purple smartVP

I spoke with several Purple tech folks about why I wasn't able to connect so well via two ipads both connected by wifi in two states and this is what they had to say...even with their own devices like iphone, etc...the network technology out there with the routers, etc doesn't always work as well.

No one likes to be misled and I certainly felt that way as it seems the technology is better every six months but not quite there. I thought that with 4g speed that you should be able to have clear video chats but Im told that is not the case. Why??

Two friends told me that as you said it...its the quality of services on the router settings and maybe the tech installers for Smart VP aren't experienced enough to make sure it is the best settings?

Done installed SmartVP, the video quality, Im sorry to say Sorenson Ntouch still even little better. I am going to figure out why this is happening and I think it has to do with router setting on QOS (Quality of Service) I might put Sorenson on top priority, SmartVP might be on mid range. I wish they have better technical specification so I can configure my router. I think it is fixable problem, secondly after hearing claims that SmartVP have built in Sonic alert transmitter which is great. I found the on and off switches in the top of smartVP. I still can't get information what code to set for my receivers. Am waiting to hear purple and Sonic alert techies response.

At this moment, Im just fooling around and testing see if purple live up with their claim. And from my experience, anytime when there is new production, or "First generation" of any products, usually they aren't perfect and in testing stage to improve for future generations.

Overall, SmartVP, Ntouch, and SVP-200. I still like SVP-200 the best for video quality. But for features, SmartVP and Ntouch is much like 50-50

Anyone of you success with sonic alert receiver, please PM how you set it up? Thanks.
Yes they do have different modes even full screen too.
DHB, can you set it to use the full screen on the TV? The NTouch does not, but can the SmartVP do it? We already discussed before about NTouch. I don't need help with that. I'm just curious about SmartVP.
Yes, sometimes router can mess up. Since I have too many routers, I can easily test each of them. For example, cheapo WiFi router can handle 2 or 3 device at a time, high quality or business grade router can handle more WiFi host at same time, but need to add more access points to be able to handle multiple hosts (Ipad, Ipod, android, any WiFi stuff)

Ok, about 4G, its very easy to answer. First, look at the antenna bar if you got only one or two bars, that means your very far from antenna, and it WILL decrease the speed. Same with cable, DSL, the farther you are at, the slower it will become. But if you get 3 to full bars, sometimes it is due to too many devices are connected to that tower and CAN slow down.

Remember few posts ago that I mentioned, Video is a bandwidth HOG! Give you better idea

using video though Internet is like this

Using Audio (Like voice telephone) though Internet, including E mail, text, etc is pretty much like this

Now you notice huge difference in amount of water per seconds between Fire hydrant and garden hose, that is how it is between video and voice.

And give you an idea why wireless gets slower and weaker when increase the distance between device and antenna. That applies to light house. If you are at shore next to light house, man! the light is so bright, right? But if you going over seas, and the farther your from the light house, they get dim and dimmer as you increase the distance to the point where you don't see bright light anymore. So with 4G, the farther your from the tower they dim to the point where they can't filter signals as well as if next to the antenna. Same concept with 4G

Purple gave me the wireless router, and I looked at "Group" and it is A, which means it only can support up to 3 devices at a time. I looked at chart, and definitely need group D not A. But I understand why it is happening. FCC is not giving extras for free anymore, and since it is free I am fine with it. Point is, what I am getting on what I paid for. VRS provided me a Videophone, what else? Oh a VRS software, which means I have two devices that have VRS on it, so router group A is sufficient to cover both of them, if I want add something else, I get to buy my own router to support the rest and that is what FCC wants.

I spoke with several Purple tech folks about why I wasn't able to connect so well via two ipads both connected by wifi in two states and this is what they had to say...even with their own devices like iphone, etc...the network technology out there with the routers, etc doesn't always work as well.

No one likes to be misled and I certainly felt that way as it seems the technology is better every six months but not quite there. I thought that with 4g speed that you should be able to have clear video chats but Im told that is not the case. Why??

Two friends told me that as you said it...its the quality of services on the router settings and maybe the tech installers for Smart VP aren't experienced enough to make sure it is the best settings?

If you wish to be very picky on video quality then stick with Sorenson. I can't find any other VRS providers able to exceed the video quality at lower speed that Sorenson could offer.
Also how many smart phone are connect to the same antenna plays a role on speed too.

I am a vendor and I travel all over working at fairground. In early morning or late at night when fairground is quiet, I can get my email or surf website or use data on my phone like Video Phone with excellent speed throughout.

But during the busiest hours where there thousands of people mean at the fairground which mean there 2x thousands of smart phones (remember is not only adults but also their children have smart phone now days) and I barely get any data traffic or surf the web sites take 100x longer to load but cannot use Video Phone at all period. Reason is because there too many smart phone tying up the antenna on one same tower.

So your Video Phone performance may varies depending on the time of the day, if there lots of active smart phones connect to the same tower antenna that your smart phone are connected to then you will see a poor performance hit even on 4G.

I had smart phone for many years now and as the year process I notice more and more performance hit when more people are using popular social sites like FaceBook or Google+ to share thousands of photo which mean thousand of photo uploading daily in the background.

Yup I agree! When I was at the 4th of july event at the park in Windsor, California, there was thousands and thousands of people and the 4G network was very slow, almost useless due to heavy traffic of the smartphone use. It was faster then slowed down as more people showed up in the same area.

Also how many smart phone are connect to the same antenna plays a role on speed too.

I am a vendor and I travel all over working at fairground. In early morning or late at night when fairground is quiet, I can get my email or surf website or use data on my phone like Video Phone with excellent speed throughout.

But during the busiest hours where there thousands of people mean at the fairground which mean there 2x thousands of smart phones (remember is not only adults but also their children have smart phone now days) and I barely get any data traffic or surf the web sites take 100x longer to load but cannot use Video Phone at all period. Reason is because there too many smart phone tying up the antenna on one same tower.

So your Video Phone performance may varies depending on the time of the day, if there lots of active smart phones connect to the same tower antenna that your smart phone are connected to then you will see a poor performance hit even on 4G.

I had smart phone for many years now and as the year process I notice more and more performance hit when more people are using popular social sites like FaceBook or Google+ to share thousands of photo which mean thousand of photo uploading daily in the background.

There was mention in news media about sport fans complaining of poor receptions during sport breaks, but not while players are in play. (I will try find the link) They explained why, which makes tons of sense to me, but when it comes to media called Video, it robs the network capacity very easily, at least three to 5 times more than regular voice calls. Image, 5 hearing people calling on phone is equilvent to just one Deaf person talking on videophone. This is one of reason why I think the concept of functionality equilvent for VRS is just a political joke and just add confusion that is all. With due respect of technology limitation, what could have better understood if we demand functionality adaptive instead of functionality equivalent. Think about it, if we want functionality adaptive, we could easily request accommodation as VRI,, then congress would be more likely agreed upon because it is considered adaptive, instead of equilvent because Hearing people don't use telephone to talk with another person in same room, right? Bam! So Deaf can't use VRS in same room with other hearing person because it is not functionality equilvent (That's in eyes of congress). Thanks a lot Mr. Kelby Brick for causing confusion.

I would love to explain in ASL, only problem is there are some technical areas that I am damn inept with. That is Video and photo editing. I would love to learn how to do it on my MAC. Once I figure out how, then will be more than happy to post my video on Youtube explain how the system work so you all can get real idea how it is done and can help you figure out how to improve your video experience.

Some of you are not sure which VRS is right for you. Really, do not use Video quality as excuse to select which provider you want to. Even though I mentioned Sorenson has the best Video quality and that is fact from the day Sorenson started VRS business. BUT, is Sorenson right for you? You have to ask yourself, set aside of video issues, which VRS providers offers interpreters that fits you the most. For example, I used to love Hamilton VRS, why? Its just because the terp that they have, I love him! His communication personality fits me just perfect. I feel sadden that he had to leave VRS company. Also, some of you may have visual issues, Sorenson VRS offers very neutral background which would work perfect for some visual challenged customers, but not necessarily for every visual challenged customers, like Purple, have blue background, sometimes it works better for visual challenged Deaf users. Another example, I personally don't like ZVRS, why? Because my professionalism expectation exceed what Z can offer and it turns me off. It does not mean Z is lousy VRS provider, they might be right for specific group of Deaf people and it should be respected.

As for ConvoRelay and CAAGVRS, they don't have stand alone equipment so, I don't know about them much and not going crazy over them.

Once the Video CODEC has become standardized and port assigned reserved for video CODEC, then no matter which VRS provider you choose, all of them will have same video quality offered, and the only way that the video quality being compromised falls on network connectivity itself. So, in the end it is going to depend on VRS service you like the most.

Speaking of facebook, depending on how many servers they have on their server farm, if they don't have enough server on their farm, the facebook WILL slow down, it applies to all of sites. Its called load balance, all VRS companies have that too. If VRS companies are not carefully monitoring their load balance, they are going to crash easily, that is because Real time video conference is top of all kinds of application demand. Above the Netflix, Hulu, etc! Why? Two reasons, first, Netflix and Hulu they are "Canned" means already have the file and information AHEAD of time, and when you turn on Netflix, the apps itself starts with filling buffer, it is like a garbage can filled up with video, and they have auto correction to make sure video comes out perfect, so in other word it is like your watching netflix movie that was downloaded 5 minutes ago so you don't see poor video, on the opposite as videoconference, there is NO buffer, no garbage can, no nothing and if something messed up, you will notice right away. I could explain more clear using my ASL, I believe I can explain better using ASL than English.

Also how many smart phone are connect to the same antenna plays a role on speed too.

I am a vendor and I travel all over working at fairground. In early morning or late at night when fairground is quiet, I can get my email or surf website or use data on my phone like Video Phone with excellent speed throughout.

But during the busiest hours where there thousands of people mean at the fairground which mean there 2x thousands of smart phones (remember is not only adults but also their children have smart phone now days) and I barely get any data traffic or surf the web sites take 100x longer to load but cannot use Video Phone at all period. Reason is because there too many smart phone tying up the antenna on one same tower.

So your Video Phone performance may varies depending on the time of the day, if there lots of active smart phones connect to the same tower antenna that your smart phone are connected to then you will see a poor performance hit even on 4G.

I had smart phone for many years now and as the year process I notice more and more performance hit when more people are using popular social sites like FaceBook or Google+ to share thousands of photo which mean thousand of photo uploading daily in the background.


If anyone willing to chat with me and maybe help me learn how to manipulate the video and photo on MAC, let me know via PM. I was seriously thinking of getting Photoshop software. Gawd they are damn expensive.
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You could agree, but really it is a FACT. Not opinion. :)

Yup I agree! When I was at the 4th of july event at the park in Windsor, California, there was thousands and thousands of people and the 4G network was very slow, almost useless due to heavy traffic of the smartphone use. It was faster then slowed down as more people showed up in the same area.
Yup I agree! When I was at the 4th of july event at the park in Windsor, California, there was thousands and thousands of people and the 4G network was very slow, almost useless due to heavy traffic of the smartphone use. It was faster then slowed down as more people showed up in the same area.

Same happen to Chicago before.
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

The Highlander said:
Of course, it's a fact. Some people don't believe in things that's a fact.

First time I heard some people don't believe in things? They must be caveman?

Some people actually think that way.
wonderful, we can buy upgrade "SmartVP Pro" from "SmartVP" (basic), "Pro" for add skype's apps? about $30 or $10? lol...
wonderful, we can buy upgrade "SmartVP Pro" from "SmartVP" (basic), "Pro" for add skype's apps? about $30 or $10? lol...

I wish that. Some deafies need Skype for hearing parents, children and some friends' callers who have knowledge of ASL. No VRS are needed.
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Yeah.. why Purple's software to IOS, Android, PC too but purple don't want Skype's apps to smartvp???

I wish that. Some deafies need Skype for hearing parents, children and some friends' callers who have knowledge of ASL. No VRS are needed.
you think SmartVP will work call to IP Address? (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx x is number up to 255) that another DLink and webcam PC without purple's software/hardware, if Skype support ip address?
First of all, it is all about licensing, if Purple wants Skype in their SmartVP, Purple are bound to pay license fee for each smartVP they installed to Skype, FCC will NOT pay for it, not even a penny.

Remember the days that Purple announce can video conference more than 10 people at same time on their new ill fated MVP? They had to drop it, why? Because there is a company that holds patent for multiple video chat, in order for purple to allow their customers use multiple Videos on their VP, Purple are required to pay at a rate to that patent holder. I have no idea of how much it cost, but heard it is very expensive, once again FCC won't pay for it. That is why it never happened EVEN though it is available.

Secondly, FCC won't allow that (Skype), due to past abuses.

Yeah.. why Purple's software to IOS, Android, PC too but purple don't want Skype's apps to smartvp???
Its very possible, only problem is IP address on any VP will change over time, and not all of VP at the end will have same IP address and port, it is very complicate for average Joe. I know how, and it is NOT easy. Once your expert with Networking, and the other person at the other end of VP knows what your talking about then yes it is possible, but 99% of the time, it is next to impossible.

Using 10 digit local number solves that problem. They are "Proxy" for IPaddress/port. 10 digit local number is still proxy anyway, nothing has change, just different server with recognize of 10 digit local number and has association with them that is all.

Here is how it works
When you plugged your VP, your VP announced that they are connected and inform that they are registered this 10 digit local number, the server that sponser by government will hear and ask for password, once it verifies password, they register on server database with your IP address, and port information.

Your friend, John Doe plugged his VP, the procedure is the same as what happened with your VP.

All of the VP around the United states announces when they changed their IP address and/or port, the server that sponsered by government will update that information automatically. This is part of reason why need to unplug and plug back in if VP and the server failed to update the information (It DOES happen from time to time due to "Time out")

When you start call your friend named John Doe, your VP will first connect to government sponsered server, they will look up John Doe using the 10 digit local number, once locate John Doe Data, they will send back with IP address and port to your VP, then your VP start to go though DNS to locate John Doe's router, once hit John Doe's router, then try to go though port in firewall, if port is closed on firewall. Then call can't be complete, but if it is open, John Joe's VP will start to ring and get your call.

This is the reason why we need default port reserved for VP, I don't know if it will ever happen because it is International level that decides whether to reserve port for any purpose, FCC don't have that power to do such thing, FCC have to propose to International level with reason why need to reserve.

Hope this makes sense to you

you think SmartVP will work call to IP Address? (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx x is number up to 255) that another DLink and webcam PC without purple's software/hardware, if Skype support ip address?
I'm still waiting for installer to call me to install the Purple SmartVP. I think I will call them soon to see what's going on. Someone from Washington state texted me and they thought I lived in Washington state, but I did update with them already before that. Weird!