PTSD and abuse.

What are your experiences that have caused you to have PTSD?

  • I was sexually abused/raped as a child.

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • I was emotionally abused as a child.

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • I was physically abused as a child.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • I felt my life was threatened as a child.

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • The abuse I experienced only happened once or twice.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • The abuse I experienced happened on a regular bases.

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • I was severely bullied at school.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • I experienced the loss of a close family member as a child.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • As a child I had other experience not mentioned.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • I was raped as an adult.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • I've experienced domestic violence

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • I feel responsible for someone elses death.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • I'm a war veteran and have had very bad experiences conected to that.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I've been mugged.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My house has been burgled.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I've had house fire, terrorist attack, tornado, or other disaster.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • I've been homeless.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • I've had an abortion.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I've lost a parent, child, or spouse.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • I've had another tramatic experience not mentioned above.

    Votes: 6 50.0%

  • Total voters
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many many people associate PTSD with war veterans. PTSD is still commonly misunderstood by many to this date. I think people prefer the term "childhood trauma" (assuming that incident occurred during childhood such as 3 years old son seeing his father beating up his mom. For adult - people probably prefer the term "traumatic experience." I don't think people associate PTSD with anything other than war experience.

that's what I think :dunno:

i tikn you're right jiro. all of the websites i rad about ptrsd always meniton war veterans, bu t do not always menion sxaul abuse, physical abuse, emoptional abuse, natural dissaters or taurama related to witnetting a murder or death.
whoa there whoa there. I think Vampy may have misspoke about stress. I believe that's the wrong word but I do understand what vampy's saying. Some people can handle PTSD better.... some can't. As you all know - PTSD can vary in degrees... from minor inconvenience to crippling level.

so a 3 years old son who has seen his father beating up his mother to pulp will or will not experience a PTSD. Not all 3 years old son will experience PTSD the same.

I believe that's what Vampy is trying to say.

ufnrotuately, vampy useda poor choice of words which was indulting to those of us who have ptsd. if that is ineed what vampy ment, i take back my orignla commnts.
Lol. So a 3 year old who watches his father beat up his mom can't "handle" stress well, so it's the 3 year old's fault right?

I'm not doing the blame game. I'm just saying that different people do respond differently to different situations.

I do have a few friends who can't handle different things. One of them usually snaps and gets into an argument whenever someone brings up a deaf-related argument. Her reason? She was raised with deaf-only ideals and anything that she feels makes deaf people look bad... she blows her top. Another usually snaps when someone brings up something about blacks. One person said that he didn't want to join a black club because of how the members acted. So, this person blew up saying that it was the "black way" and that the other person had no right to say it. There's another who can handle stress with one club very well, but she collapses with another club because her position involves real work and not play work like she does in her other club. (Yeah, she quit this club cuz she couldn't handle the "workload".)

So, I'm not saying we should blame ourselves or blame society. It's like the nature versus nurture argument. I'm not going to go there. A psychiatrist is best suited to answer that kind of question.

All I'm saying is that it could be anything. You can't just say "Oh, it's because of family" to all PTSD victims. It varies.
That's a bit too simplistic and it's also condecending to those of us who have PTSD.
How was it condescending? I didn't blame anyone. I simply pointed out that it could be caused by anything... just varies on the individual.
i'm sorry, but v ampy's post is exctly the reason why i'm notso forthcming about my ptsd diagonosis. the next time i see my tharapist6, i'm going to ask him why people feel the way theydo about ptsd. perhaps it's the same expalantion for any mental illness. having said that, i do thnk that people ahve a much better underwsnding of bipolar than htey do ptsd./
Good idea! :thumb:
whoa there whoa there. I think Vampy may have misspoke about stress. I believe that's the wrong word but I do understand what vampy's saying. Some people can handle PTSD better.... some can't. As you all know - PTSD can vary in degrees... from minor inconvenience to crippling level.

so a 3 years old son who has seen his father beating up his mother to pulp will or will not experience a PTSD. Not all 3 years old son will experience PTSD the same.

