purple smartVP

What do you think? Just curious.

I bet you that you won't find anything that has to do with Skype on SmartVP, right?

Nope, no Skype. I do like it so far, but when the other person is on a Sorenson VP, the video is not the best. It works though. I've yet to call someone who has a SmartVP to see how clear it is. The NTouch does seem to have better video performance, but I haven't call enough to say for sure yet. The full screen isn't really all that different from the NTouch, when in full screen mode. Seems that VPs, no matter which one, works better when calling someone who has same equipment. I got a bigger TV now, so either VP is good now. I think the NTouch is slightly better than the SmartVP after only one day of using it. I do like some of the SmartVP features, but those are extras that don't really matter to me.
No, ZVRS, Sorenson, Purple don't want 3rd party software addon, they don't want Deaf to any hearing with ASL, THEY WANT Deaf to VRS to Hearing, they need $$$$$$, remember $8.xx per min FCC warning and cut, $3.xx per min REMEMBER?

First of all, it is all about licensing, if Purple wants Skype in their SmartVP, Purple are bound to pay license fee for each smartVP they installed to Skype, FCC will NOT pay for it, not even a penny.

Remember the days that Purple announce can video conference more than 10 people at same time on their new ill fated MVP? They had to drop it, why? Because there is a company that holds patent for multiple video chat, in order for purple to allow their customers use multiple Videos on their VP, Purple are required to pay at a rate to that patent holder. I have no idea of how much it cost, but heard it is very expensive, once again FCC won't pay for it. That is why it never happened EVEN though it is available.

Secondly, FCC won't allow that (Skype), due to past abuses.
sigh, didn't you read the FCC announcement on ruling on June 10, 2013? It is clearly written there. Yes FCC wants VRS to get "Off the shelves" products. That means FCC does not want VRS company to make their own products/software.

Skype is independent company, they are not designed as VRS, if Purple wants Skype APP in SmartVP, then Purple must pay license fee directly to Skype (Remember, Skype OWNS the software), and FCC don't allow that by not paying a penny for that. VRS company like purple use third party to develop a app for TelyHD to work as VRS equipment, they don't include Skype because it still cost more money. So, TelyHD makes a hardware with no software in it, sell to Purple, then purple got third party to develop their own software that works on TelyHD, hence thats why there is no Skype in it.

Same idea, if you buy a computer, does it comes in with all kinds of software? Like Adobe photoshop, Microsoft office suite, etc? No, you gotta to buy license for these software in a computer, same concept with TelyHD VP.

Finally, the reason behind the June 10, 2013 is because of tons of complaints that FCC heard, especially free Ipad, poor video, and some can't call each other, can't leave message point to point. FCC wants to standardize everything so that everybody shut the f. up. You think nobody is complaining? I heard enough every day for 6 years. Too many crybabies out there, FCC is sick of this because it is costing them money. Im sorry to be blunt, but that is whats what is happening.

No, ZVRS, Sorenson, Purple don't want 3rd party software addon, they don't want Deaf to any hearing with ASL, THEY WANT Deaf to VRS to Hearing, they need $$$$$$, remember $8.xx per min FCC warning and cut, $3.xx per min REMEMBER?
Keep bugging them, and most importantly, know your local installer contact them and bug them. You will get it. I did that, and it worked. Lately been using purple VRS more because some of calls... well conflict of interest with SorensonVRS.

I'm still waiting for installer to call me to install the Purple SmartVP. I think I will call them soon to see what's going on. Someone from Washington state texted me and they thought I lived in Washington state, but I did update with them already before that. Weird!
wow, nice, you are study then me! lol..

sigh, didn't you read the FCC announcement on ruling on June 10, 2013? It is clearly written there. Yes FCC wants VRS to get "Off the shelves" products. That means FCC does not want VRS company to make their own products/software.

Skype is independent company, they are not designed as VRS, if Purple wants Skype APP in SmartVP, then Purple must pay license fee directly to Skype (Remember, Skype OWNS the software), and FCC don't allow that by not paying a penny for that. VRS company like purple use third party to develop a app for TelyHD to work as VRS equipment, they don't include Skype because it still cost more money. So, TelyHD makes a hardware with no software in it, sell to Purple, then purple got third party to develop their own software that works on TelyHD, hence thats why there is no Skype in it.

Same idea, if you buy a computer, does it comes in with all kinds of software? Like Adobe photoshop, Microsoft office suite, etc? No, you gotta to buy license for these software in a computer, same concept with TelyHD VP.

Finally, the reason behind the June 10, 2013 is because of tons of complaints that FCC heard, especially free Ipad, poor video, and some can't call each other, can't leave message point to point. FCC wants to standardize everything so that everybody shut the f. up. You think nobody is complaining? I heard enough every day for 6 years. Too many crybabies out there, FCC is sick of this because it is costing them money. Im sorry to be blunt, but that is whats what is happening.
One interesting thing is that the installer of my SmartVP was my old college roommate who lives in a state 500 miles away. They sent him here for a week to install them as quickly as possible. Next week he goes to a third state to do the same thing. I'm kind of wondering if Purple is trying to get them out there as fast as possible due to the FCC ruling? Why else would they be doing this?
Purple can go Furk themselves. I lost thousands of dollars in stock for supporting Deaf business when they volunteeraly delisted their stock without telling common shareholders. so F*&K Purple ... Rant over!
Im sorry you had to go though, its sad many Deaf people would call you greedy, same with Sorenson, they have investors, and I bet some of them are Deaf too and soon or later many will lose money, and FCC don't give a damn. Don't forget, all of VRS providers depends on investors to ride over business otherwise will drain though toilet. Soon or later, these investors will see VRS as high risk, impossible to make profit, forget them invest somewhere else. Who gets hurt the most? It is us the relay users. I have heard rants and complaint from Deaf people on daily basis for too long. It sadden me to see that they don't realize what exact is going on. Don't you know that VCO type relay calls are actually booming, these are hearing people with some degree of hearing loss. They are working people, they are the one who makes money knows how business runs. These people willing to pay for service, equipment and they don't complain or ask for more.

The fact is, damage is done, the product lifecycle usually 4 years at most, why do you think FCC have 4 years plan? Reason? Since Sorenson released their own product, Purple just released their product as well. It is reasonable for FCC to have 4 years stretch period. After that, I don't know what is going to happen afterwards. I have the feelings we will probably see two or possible only one relay provider in 2017. Once we reach that point, nothing much we can do. Also, one of my former co worker, I think he is right. Soon, FCC will let states take over all of the relay service like TTY relay in the past. It will end up just contractual basis, meaning lowest bidder wins for that state and we all stuck with it.

Purple can go Furk themselves. I lost thousands of dollars in stock for supporting Deaf business when they volunteeraly delisted their stock without telling common shareholders. so F*&K Purple ... Rant over!
Check the June 10, 2013 FCC ruling announcement. Its right there clearly written.

One interesting thing is that the installer of my SmartVP was my old college roommate who lives in a state 500 miles away. They sent him here for a week to install them as quickly as possible. Next week he goes to a third state to do the same thing. I'm kind of wondering if Purple is trying to get them out there as fast as possible due to the FCC ruling? Why else would they be doing this?
Im sorry you had to go though, its sad many Deaf people would call you greedy, same with Sorenson, they have investors, and I bet some of them are Deaf too and soon or later many will lose money, and FCC don't give a damn. Don't forget, all of VRS providers depends on investors to ride over business otherwise will drain though toilet. Soon or later, these investors will see VRS as high risk, impossible to make profit, forget them invest somewhere else. Who gets hurt the most? It is us the relay users. I have heard rants and complaint from Deaf people on daily basis for too long. It sadden me to see that they don't realize what exact is going on. Don't you know that VCO type relay calls are actually booming, these are hearing people with some degree of hearing loss. They are working people, they are the one who makes money knows how business runs. These people willing to pay for service, equipment and they don't complain or ask for more.

The fact is, damage is done, the product lifecycle usually 4 years at most, why do you think FCC have 4 years plan? Reason? Since Sorenson released their own product, Purple just released their product as well. It is reasonable for FCC to have 4 years stretch period. After that, I don't know what is going to happen afterwards. I have the feelings we will probably see two or possible only one relay provider in 2017. Once we reach that point, nothing much we can do. Also, one of my former co worker, I think he is right. Soon, FCC will let states take over all of the relay service like TTY relay in the past. It will end up just contractual basis, meaning lowest bidder wins for that state and we all stuck with it.
No I an definitely not greedy, I have a few thousand in savings and invested it for long term returns in stock market and thought supporting a Deaf business "which is a chant we here in the Deaf community all the time" was the right thing to do. That was a severe financial blow to me and I have never resaved that money I lost.. Live and learn but, but like I said, **** Purple
I don't call you greedy, it is those people who view VRS raking up FCC money makes company looks like filthy greedy. They have no idea that there is investment involved behind every damn companies. They are technically the owner of the company. Also, they have no clue that it is NOT cheap to run a business, they depend on investors to get going. Without them, we won't have that many companies across the America.

investors are there to help company, at same time making money. Investors are NOT interesting in giving away free money, there are not many investors that are willing to throw away money knowing that they will lose money.

Its like, if somebody borrows you money, and didn't pay you back with interest,. will you be willing to lend them money again? I don't think so.

No I an definitely not greedy, I have a few thousand in savings and invested it for long term returns in stock market and thought supporting a Deaf business "which is a chant we here in the Deaf community all the time" was the right thing to do. That was a severe financial blow to me and I have never resaved that money I lost.. Live and learn but, but like I said, **** Purple
Are there many mean interpreters on Purple? I've already had two who have no poatience. I've never seen such behavior on Sorenson or ZVRS. Does this happen to others?
Are there many mean interpreters on Purple? I've already had two who have no poatience. I've never seen such behavior on Sorenson or ZVRS. Does this happen to others?

Not to happen to me yet. I ll let you know.

sorenson's ASL interperet signing skill is OKOK.

zvrs is OK
Mean terp though Purple? Not yet, but me and 4 friends of mine witness sloppiness of terp though Purple! Mind you one of my friend actively work for Sorenson, and the rest including myself was work for Sorenson. I wish I had videotaped it and show here. That guy should be fired!

I found a big problem with SmartVP. I had a great chat with one of AD members here recently and was talking about remote control on smartVP. We both know what RF and IR is. Since SmartVP use RF, while Sorenson use IR, Sorenson made right decision using IR not RF. Purple, well, ahem since they can have 5 separate account on single SmartVP which mean it won't matter if using RF however a SERIOUS big BUT if a person have smartVP, got new roommate that have smartVP too. Both of them WILL have problem with remote control, why? If roommate press button on smartVP, both of his smartVP and his roommate SmartVP WILL respond same time EVEN if is in different room. Not good!
Sorenson VP, if VP in two different rooms, no problem with remote control, that because Sorenson remote control use IR not RF. IR can't though wall, RF can though walls.

Purple did big improvement from MVP to SmartVP, but still long way to go.

Are there many mean interpreters on Purple? I've already had two who have no poatience. I've never seen such behavior on Sorenson or ZVRS. Does this happen to others?
Purple better change from RF to IR on their remote control. Using RF is bad idea IMHO. Also, navigation on SmartVP is somewhat confusing, worse than Sorenson, and I could be biased because I know how Sorenson VP works inside and out, however I usually acts as if I am idiot customer, that is how I determine the quality of interface. I learn alot from many customers on daily basis on how they navigate the interface, especially low function, and elder Deaf customers. I feel bad for them getting real confused where it is actually simple.
Same happened to my wife, I asked her to call my dad to arrange pick up our two sons though my smartphone. She kept asking me how I make call. My response was, whats functional equilvent? Call the way hearing people would call same way. She was like what? What? Where? I said look at phone icon, just hit that. she said no, I need Sorenson. I said LISTEN, just do it. She pressed that phone icon, it works and made call. This is the reason why I hate the idea of "Functionality equilvent" which is truly very confused for Deaf people at best.

I noticed video is somewhat better with Purple to purple, and Purple to Z, but not Sorenson. I do know why, and Sorenson STILL has best video CODEC period.

I agree. I find that I like it, but it needs some improving.
Purple SmartVP is similar as old TelyHD or new TelyHD Pro?

Tely Labs | Products

Q. What’s the difference between telyHD Pro and telyHD Base Edition?

A. telyHD Pro adds a host of business features to telyHD Base Edition, including:

telyCloud: six-way videoconferencing, document sharing, firewall/NAT traversal and more.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): provides seamless interoperability with Cisco, Polycom, LifeSize and other standards-based videoconferencing systems.
Blue Jeans Network integration: cloud-based video bridging and MCU capabilities for up to 25 simultaneous participants. See Video Conferencing Service - Interoperable, Cloud-based, Affordable | Blue Jeans for more information and for a free 14-day trial account.

Tely Labs | Frequently Asked Questions

SIP is the industry standard that enables interoperability between SIP-compliant videoconferencing systems. telyHD Pro supports the SIP standard. Works with Sorenson nTouch VP which making clear video?
I am not entirely sure which if it base model or pro. On mine , the model says just telyhd for model just under the add on flashers but it appears that they have thier own stickers for purple. I suspect its a base model, but they modified the software just for purple use and slapped on the flashers with built in sonic alert chipset so it can be expanded.

In response to diehardbiker, I find the navigation on smartvp easier the ntouch as time goes on knowing what buttons are for and there seems to be more functional features that feels more useful then ntouch.

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