body good.;)

I agree it does. :)
God is testing you....

How much you're pain and no matter what you're still forgiven what Jesus gave you "forgiven your sins"
You feel angry at God.. cannot be blamed to God...
What you did your own brian and control.... God is not puppet you..
God likes let your own life and what r u planning.. want to join Jesus in your heart...
Will be happy forgiven you...

Im not here blame God..
sometimes I felt angry god.. I know God is not fault..
What I've mistaken.... and ask God forgive me for my sins.. that normal for everyones.

i already forgive God for everything
and i have faith in myself and God slowly
Do you think it is time to let go of whatever happens in the past and forgive those who hurt us? and Do you think it time to stop blaming God for all the problems you are having in the past to now that's inculding losing your hearing?...

Dang...what a topic!

After reading several posts related to the topic, I can honestly say that sometimes its easy to forgive in some situations than others.

The "others" takes time to heal if they ever heal. Now I know that one should forgive and forget in order to live in peace with oneself and others but again that is a big order and I am human afterall.

Do I blame God for some of the things that have happend in the past? Yes I do. Have I forgiven Him? Yes I have. Have I forgiven some people? Some I have, some I haven't, some I may never forgive.

The one thing I can honestly say is that forgiveness isn't easily handed out.
Why would I out Blame God ? You trying to make me blame on God? I am not here to blame on God at all. I just blaming the chr..t.. ....mmmm.. Nevermind.. you know what i talk about. Mmmm..
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