Proccessor falling

Also how long does get to clear hearig ? I'm starting to get a bit tired of the many sounds I can't locate..though last night I had a CI moment..heard the tap dripping..drip drip...and I felt so elevated..

What I long to hear birds chirping..never could hear it for some reason!

It takes a couple weeks to a couple months. When you're first activated, you have a crude map. You just have to get used to the sounds, and try to determine that they are. I had many CI moments when it comes to high frequency sounds for the first couple weeks. To me, it took about 3 weeks to finally have the balance between the lows and the highs, but once I got a real map with the different speech strategies it was a hell lot better. It took a couple map sessions to really have much better understanding of everything.

Localization is hard with just one CI. Basically you need to have two to really get the full benefit of localization. However, if you learn that if it's sound soft, turn your head and it sounds louder, then you can determine where the location is. The CI brings sound directly in front of you, so it's a bit tricky to determine how far the sound is, where the sound takes time.

Same goes for the birds. Once your DR improves, and new map, you'll hear the birds and the crickets in no time. Took me a couple months (mind you, it was cold when I was activated) to hear the birds, and 4 months to hear the crickets.
It takes a couple weeks to a couple months. When you're first activated, you have a crude map. You just have to get used to the sounds, and try to determine that they are. I had many CI moments when it comes to high frequency sounds for the first couple weeks. To me, it took about 3 weeks to finally have the balance between the lows and the highs, but once I got a real map with the different speech strategies it was a hell lot better. It took a couple map sessions to really have much better understanding of everything.

Localization is hard with just one CI. Basically you need to have two to really get the full benefit of localization. However, if you learn that if it's sound soft, turn your head and it sounds louder, then you can determine where the location is. The CI brings sound directly in front of you, so it's a bit tricky to determine how far the sound is, where the sound takes time.

Same goes for the birds. Once your DR improves, and new map, you'll hear the birds and the crickets in no time. Took me a couple months (mind you, it was cold when I was activated) to hear the birds, and 4 months to hear the crickets.

I've already been for a second quick mapping..Still feels a bit crude , but a lot better than before..nowhere close than my old HA though..

I am reading your blog and wishing they were doing bilaterals here..I'm watching the activation video you posted..I jumped just the same way at my audie 's office..LOL and I still have the weird jolt when I put the BTE on , and noises are just a lot louder for the first hour or that jolt ever going to go away?

glad to see that going bilateral is so good! my right ear is completely deaf..not even with HA..:(
I've already been for a second quick mapping..Still feels a bit crude , but a lot better than before..nowhere close than my old HA though..

I am reading your blog and wishing they were doing bilaterals here..I'm watching the activation video you posted..I jumped just the same way at my audie 's office..LOL and I still have the weird jolt when I put the BTE on , and noises are just a lot louder for the first hour or that jolt ever going to go away?

glad to see that going bilateral is so good! my right ear is completely deaf..not even with HA..:(

yeah, the "jolt" will go away. The left one took a little longer for the jolt to go away, but the right one, the jolt went away that day. :) Thank god, because I HATED putting on my CI on my left. People have said that the second one tend to go a bit easier because your brain is 'used' to it.

Like I said, it takes a couple maps. Some people have different experiences. I'm just kind of making a generalization from mine and normally gets better after the first map, then once you figure out what sounds you hate, and what sounds are missing, you'll be able to tell your audi.
:giggle: needs some time I see..Hope I will adjust soon..tomorrow I think I will use the music map and wait and see how music is..:giggle:

when I wake up I still dread putting BTE , needs time to adjust..mostly jolts are away , but the initial one is pretty confusing yet...

needs a lot of adjustment the first implant how often did you go for mapping ? I did the first which was really a 'threshold' feeling mostly , to be in a rather comfortable volume till I get used to it..after two weeks and tinnitus , went a few days ago for the second..An friend of mine scolded me for going so soon , but I was driven insane from the tinnitus ..couldn't sleep at all , and sometimes even when I had the BTE on had some it's gone! thank god for that...:hmm:
:giggle: needs some time I see..Hope I will adjust soon..tomorrow I think I will use the music map and wait and see how music is..:giggle:

when I wake up I still dread putting BTE , needs time to adjust..mostly jolts are away , but the initial one is pretty confusing yet...

needs a lot of adjustment the first implant how often did you go for mapping ? I did the first which was really a 'threshold' feeling mostly , to be in a rather comfortable volume till I get used to it..after two weeks and tinnitus , went a few days ago for the second..An friend of mine scolded me for going so soon , but I was driven insane from the tinnitus ..couldn't sleep at all , and sometimes even when I had the BTE on had some it's gone! thank god for that...:hmm:

Music is the LAST thing that takes quite some comprehension. So, I wouldn't hold on high expectation that music is going to sound great with the music program. I have tried it, and I hate it. I may be willing to give it another shot.

