Proof of Near-Death Experiences?


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May 26, 2004
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Jeanette Atkinson is surprisingly relaxed about the time she died and went to the edge of heaven.
"I do not want to die again in the near future because I still have too much to do," she says. "But I have no fear of death."
"People see the pain and suffering of dying and equate that with death--but they're not the same. Death is the progression of life."
Near-death experiences are real and we have the proof, say scientists. Jeane... (Have, Had, After, Written, Dr)-NEWSMONSTER*-*NEWSMONSTER

I know a few people who have had similar experiences. I read this today and thought I would post it.
Thank for the link. I am not sure if I experienced NDE but I had a life review 12 years ago when my body went thru major change. It showed me, I had gone to other side when I was sick with ms and almost died from it. Those memory was so beautiful, when I was a little I loved the beach. I went there and played in sand with other children when there was no adult in sight. Then I was in a room and I was sleeping so peaceful. I saw golden light went into me then drop me off from there to blue small planet till it gets bigger and bigger then I saw this ugly hospital building then I went back to hospital bed with golden light. Golden light went into me. I knew I was send back and God healed me except God left me with deafness. Since then I was homesick and wanted to go home for long time, now I am happy to stay here and be alive and among you. :)
I love reading stories and articles about near death experiences and believe there is more to it then meets the eye for sure. But this story lost me quickly. She was 18 years old and heard a voice, "‘Come on you silly old cow it’s not your time yet!"

I think the topic deserves more discussion for sure, so please excuse my early critic of *this* story. I have read many others I was amazed at. I am also interested in consciousness and mind. Along with memories. Is consciousness dependent on the brain?
Thank for the link. I am not sure if I experienced NDE but I had a life review 12 years ago when my body went thru major change. It showed me, I had gone to other side when I was sick with ms and almost died from it. Those memory was so beautiful, when I was a little I loved the beach. I went there and played in sand with other children when there was no adult in sight. Then I was in a room and I was sleeping so peaceful. I saw golden light went into me then drop me off from there to blue small planet till it gets bigger and bigger then I saw this ugly hospital building then I went back to hospital bed with golden light. Golden light went into me. I knew I was send back and God healed me except God left me with deafness. Since then I was homesick and wanted to go home for long time, now I am happy to stay here and be alive and among you. :)

That is awesome, jazzy! I remember when I was about an hour from death last February when I awoke with extreme difficulty breathing. When I was in the emergency room laying on my side, a feeling of indescribable peace came over me and I heard music. Everything looked so beautiful and white and I was totally unafraid to die. It turned out that my kidney stones went rogue and perforated my urinary tract tubes and I was full of urine and puss. I didn't even feel it when they stuck needles into my lungs and removed 9,000 cc's of the fluid. Today I am healthier than I have ever been in my life, and I agree that it is a life-changing experience! Thank you for your post, jazzy!

I love reading stories and articles about near death experiences and believe there is more to it then meets the eye for sure. But this story lost me quickly. She was 18 years old and heard a voice, "‘Come on you silly old cow it’s not your time yet!"

I think the topic deserves more discussion for sure, so please excuse my early critic of *this* story. I have read many others I was amazed at. I am also interested in consciousness and mind. Along with memories. Is consciousness dependent on the brain?

I agree that there ought to be further discussion of these sorts of things, IndieVisible, but is this the right forum for them? Ach. You pose a good question of whether consciousness is dependent on the brain. I do not think so. There is a higher concentration of cells in the brain than anywhere else in your body. Each cell has a mind and memory of its own, so I feel that saying that the mind is entirely in your head is false. When creating this thread I was looking for links showing that the Deaf could hear in near-death experiences, but have had no luck so far. I did find that the blind could see in near-death experiences, and I post a couple links concerning them. Thanks for your post, IndieVisible!

People born blind can see during a near-death experience
A Blind Woman's Near Death Experience
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I read some where, I will try to find it where some doctors are taking this very seriously because patients come back remembering a time of the incident. and according to the doctors there was no measurable brain activity! So even if you believe all these near death experiences are bunk, there is no reasonable explaination as how the *brain* can process that imaginary information with no measurable activity. Such findings provides some of the strongest scientific leaning to support near death experiences. BUT the reason most scientists and doctors do not fully accept this yet is because it strongly suggests life after death and that is a entirely different argument no professional wants to be branded with one way or another.

Still even the most skeptics are amazed such thoughts can survive with almost no brain activity present or no brain activity present. This is the single most difficult problem for them to explain!

I will try digging up some links!
Awesome article. I'd love to see some of his results.

You know, I remember hearing this story once, about a scientist like centuries ago, who was curious about this. It had something to do with a guillotine, and having people blink for as long as they could after their heads were cut off, or something like that. I wish I could remember more about it...
Awesome article. I'd love to see some of his results.

You know, I remember hearing this story once, about a scientist like centuries ago, who was curious about this. It had something to do with a guillotine, and having people blink for as long as they could after their heads were cut off, or something like that. I wish I could remember more about it...

Antoine Lavoisier
1743 - 1794

That is the scientist. It is probably myth. No reliable source shows that he really did the experiment.
Antoine Lavoisier
1743 - 1794

That is the scientist. It is probably myth. No reliable source shows that he really did the experiment.