I believe that's what Vampy is trying to say.
That's what I'm trying to say... right. I'm not saying it's only stress. It could be ANYTHING.
Yes, and no. If there is a comorbid diagnosis of depression, then SSRIs may be used. But panic attacks, as a free standing and independent diagnosis, are the result of an anxiety disorder, not a mood disorder.

Right. :)
I think Vampy said it correctly. It is anything.

I'm sorry but sometimes some members here are uncomfortable "flowering up their words" because some members here are not able to tolerate the posts.
I think Vampy said it correctly. It is anything.

I'm sorry but sometimes some members here are uncomfortable "flowering up their words" because some members here are not able to tolerate the posts.

WRONG. It is a GOOD IDEA to word things carefully when talking about abusive situations, as things can be interpreted WRONGLY. Because saying "well they respond to stress differently" COULD be taken as "they cant handle it, so it is all their fault," when that is NOT what the person meant.

Hol-e-shit, someone being considerate, imagine that.
WRONG. It is a GOOD IDEA to word things carefully when talking about abusive situations, as things can be interpreted WRONGLY. Because saying "well they respond to stress differently" COULD be taken as "they cant handle it, so it is all their fault," when that is NOT what the person meant.

Hol-e-shit, someone being considerate, imagine that.

Don't you think if some members were being careful keeping their trigger words to themselves in the first place? By not revealing way too much information about themselves and their disorders in the very first place, they would NOT be very susceptible to the trigger words in this site.

Now how's this for being considerate, I share my feedback, you attack me instead of attacking my approach. STFU.
Don't you think if some members were being careful keeping their trigger words to themselves in the first place? By not revealing way too much information about themselves and their disorders in the very first place, they would NOT be very susceptible to the trigger words in this site.

Now how's this for being considerate, I share my feedback, you attack me instead of attacking my approach. STFU.

Not true, and wow... mean...
Don't you think if some members were being careful keeping their trigger words to themselves in the first place? By not revealing way too much information about themselves and their disorders in the very first place, they would NOT be very susceptible to the trigger words in this site.

Now how's this for being considerate, I share my feedback, you attack me instead of attacking my approach. STFU.

No. This is a THREAD about PTSD. The title has the letters "PTSD" in it. It is obviously a sensitive subject, and should be treated as such. Individuals coming in here to post about PTSD should show some consideration. I was attacking your approach, but if you want my personal opinion of you I am more than happy to share. "Stfu" right back atcha.
No. This is a THREAD about PTSD. The title has the letters "PTSD" in it. It is obviously a sensitive subject, and should be treated as such. Individuals coming in here to post about PTSD should show some consideration. I was attacking your approach, but if you want my personal opinion of you I am more than happy to share. "Stfu" right back atcha.

:gpost: :gpost:

WRONG. It is a GOOD IDEA to word things carefully when talking about abusive situations, as things can be interpreted WRONGLY. Because saying "well they respond to stress differently" COULD be taken as "they cant handle it, so it is all their fault," when that is NOT what the person meant.

Hol-e-shit, someone being considerate, imagine that.

i guess that's asking ay too much of some ad'ers, isn't it? especially mrs. bucket.
mrs. bucket,

don' you think that if some a'der's could show a little more snesitiviyy that it would help those of us who suffer from ptsd? my, oh my. you are certainly being callous tody and yet you're the one who claimed underneath your username at one point that youdpn't like drama. yeah, right. eyeroll.
That's what I'm trying to say... right. I'm not saying it's only stress. It could be ANYTHING.

wrong. ptsd is caused by major traumaus -- not any situatn that may occur to a person. as i said, if that were the case, everyone wld be diagnsed with ptsd./

those of us wh have ptsd do not blame society for the struggles wer face. why do mst people think that in the first placve? i dn't get it..
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