So far, 4 months - I've had 5 maps. I just went for a quick new one on Friday, to adjust some of the highs because of the vowels' sharpness (that's what I mentioned in the video), so she increased the DR because it gives you a much wider range of sounds without really increasing the sensititity or the volume.

Some people are very anal, and they have much more frequent maps. I thought I needed more mappings, but my audiologist explained to me that the more frequent I go, to adjust everything, I'm not allowing my ears to give a chance. I did try ADRO for two or three monhts, and I don't like it, so she switched to autosensitivity, but ADRO's program may actually be better because I'm having a bit of issues with things being too loud or too quiet like being outside when there's a lot of's very quiet to me. That is what Autosensitivity is for...however, I may need to get ADRO back because it can get a little bit annoying. So, over time I will see to try again. For me, I hated the music program.
My EarGear equip came in today...:giggle:

I wore it while running some specific errands and I already feel some difference...first of all my scar isn't irritated much..also proccessor isn't fallin anymore!! yay!!

but sounds are feeling a bit amplified , or it is because yesterday was sick and was all day in bed sleeping and not worn my BTE?
Actually sounds are kind of staticky...even without the EarGear...what's going on ? :hmm:
My EarGear equip came in today...:giggle:

I wore it while running some specific errands and I already feel some difference...first of all my scar isn't irritated much..also proccessor isn't fallin anymore!! yay!!

but sounds are feeling a bit amplified , or it is because yesterday was sick and was all day in bed sleeping and not worn my BTE?

Yes it is feeling amplified. Even If I don't wear it for a day, it sounds slightly louder, but then after a couple hours, it's quiet. You can lower the volume to 0, then increase it when you feel like it's getting soft.

As for the staticky feel...that is normal for Crude maps. That's what freaked me out the first one or two weeks after activation in my left. So, it's normal to feel that. However, does the ear gear goes over the microphones? It is possible it's because of that. I know when I wear my hair down, my hair rubs over the mics, and causes some static rubbing over the mic type of noise. :)

Hugs, it will get easier! :)
Hello LadySehkmet..

Most static seems to have gone away after I washed my hair ...still have some..not on the EarGear , checked with both having it on and off and sounded the , no it's not EarGear's fault...must be the crude mapping..

btw what's ADRO ?

can at least somebody also quote an price for rechargeable batteries and FM system ? I'm trying to discover how much I'm ripped off...:lol:

Also to Cloggy : Does the Phonak FM system helps your daughter at class and other situations? which receiver do you use? and how much did it cost?
Hi, here's link to buying batteries... Seems alot cheaper than buying rechargables, I think personally (i have opted for batteries when i get mine) and from experinces from friends that Rechargables don't have long life.


This is link to UK only Cochlear implant users group, I am sure they'll squeeze you in if you explain your suitation and in need of advice. There is talks on rechargables and batteries at the moment.

ciug2004 : Cochlear Implant Users Group (UK)
Hello LadySehkmet..

Most static seems to have gone away after I washed my hair ...still have some..not on the EarGear , checked with both having it on and off and sounded the , no it's not EarGear's fault...must be the crude mapping..

btw what's ADRO ?

can at least somebody also quote an price for rechargeable batteries and FM system ? I'm trying to discover how much I'm ripped off...:lol:

Also to Cloggy : Does the Phonak FM system helps your daughter at class and other situations? which receiver do you use? and how much did it cost?

ADRO is Adaptive Dynamic Range Optimization (I think you said you have the Freedom? Not sure)

Didn't you get rechargeable batteries along with your processors? I got Four altogether for the two implants.

If you have medicare, they will pay for your batteries. Some people said that it's cheaper to get rechargeable batteries in the long run. However, make sure you have the AirZinc battery holder with you in case if your rechargeable batteries die and need batteries. You can head to the supermarket and get the regular 675 batteries. They WILL work, I've tried it, and lasted me for 6 days (which I though was VERY weird). Just don't use it all the time, I think CI batteries are better because it has more power.
overthepond : thanks for the links..will check them out..I found an Powerone vendor in Germany , although the link you post seems a lot cheaper..

LadySehkmet : No , I live in Greece , and they definitely did not gave me rechargeables..I found an CI shop and the price is a bit disgusting...:shock: I also hoped they had given me both options , bodyworn and BTE , as sometimes I do not have access to shops that give out zinc air paternal hometown is rather remote..and while I was there I hoped to have the bodyworn with the AA batteries , if not the rechargeables..guess that I have to be stocked up at all times..with my HA one box of batteries was quite enough to last me a looong time..