Thanks, never would have come up with that name on my own, and I was way too lazy last night to google it. :lol:
This is really difficult for me to understand any of this.

My material grandmother had this experience twice. One in 1993, on the same day one of my oldest cousin (one of her grandsons) was murdered, they were able to bring her back to life (she was in shock after hearing the news.) She told her children about seeing the light (I cannot really remember what she told them - I should ask my mother again when I am ready to take it) and the last time was about two years ago, they didn't find any pulse on her, but she suddenly woke up on the hospital bed with my aunt sitting by her. She is 87 years old, she is ready to go. :cry: Thanks for reading.
I don't think this would be a NDE event (no white light, no angels, no music etc)but I almost died in a car accident in 1997. I passed out upon impact by a van hitting on my side and bent my convertible in a curve. I was out cold for 40 minutes. When I came to, I kept passing out on and off. I was already in shock so I didn't feel anything until I got to the ER for a chest intubation for a collapsed lung among other things.

I learned from this accident that there is absolutely no fear of death for me. When it's time for me to go, I go. That it will be fine and painless. If I'm afraid of anything, it's more about leaving my family behind too soon than being dead. I also don't cry as much as I did before when people and animals die because I believe it is a progression of life than the final end. My dog proved that to me when she died. She came back as a yellow butterfly 45 minutes after I asked her to let me know about her through something yellow. I was expecting a flower. But lo and behold, a yellow butterfly. So there is life beyond death.
Awesome article. I'd love to see some of his results.

You know, I remember hearing this story once, about a scientist like centuries ago, who was curious about this. It had something to do with a guillotine, and having people blink for as long as they could after their heads were cut off, or something like that. I wish I could remember more about it...

We know positively that the "head" can survive being seperated from the body for seconds, not sure how long, but long enough. It is believed to be possible for you to see your body if your head rolled off in the right direction. I doubt any real experiements were done, but you never know.

But consciousness is not a organ, we do not know what consciousness is! No idea, only educated guesses. The topic of consciousness and mind in relationship to the organ called the brain is most fascinating!

In near death expierences that have been validated as patients who were unresponsponsive and no measurable "brain" activity could be detected are the most amazing. As these patients come back with very vivid accounts of that time lapse! Keep in mind, we are talking scientists and doctors who can not explain this, even if you dismiss their story as "bunk", how could their brain have processed that bunk with no activity? There lies the single most amazing puzzle to this whole story!
I've been there OBE but not NDE yet..
Which I had been kept the book marked about NDE and OBE and also did done create my vlog about NDE/OBE through check under my screen name and you'll find there relate this topic about.. You'll understand what is all about it.
Lot of people do believe in near death experinces and some people don't believe it. For me I do believe it. It may sound strange and crazy but it does happen to some people I have spoke to and watch documentary stories that it really happen to some people. I believe that life there is a reasons for everything that happens.
I read some where, I will try to find it where some doctors are taking this very seriously because patients come back remembering a time of the incident. and according to the doctors there was no measurable brain activity! So even if you believe all these near death experiences are bunk, there is no reasonable explaination as how the *brain* can process that imaginary information with no measurable activity. Such findings provides some of the strongest scientific leaning to support near death experiences. BUT the reason most scientists and doctors do not fully accept this yet is because it strongly suggests life after death and that is a entirely different argument no professional wants to be branded with one way or another.

Still even the most skeptics are amazed such thoughts can survive with almost no brain activity present or no brain activity present. This is the single most difficult problem for them to explain!

I will try digging up some links!

The key word is "measurable".
We know positively that the "head" can survive being seperated from the body for seconds, not sure how long, but long enough. It is believed to be possible for you to see your body if your head rolled off in the right direction. I doubt any real experiements were done, but you never know.

But consciousness is not a organ, we do not know what consciousness is! No idea, only educated guesses. The topic of consciousness and mind in relationship to the organ called the brain is most fascinating!

In near death expierences that have been validated as patients who were unresponsponsive and no measurable "brain" activity could be detected are the most amazing. As these patients come back with very vivid accounts of that time lapse! Keep in mind, we are talking scientists and doctors who can not explain this, even if you dismiss their story as "bunk", how could their brain have processed that bunk with no activity? There lies the single most amazing puzzle to this whole story!

Contrary. Consciousness has been defined. It could not be discussed without having been defined.
Consciousness has been notoriously difficult to define.
At least without a knife fight breaking out.
Contrary. Consciousness has been defined. It could not be discussed without having been defined.

I guess you could say is has been defined in a lot of different ways by a lot of different people, but it has not yet been concretely defined.

"Consciousness may involve thoughts, sensations, perceptions, moods, emotions, dreams, and self-awareness. It has been defined from a biological and causal perspective as the act of autonomously modulating attentional and computational effort, usually with the goal of obtaining, retaining, or maximizing specific parameters, such as food, a safe environment, family, or mates.

The issue of what consciousness is, and to what extent and in what sense it exists, is the subject of much research in philosophy of mind, psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, and artificial intelligence. Issues of practical concern include how the presence of consciousness can be assessed in severely ill individuals; how non-human consciousness can be measured; at what point in fetal development consciousness begins; and whether computers can achieve conscious states."

Consciousness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia