PTSD and abuse.

What are your experiences that have caused you to have PTSD?

  • I was sexually abused/raped as a child.

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • I was emotionally abused as a child.

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • I was physically abused as a child.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • I felt my life was threatened as a child.

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • The abuse I experienced only happened once or twice.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • The abuse I experienced happened on a regular bases.

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • I was severely bullied at school.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • I experienced the loss of a close family member as a child.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • As a child I had other experience not mentioned.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • I was raped as an adult.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • I've experienced domestic violence

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • I feel responsible for someone elses death.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • I'm a war veteran and have had very bad experiences conected to that.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I've been mugged.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My house has been burgled.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I've had house fire, terrorist attack, tornado, or other disaster.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • I've been homeless.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • I've had an abortion.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I've lost a parent, child, or spouse.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • I've had another tramatic experience not mentioned above.

    Votes: 6 50.0%

  • Total voters
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I heart seroquel! Nothing better than being able to go to sleep at night without racing thoughts and being able to drive in rush hour without pulling over in tears!

Oh, I agree. When you get those commitee meetings going in your head, it is miserable.
Avoiding triggers is certainly an effective way to manage symptoms. But in order to actually heal in the sense that the triggers no longer send you into an unmanageable episode of PTSD, takes some long term therapy and insight. Not everyone is able to acheive that, however. It doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with them, just that their abuse was so horrific and left so many scars that it is impossible for them to revisit it in a way that will permit that deep healing. In fact, most often, a combination of meds and avoiding triggers is the treatment used. Part of that is because, thanks to insurance restrictions, so many people are limited to brief interventions.

Thank you. :)

I had someone tell me that by avoiding things, I'm not dealing with the core issue. Blah.. I am dealing with it all in therapy, but it's going to take a long time to heal this stuff if I ever heal completely. Right now, I cope by avoiding what I can. If I didn't avoid certain triggers or set boundaries with people, I'd probably be in a strait jacket. I am also on meds. In life, I deal the best I can. I just felt bad when someone suggested I wasn't dealing with my issues, when I am. I wanted your opinion since you and I have conversed privately. I thank you because this person's comment was rather hurtful.
Thank you. :)

I had someone tell me that by avoiding things, I'm not dealing with the core issue. Blah.. I am dealing with it all in therapy, but it's going to take a long time to heal this stuff if I ever heal completely. Right now, I cope by avoiding what I can. If I didn't avoid certain triggers or set boundaries with people, I'd probably be in a strait jacket. I am also on meds. In life, I deal the best I can. I just felt bad when someone suggested I wasn't dealing with my issues, when I am. I wanted your opinion since you and I have conversed privately. I thank you because this person's comment was rather hurtful.

You are welcome. And you are right. In depth therapy does take a long time, and you do not get results quickly. You need a way to minimize symptoms so that you can function on a daily basis while you do the work necessary to deal with core issues. And, if symptoms are severe, they can actually prevent you from being able to benefit from therapy. Symptom control is necessary and beneficial.
Oh, I agree. When you get those commitee meetings going in your head, it is miserable.

mt racing thoughts ttake place at 100mph when i'm manic and i can'ty stand it. the only ay for me to deal with tjem is to take a higher prn dosage of mytrazodone. tahk goodness for that because if it ere not for mt traizodone, i have no idae how i'd cope.
my vote is I experienced the loss of a close family member as a child. But im loss family when i was adult i make lists on member:

late Grandfather 1976
Great-Grandparents - 1995 and 1999
Grandmother - 2007

I'm sorry to hear about all your losses (hugs)
I had acute PTSD after the birth of Miss Kat. It was a terrible terrible thing, and we believed we would loose her. It is a long story, and I blamed myself....

I remeber 2 months after she was born I had to go back into the same room where she was born and visit my friend. I threw up from the smell. I remember the smell of the hospital to this day, it still makes me sick.

I'm sorry to hear about that. I'm glad she pulled through eventually though.
i wder how one goes abt aviding vcertian traiggers? my triggers ar crying, yelling, shoutng, tocjihing, foul landguge an d some frindly vices. it se ems like i hve very diffucult time avidng tghem and ther's alwys a t lest one i need to fce on a dailly baisis/
i wder how one goes abt aviding vcertian traiggers? my triggers ar crying, yelling, shoutng, tocjihing, foul landguge an d some frindly vices. it se ems like i hve very diffucult time avidng tghem and ther's alwys a t lest one i need to fce on a dailly baisis/

I don't think you can unless you become a hermit. I did this after I stopped living with S and M for a bit.
I don't think you can unless you become a hermit. I did this after I stopped living with S and M for a bit.

i wder how one goes abt aviding vcertian traiggers? my triggers ar crying, yelling, shoutng, tocjihing, foul landguge an d some frindly vices. it se ems like i hve very diffucult time avidng tghem and ther's alwys a t lest one i need to fce on a dailly baisis/

Its impossible to avoid every trigger, but you can avoid things. I don't watch alot of tv. I also avoid certain subforums on this website. I also place boundaries with my friends. You don't have to be hermit, but you do have to be willing to turn the channel or to place your boundaries and not let others violate them. It takes practice and alittle guts, but it can be done.

i also don't watch vilent movies on tv or the news. i also avoid the debate section of ad ebcayse i know some of the thaeds will trigger m.e. however, i can't seem to geraway rom yelling, shouting, cying. touching or fireidnly voifes. hopefully my therapist and i can work oiny mimimuizing my flahsbacks to that i'm able to function better on a day to dy baisis. i just strted his ptsd exervsies, so we shall see how it goes..
ocean ,

hjow do you place bountdarie on your friends? waht do you mean? do you men that you axk them to avoid discussing certain typics?
i also wanted to metnion that ever since staring my antidepresant fluxoextine for my biplar depression, mty anxiety has been reduced. i no longer have panic attacks to the textdnt that i sued to. it seems as if the fouxetine is helping to kill tow birds with one stone by helping by deperssion and my axnietry at the same time.

i also don't watch vilent movies on tv or the news. i also avoid the debate section of ad ebcayse i know some of the thaeds will trigger m.e. however, i can't seem to geraway rom yelling, shouting, cying. touching or fireidnly voifes. hopefully my therapist and i can work oiny mimimuizing my flahsbacks to that i'm able to function better on a day to dy baisis. i just strted his ptsd exervsies, so we shall see how it goes..

I'm sorry to hear about this situation. I hope that one day you will eventually find some peace.

Please don't worry about shouting. I'm sure you are doing the best you can.
i finally awnted to metnion taht i'm getting alot better at leaving ad whenever i'm about to rapidcycle. it sems that as long as i do waht i cn to miminize anythint that will trigger my moods or flashbacks, i'm able to take a stp back witout . overradting. that has been really diffulct for emn lately, but i'm trying and it's gettg eariser everyday. msmile.
I'm sorry to hear about this situation. I hope that one day you will eventually find some peace.

tahanks, drama. i admit taht i'm a little affaid of the ptsd exercises my tharpiast has in store for me, so to preotect mesyself, i'm going to appraoch them by writing instad of talking directly about the thinggs. that happened to me. .that seems to be the on'y wy i can deal ad cop wit h my ptsd.
jillio k,

can you tell me if antipdepresasnts are used in the tratment of panic atacks?
ocean ,

hjow do you place bountdarie on your friends? waht do you mean? do you men that you axk them to avoid discussing certain typics?

Yes. I also will tell when something triggers me. If someone knows you're triggered by something, they will try their best not to trigger you. I happen to have SO many triggers that it's almost impossible NOT to trigger me, but I feel better about telling someone when I'm triggered. I also avoid certain areas on here as well. The adult section, Penisaurium to name a few. Some things are just not good for me to see, so I try not to allow myself to be triggered. When I am triggered, I know it's time for me to bounce and I do. I have no problem taking time away from AD to regroup. I've done that countless times and it helps SO much.
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