Putting The Blame on God...

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♥"Concrete Angel"♥
Premium Member
Nov 28, 2003
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Since I've been reading this book called " The Power Of Forgiveness " and also notice some people putting the blame on God....I thought I would share some of you what I've read in this book and I hope it helps each of you to understand instead of putting the blame on God....

" Many people have problems of unforgiveness toward God. Those who have never experienced that feeling may not understand it. But those who have know what it is to feel animosity toward God because they blame Him for cheating them out of something important in their lives. Things have not worked out the way they had planned. They firgure that God could have changed things if He had wanted to, but since He didn't , they feel disappointed and blame Him for their situation.

If you are holding on to this attitude, you know it is impossible to have fellowship with someone you are mad at. If so, the only answer is to forgive God. Of Course, God does not need to be forgiven! But such heart honesty can break the bondage and restore the fellowship that has been broken with the Lord.

Often we think if we knew why certain things happened to us, we would be satisfied. I believe God tells us only what we really need to know, what we are prepared to handle, and what will not harm us, but will, in fact , help us. We must learn to trust God and not try to figure out everything in life.

There must come a time when we stop living in the past and asking why. Instead, we must learn to let God turn our scars into stars...."

Why we must forgive?

" Jesus taught us that we are to forgive those who hurt us, to pray for those who despitefully use us, That is hard, But there is something harder --being full of hatred, bitterness and resentment..."

I know all too much about this, I was sexually, physically, verbally and emotionally abused from the time I can remember until I left home at the age of 18...I have been rejected, abandoned, betrayed, and divorced. I know what it means to hurt....and I thank God that He has shown me how to recover.... Wounded emotions can become a prison that locks us into our pain and keep others out. Perhaps you are in the condition in life where I was, an emotional prisoner, It's a bitter, resentful, angry prison cell, and forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door that holds us there...

Do you think it is time to let go of whatever happens in the past and forgive those who hurt us? and Do you think it time to stop blaming God for all the problems you are having in the past to now that's inculding losing your hearing?...
this topic is perfect for ravensteve.

nice one, angel.
Such a nice thread you posted there ^Angel^, In facts I agree with you about everything you stated above, Forgiving is a good thing and helps you feel better about yourself and others around you. Everyone in the world has their share of problems, And forgiveness is needed as a healing attitude that takes care of the problem. Life is too short to be build on angry and sour. ;)
It's so easy...God is omnipotent, and we cannot really see or comprend him...its so easy to blame him for our troubles...

"If God loved me, He wouldnt have let me get fat."
"If God loved me, He wouldnt have let me get into trouble."
"If God loved me, He wouldnt have let me lose my job."
"If God loved me, He wouldnt have let me lose my hearing."
"If God loved me, He wouldnt have let me get into the accident."

"Therefore, it's all His fault."

Wake up dearies, all is not lost. It is God's plan, yes, but it's not His fault. No matter what happens, it just happens.

Remember, God does have a plan for you, and whatever goes on in your life, it's part of His plan for you...be it either an easy road or a hard path.

Remember...He has a reward for you at the end.

Don't take His name in vain (swearing) but praise Him and ask him for his guidance...and patience. You gonna need LOTS of it.

EDIT: I think Reba can explain it better than me...you know?
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Blame Him? Not really. Forgive Him? yes. Angry at Him? yes for this He lets republicans destroy our lives.

How is God destorying their lives?...It the republicans who is doing this not God himself or letting them, God give us free will to make a choice on this earth, it them who made that choice of destory others, not God Himself...so there's no reason to be angry at God just because people do what they want when they aren't really following God's way....
jazzy said:
Blame Him? Not really. Forgive Him? yes. Angry at Him? yes for this He lets republicans destroy our lives.

Hahaha. Too many politic debate with you about Democracy or Republican destorying our life. But in fact, all government parties do destroy some-kind of our life. You can't say that only republican destroyed our life, that is big no, no. All government parties do destroy our life, for only three reasons; POWER, MONEY, and PRIDE. In fact all of them are sin, anyway. lol
^Angel^ said:

How is God destorying their lives?...It the republicans who is doing this not God himself or letting them, God give us free will to make a choice on this earth, it them who made that choice of destory others, not God Himself...so there's no reason to be angry at God just because people do what they want when they aren't really following God's way....

Does God protect us from them?
jazzy said:
Does God protect us from them?

