After giving Purple a try, They gave me bunch of headache already. They are unreliable. I hate to give ranting against SmartVP instead of raves.
From my experience, and proved myself over and over. The idea of PNP (Plug N Play) is BS with VP. Videophone itself is a real time application and they don't do well with automatically plug n play. Maybe on computer yes, but as stand alone, SVP is a crap! I had to call some of contact to let them know need to discontinue purple number.
Two big problems with SmartVP, one is their remote control SUCKS! I don't like the idea of using RF technology for remote control because it can be controlled from ANY room or location, for instance my SmartVP is in living room, and I am in master bedroom I can send command to SmartVP, not a good thing! Verses, Sorenson using IR, meaning I must point the remote control in clear path to the camera unit so no accidentally call out or accept calls. Big fat thumbs down for Purple.
Secondly, I don't like the idea of PNP on port configuration. When a Videophone has automatic random select available ports to use, it DOES change during the calls, before and after the calls! When that happens, usually routers don't update automatically, causing black screen from time to time. The black screen often caused by plugged in wrong port. What I like about sorenson VP is that port is manually configured and locked in. I locked and reserved TCP 1720 to my VP private IP address, also for video (No black screen) I set 15328 to 15348 TCP AND TCP to VP private IP address. That way, I won't be seeing black screen.
Other advantage having hard configured port forwarding is that it DOES improve video quality, that is why no other competitor were able to achieve near perfect video quality as Sorenson offered.
So, why I stick with Sorenson? Simply because Sorenson designed VP to use manual configure port forward and that is best way with REAL TiME application.
As for computer application, won't get that kind of video quality.
Until any competitor decided to develop better stand alone VP, Im sticking with Sorenson!