My insurance paid for the operation and the initial packet of CI , won't cover for anything , not even the batteries or ANYTHING else..I found the coils a bit pricey for me...:(

And yes , I have the freedom :) Nucleus Freedom of Cochlear..
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overthepond : thanks for the links..will check them out..I found an Powerone vendor in Germany , although the link you post seems a lot cheaper..
Did bit of further research, yes Powerone is German... regarding to Battery website.... As it's based in USA, the prices of postage can be around $40 (USD) insured and FED EXed worldwide 4 days. Will keep researching for you...

I am sure u can get batteries within EU cheaply.

OR Move to UK! I must say i do feel for you for having have to pay for your deafness!
Have you tried cochlear site they have many ci centres in Athens, maybe it's worth contacting them and find out more from them....

Good luck
I do have CI centre in the town where I live currently..but batteries price there is a lot pricey...

800 euros for a rechargeable battery
70 euros for a box of 60 Zinc Air special for implants

Off the internet are a lot cheaper..found a rechargeable under 300 euros..:shock: here is a lot of ripping off...
Wow - those prices are pretty crazy. I'm really curious how much of that is Cochlear and how much is the reseller jacking up prices.

I have definitely noticed over the past few years that Cochlear has gotten much more profit-centered - notice how they push you to use their special batteries, etc, etc. Check out microbattery for cheaper alternatives - and don't forget to get the 5% off coupon sent to you for your order!

Sadly, their prices seem to have increased - I ordered a 300 pack of ZeniPower cochlear high-power size 675P's there about 6 months ago for 89.95 - 4.50 discount + 5.95 shipping = 91.40 total - now, the BASE PRICE of that pack is 101.95, in only 6 months! I don't know if this is common to a lot of sources or if microbattery is just profit-taking, since a $11 rise in the base price is hard to justify even looking at the economy and such.

Sorry to rant - I realize you spend in Euros! ;)
No problem TheWGP...that's what I rant for too HA was one battery every 2-3 weeks , a sixpacket lasted me months...and could find them anywhere!!

Now with the CI..a sixpacket won't last me not even 2 weeks...:shock:

How long do the rechargeables reaching their full potential?:hmm:

Here is a lot of resellers jacking up and ripping us off..literally! :roll:

Do the rechargeable need charging every night? with one CI how much should I buy ? one or two ? ( I'm thinking one with also an box of 60 Powerone for emegenercies..Cloggy any thoughts on that? ) that way I'd feel more secure..and I always could buy more in the future if I needed..

What do you think ?
Wow, a six pack lasts you even a week? I'm still on the 3G BTE 22, and I go through a six pack in a little over two DAYS - I have to change about once a day (3 batteries at a time). Well, a change does last a little longer than a day, but not much - if I change the batteries at noon one day, by around 2pm the next day it'll be time for another change, and so on. And no, before you ask, I don't usually leave it on at night! ;)

Then again, my maps are very power-hungry, and I have a thick skin flap - kind of a "perfect storm" for battery sucking, I guess. Battery life is about the same for 1 AA with the Spectra, which is actually cheaper to use, sadly! I'm getting a Freedom replacement for the 3G BTE programmed on the 24th, and I'm kind of dreading seeing the battery life there - usually when Cochlear says "battery life improved" MY battery life seems to go down or not change much! :/

I don't know anything about the rechargeable ones yet, since I haven't actually USED the Freedom yet - sorry! I do think that hundreds of dollars for a rechargeable battery is a nice round ripoff - it's pretty much like those special-shaped camera batteries that only fit in one camera, to force you to keep buying their type... but with the implant, well, they sure do have a captive market! :)
To Cloggy : I am going to ask for rechargeables , although to a friend quoted the price of 800 euros each battery..and I sure would need two ( to have one for back up just in case..) this without the charger..

how much is in Norway? will ask on monday..disposables last 2-3 days sometimes 4 , depending on the hearing situation.for the time being volume is low and my hearing hasn't cleared completely yet..

We actually bought them in Holland. Cheaper than Norway, more expensive than the staes... We payed 500 euro's for two.
We use the normal disposable batteries as backup... No need to invest even more in rechargeable..

That coffee.... I might just do that. Not this year, but how about february? :lol:
Also to Cloggy : Does the Phonak FM system helps your daughter at class and other situations? which receiver do you use? and how much did it cost?
We haven't used it yet.
In the kindergarten she doesn't need it, so we are reluctant to start using it.
We have it on loan. Subsidized by the state...
We're lucky with that.
With Lotte's CI, the only thing we payed ourself is the rechargeable batteries. (or the disposable...) Even traveling to Oslo from mapping with the plane is covered...
Well.... we pay the tax for the last 17 years in order to cover this kind of coverage .... but it's good to get something back finally...:lol: