Proccessor falling

As overthepond said, your tinnitus should subside eventually. I had awful tinnitus following both of my surgeries, but it is now something that only affects me mildly from time to time.
Agree with the others. Your tinnitus is likely because your brain has had a rude awakening with the CI activation and is sending out its alarm signals, so to speak. Your brain thinks that silence or quieter is the normal state. It should die down eventually as you become accustomed to the louder sounds.

The studies I've seen on CIs and tinnitus have consistently shown that for the majority of CI users tinnitus is significantly improved compared to before activation in the long term. This is probably because there is a strong co relation between tinnitus and silence, so when the CI provides sound input it somehow creates a masking effect. Hopefully this will be the case for you too.
I never "suffered" from tinnitus in the sense it bothered me, but there was always a "humming" in the background, which occasionally would rise to a screech that would make my eyes water (thankfully they were few and far between!) I found after getting my right ear implanted, the tinnitus in that ear disappeared! I still have slight tinnitus in my left, but again I don't really notice that its there.
Try buzzing the hair from around the coil area. The magnet will stick better. I buzz my area once a week. Interesting about choosing Nucleus, that thing was heavy. And the AB was no better. Hence is why I chosed MedEl Opus2 , much better fit and a nifty remote control. Some have use the body aid style CI because the BTE was too heavy. There is different size batteries for some models of the CI . Some people have used those snug fit things, look like a big rubberband. I know one person that use toupee tape. ( what people use to keep their toupees on) . It is sticky tape on both sides. And I am trying to avoid earmold too since my inner ear is senstive from wearing earmolds for 20 plus years. There is some earmold designs that allow air to breathe better inside the ear. Just experiment with different ways and pick the one that fits your lifestyle to best.

Cloggys pic remind me of the body aid days EEEKKK lol ( I never wore a body aid WHEW )
SouthFella - That is Cloggy's daughter, and I think it's just a genius thing to do. Better than buying a Body Worn that carries just batteries. Kids play a lot, and they won't "stay" on their belts or whatever.

Plus, it frees Lotte's ears from the BTE. Maybe in the future she will have it back the "normal" way.

Freedom does "look" heavy, but you get used to it very quick.
SouthFella - That is Cloggy's daughter, and I think it's just a genius thing to do. Better than buying a Body Worn that carries just batteries. Kids play a lot, and they won't "stay" on their belts or whatever.

Plus, it frees Lotte's ears from the BTE. Maybe in the future she will have it back the "normal" way.

Freedom does "look" heavy, but you get used to it very quick.

I am aware that is Cloggys daughter. I was sure Cloggy didn't look that young lol.

The Cochlear Americas Nucleus and the Advanced Bionics was so heavy , I looked like Dumbo's ears on a good day. The MedEl Opus2 was a much better fit and I like the remote much better. About time a cochlear manufactor came out with a remote which is what I waited for WOO HOO
Try buzzing the hair from around the coil area. The magnet will stick better. I buzz my area once a week. Interesting about choosing Nucleus, that thing was heavy. And the AB was no better. Hence is why I chosed MedEl Opus2 , much better fit and a nifty remote control. Some have use the body aid style CI because the BTE was too heavy. There is different size batteries for some models of the CI . Some people have used those snug fit things, look like a big rubberband. I know one person that use toupee tape. ( what people use to keep their toupees on) . It is sticky tape on both sides. And I am trying to avoid earmold too since my inner ear is senstive from wearing earmolds for 20 plus years. There is some earmold designs that allow air to breathe better inside the ear. Just experiment with different ways and pick the one that fits your lifestyle to best.

Cloggys pic remind me of the body aid days EEEKKK lol ( I never wore a body aid WHEW )

Buzzing?? what's that meaning?:hmm:

I asked about the batteries 60 pack costs 70 euros. Yikes!!( How long do last these for you? )

I will try and find adult SnugFit.Didn't remember to ask..I want to avoid if possible the earmolds..
I wore a body aid when I was a kiddo, brings back some memories..

I chose the Cochlear brand b/c it's the one doc was more experienced into implanting , and also looked better than the MedEl model..that seemed a lot ugly to Greece you don't get the new fast..AB isn't promoted here , although I was quite interested in it..
In my hands do feel heavier than my HA , but my ear doesn't have any feeling yet..I did pinch me there and I didn't even bat an eye..

for now , I managed to find a big..erm..bonnet and wear that over the magnet and cover the I've avoided irritating my scar further..

I also put the volume of the implant on maximum, when I have that on and the tv on too , tinnitus goes away..any more advice ? it drives me really crazy , cant sleep , read or work properly..been tired the last two days...
Hello again!! Been today to my audi..did a short mapping session he also made the volume higher..will go for third mapping after finals..tinnitus almost dissapeared , but comes with vengeance when I remove my BTE..also BTE still falling , and irritating my scar..scar's quite inflamed..can't wait for EarGear..but BTE falls less often after my haircut..I think I will order an corded eargear as I'm scared of losing my BTE..
Hello again!! Been today to my audi..did a short mapping session he also made the volume higher..will go for third mapping after finals..tinnitus almost dissapeared , but comes with vengeance when I remove my BTE..also BTE still falling , and irritating my scar..scar's quite inflamed..can't wait for EarGear..but BTE falls less often after my haircut..I think I will order an corded eargear as I'm scared of losing my BTE..
While you're at it... get the longest coil you can get as well. Might be handyy in the future..
You should get a earmold. Getting a earmold is better because it stays in your ear and it doesn't come off. I have an earmold on my CI. so b4 i had not got the ear mold, it was falling off. but with it it doesnt.
You should get a earmold. Getting a earmold is better because it stays in your ear and it doesn't come off. I have an earmold on my CI. so b4 i had not got the ear mold, it was falling off. but with it it doesnt.

She doesn't want earmolds as it's causing infections. Her CI cord needs to "conform" to her head in order to make it stay. I had the same issues with my left. Surprisingly, I don't have an issue with my right...with shorter earhook (left is long). Also, her scar is irritating, so she needs some sort of protection, which Ear Gear may actually help with that.

Hmm...every ear is different. :)
Hmm...every ear is different. :)

So glad I don't have to play around with tape, elastic bands or earmolds. Lotte would lose her patience in 1 minute.... and then take them off again.

We sometimes make 2 "tails" from her hair on the sides and put the coil under it. No way it will fall off...

(Bad description... here are some pictures..)
While you're at it... get the longest coil you can get as well. Might be handyy in the future..

I actually didn't remember it..will have in the future..

My insurance does not cover the cost of the batteries..:thumbd:
So I will have to find an online cheap vendor...any suggestions?
Cloggy , cord's started getting a bit stiff..that means that is starting to be in place? falls less often , but when I want to bend down or move my head abruptly still gets off..wish there was an cochlear online vendor , office prices are sometimes disgusting here!!
She doesn't want earmolds as it's causing infections. Her CI cord needs to "conform" to her head in order to make it stay. I had the same issues with my left. Surprisingly, I don't have an issue with my right...with shorter earhook (left is long). Also, her scar is irritating, so she needs some sort of protection, which Ear Gear may actually help with that.

Hmm...every ear is different. :)
ditto on LadySekhmet.. ear infections can be really nasty..and I bought the EarGear , for that and a couple of other reasons..:hmm:

the place I live is really humid , hence the infections...
I have thought of that possibility..but I'd like to avoid that , I was wearing hearing aid before the implant , and I was constantly having infections...due to the earmould..:aw:

I was just wondering ... would you have the same issues if you had a skeleton mould with a HUGE (whatever the largest they can make) vent put in ?? Since you're not actually hearing via the ear mould anymore, they should be able to make a huge vent, without compromising the structure of the mould? ...

That way you'd have the support of the mould (temporarily while everything conforms etc), and you'd have plenty of air/ventilation for your ear ... so you'd likely not have to worry about infections at all ....

just a thought...
........wish there was an cochlear online vendor , office prices are sometimes disgusting here!!
You should try Norway!! Talk about stiff prices.

That's why we invested in rechargeable batteries.... And it works well. They last 1 day with Lotte, and are recharged during the night. Perfect! ..
Lotte is so beautiful, cloggy...

(is Lotte short for Charlotte?)

You all have given me some ideas for when i get my implant and if i have problems i will know what i need...
To Cloggy : I am going to ask for rechargeables , although to a friend quoted the price of 800 euros each battery..and I sure would need two ( to have one for back up just in case..) this without the charger..

how much is in Norway? will ask on monday..disposables last 2-3 days sometimes 4 , depending on the hearing situation.for the time being volume is low and my hearing hasn't cleared completely yet..

Lotte is such a beautiful and sunny kid!! Anytime you come on vacation at Greece , you're welcome for coffee anytime!

To Anij : I am starting to consider it at have skeleton earmould , I started missing my old least to wear it only when I'm outside , and I would only change it less often as it's not dependent to hear or have the BTE whistling ( had it quite often ) only thing that keeps me back is that summer is really hot here..maybe I would have the earmould only when I'm out?when I'm at home or somewhere I feel safe could remove it...

Also how long does get to clear hearig ? I'm starting to get a bit tired of the many sounds I can't locate..though last night I had a CI moment..heard the tap dripping..drip drip...and I felt so elevated..

What I long to hear birds chirping..never could hear it for some reason!