It's depending on the person, if they are walking in God ways..
Crazymanw00t said:
Hahaha. Too many politic debate with you about Democracy or Republican destorying our life. But in fact, all government parties do destroy some-kind of our life. You can't say that only republican destroyed our life, that is big no, no. All government parties do destroy our life, for only three reasons; POWER, MONEY, and PRIDE. In fact all of them are sin, anyway. lol

You forgot something here. It is people who voted them and want this and that. They control the lives of our own. They think of themselves when they voted. They don't care about others and did not know much about people suffers. Then they claim they are God's followers. They can do what they want to do with themselves but in my case my husband suffer has to do with people who voted. Why their sins has to hurt us?
^Angel^ said:
It's depending on the person, if they are walking in God ways..
Jesus suffered and died, God does not protect Him.
^Angel^ said:
It's depending on the person, if they are walking in God ways..
I am sure many of them do and they end up suffering by these people.

Jesus was a liberal and I can use him as a good example. He was walking in God ways (obviously). One of His teachings i.e. Social Equality can make any conservatives screaming for his death. Bush's plan (141 millions of acres of wildlifes) will be wipe out. That is like morally wrong and not follow God ways... If we, liberals are fighting to save these wildlifes, we probably will end up calling 'traitors' or 'terrorists' by these people.

I can use many, many examples but I really don't want to participate in this kind of debate. I just want to imply that this topic is perfect for ravensteve.

I am done with this topic (in other words, I will not bother to check this topic ever again). Peace out!
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jazzy said:
You forgot something here. It is people who voted them and want this and that. They control the lives of our own. They think of themselves when they voted. They don't care about others and did not know much about people suffers. Then they claim they are God's followers. They can do what they want to do with themselves but in my case my husband suffer has to do with people who voted. Why their sins has to hurt us?

I am opposed to your statement that they (Republican) believed that they are god followers. Republican focus to keeping the old tradition way, not to adjust with our new living style which Liberal support with that way. I am not like one that you said, I do care about our people's life. I care about our homeless. I always think about ourself right now and in future. In future that would be safe for our children and the future, too. Liberalist people want to change their life to suit the today's technology which it isn't stable, yet. Well, everyone in world have same suffer. I have same suffers as your father. I hate porn and I keep looking at it anyway. It is because of sin. What I could do? OFC pray for Jesus Christ and try my best to follow his holy way.

You said why their sin aganist us? No, we all are sinners at no matter what. We are sinners because we are born as sinners from Adam and Eve. There are no worse sin or easy sin. All sins are one sin. We are separated from GOD and his holy world. Right now, we are in the father of lair's world. Jesus is here to protect us from the lair. So We gotta put our faith in Jesus Christ. If you want me to explain much more of that and let me know.
Magatsu said:
I am sure many of them do and they end up suffering by these people.

Jesus was a liberal.

Jesus Christ is not LIBERAL OR REPUBLICAN!! Jesus is Jesus and Jesus is Holy. Nothing more than that.
Crazymanw00t said:
I am opposed to your statement that they (Republican) believed that they are god followers. Republican focus to keeping the old tradition way, not to adjust with our new living style which Liberal support with that way. I am not like one that you said, I do care about our people's life. I care about our homeless. I always think about ourself right now and in future. In future that would be safe for our children and the future, too. Liberalist people want to change their life to suit the today's technology which it isn't stable, yet. Well, everyone in world have same suffer. I have same suffers as your father. I hate porn and I keep looking at it anyway. It is because of sin. What I could do? OFC pray for Jesus Christ and try my best to follow his holy way.

You said why their sin aganist us? No, we all are sinners at no matter what. We are sinners because we are born as sinners from Adam and Eve. There are no worse sin or easy sin. All sins are one sin. We are separated from GOD and his holy world. Right now, we are in the father of lair's world. Jesus is here to protect us from the lair. So We gotta put our faith in Jesus Christ. If you want me to explain much more of that and let me know.

I have few minutes to post this before my pc freeze on me.
I did not talking about you, I am talking about my christian friends who voted Bush because he is a christian. They are God followers and very good people. They said Kerry is not christian so they voted Bush. This is what I am having problem with this. Old way? my sister wanted our government to be small and less tax to pay, that is why she is a republican.

I am for change and new technology to deal the problems we have today and improvement for our future children.

My father? he died years ago from lung cancer and you do not want to live with his suffers. No wish for anyone to go thru this kind of pain.

about sins, yes we all are sinners and we are not mean to be a perfect. We separate from God because of our sins then we have Jesus to rescue us.
Your sins agaisnt me and my sins against you. You may not aware of your sin against me and I may not aware of my sins against you. We need to forgive others for their sins and ask others to forgive my sins. Before God can forgive our sins, we need to forgive others first. I forgave people for vote CA governor Arnold because of what he did to us and he may not know it and people who voted for him may not know it. We suffer because of them. God may help us or not, we will see when we go and see dr tmw.
DreamDeaf said:
It's so easy...God is omnipotent, and we cannot really see or comprend him...its so easy to blame him for our troubles...

"If God loved me, He wouldnt have let me get fat."
"If God loved me, He wouldnt have let me get into trouble."
"If God loved me, He wouldnt have let me lose my job."
"If God loved me, He wouldnt have let me lose my hearing."
"If God loved me, He wouldnt have let me get into the accident."

"Therefore, it's all His fault."

Wake up dearies, all is not lost. It is God's plan, yes, but it's not His fault. No matter what happens, it just happens.

Remember, God does have a plan for you, and whatever goes on in your life, it's part of His plan for you...be it either an easy road or a hard path.

Remember...He has a reward for you at the end.

Don't take His name in vain (swearing) but praise Him and ask him for his guidance...and patience. You gonna need LOTS of it.

EDIT: I think Reba can explain it better than me...you know?
*looks at ravensteve1961*
this is most definetly a good topic to talk about, angel...

it's just not healthy to be angry all the time...being angry at the world and the people, etc...being angry just won't solve anything and there's no reason to push people around just because of what happened in the past and you can't change the past...what's done is done, PERIOD!

Forgiveness is the best way to forget about the past and just MOVE on. move on with your life and your beloved ones.
jazzy said:
I have few minutes to post this before my pc freeze on me.
I did not talking about you, I am talking about my christian friends who voted Bush because he is a christian. They are God followers and very good people. They said Kerry is not christian so they voted Bush. This is what I am having problem with this. Old way? my sister wanted our government to be small and less tax to pay, that is why she is a republican.

I am for change and new technology to deal the problems we have today and improvement for our future children.

My father? he died years ago from lung cancer and you do not want to live with his suffers. No wish for anyone to go thru this kind of pain.

about sins, yes we all are sinners and we are not mean to be a perfect. We separate from God because of our sins then we have Jesus to rescue us.
Your sins agaisnt me and my sins against you. You may not aware of your sin against me and I may not aware of my sins against you. We need to forgive others for their sins and ask others to forgive my sins. Before God can forgive our sins, we need to forgive others first. I forgave people for vote CA governor Arnold because of what he did to us and he may not know it and people who voted for him may not know it. We suffer because of them. God may help us or not, we will see when we go and see dr tmw.

Nice post!

Yeah I am heavy 2nd hand smoker, and I already suffered a few health problems, that I may not know of it. My first father died front of me from his heart attack with alcoholic. All men in my family died in 50s because of alcoholic. I am suffering without my 1st father. He got a lot of skills that I want to have it. But oh well.
I'll admit that I've experienced some things in life that make me question God himself - I do believe in the existence of God, however, I have lost a lot of faith. "Mal foi." In french, that means "bad faith."

However...do I blame Him for things that have gone wrong? No. I don't. I WONDER though, why horrible things happen to good people - and additionally wonder why God, who supposedly is our ruler, our King, allows for awful occurances. Couldn't he have prevented the Tsunami? The mudslide? The kidnappings, rapes, murders of little children?

I don't blame him, but I don't have much faith either. :/ Eh...interesting topic though.
Malfoyish said:
I'll admit that I've experienced some things in life that make me question God himself - I do believe in the existence of God, however, I have lost a lot of faith. "Mal foi." In french, that means "bad faith."

However...do I blame Him for things that have gone wrong? No. I don't. I WONDER though, why horrible things happen to good people - and additionally wonder why God, who supposedly is our ruler, our King, allows for awful occurances. Couldn't he have prevented the Tsunami? The mudslide? The kidnappings, rapes, murders of little children?

I don't blame him, but I don't have much faith either. :/ Eh...interesting topic though.

Aw, I know exactly what you are talking about here girl, I was once in your shoes and I have question God myself too soo many times, why things like this happen in my life , I didn't quite understand it until later on, so I do know how you feel, and there's nothing wrong for feeling this way!... :hug: ...

But you know me, I am here for you anytime you need a shoulder to cry on! ;)
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