President Obama reverses abortion-funds policy

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No, including those that get aborted.

Then what the hell are you arguing? Worry about the ones already on this earth that are not getting equal chances. Why add to their numbers. It's counter productive.
says who? Did the fetus tell you that? How is it a "life" or "pursuit of happiness" if the baby is born to unhealthy environment? How is that a "life" and "pursuit of happiness" if that baby is not loved and wanted by parent(s)? How is it a "life" and "pursuit of happiness" if the baby is born with crippling & painful disease that will kill baby within a couple years or less?

again - that's precisely why pro-lifers can never win to overturn Roe v. Wade if their sole argument is what you just said. if only you can come up without religious/moral principle... you could actually have a chance there at Supreme Court.


speaking of unhealthy enviroments...what about being born into a VERY poor place that has no money, food, or anything such as in Africa? Many kids are dying there everyday starving to death. Even we try to help them by giving them money, but the money arent really going the needy children. In fact they are going straight to the government to get more weapons and soilders and shit like that. Their government DONT care about kids! They dont care about their own people and rather collect power to earn before doing anything else.

So...really, like I said, Life is cruel.

It is indeed important to have a child born into an healthy eviroment when he/she would have everything the child, water, shelter, care, and alot of love and attention.

Not every child gets that and it is indeed sad yes but...*sigh* sometimes everything happens for a reason.
Then what the hell are you arguing? Worry about the ones already on this earth that are not getting equal chances. Why add to their numbers. It's counter productive.

"Ones". It's amazing. We all know they're developing human beings, developing into one of the "ones". There is no guarantee that everyone is going to have a hunky dory life. But give everyone a chance.

You call those of us with these views "Nazis", and yet look at what the Nazis did, and how they valued human life. Lives that were "already on this earth".
Would you really like me to post what happens during an abortion, since you asked? Please respond to this question, at least.

would you really like me to post what happened to pregnant women when abortion was banned? how about baby with crippling & painful disease? how about baby whose face is caved in that usually result in painful slow death? how about baby born to poverty? Have you ever seen what happened to babies in poverty? You'd have to be an insanely sick, twisted hypocrite to ignore that. and please - do not give me some "give it up to foster/orphanage" bullshit because it's not what you think. Go to Africa and see it for yourself. That will answer one of your questions why there are so many children in rogue armies.

you know what's worse? a pregnant woman giving birth to rapist's baby that she doesn't want to have.

that's why this is fair for all. You can choose not to have one. They can choose to have one. Worry about yourself. Why you want to worry about somebody's baby? you gonna raise them too?
"Ones". It's amazing. We all know they're developing human beings, developing into one of the "ones". There is no guarantee that everyone is going to have a hunky dory life. But give everyone a chance.

You call those of us with these views "Nazis", and yet look at what the Nazis did, and how they valued human life. Lives that were "already on this earth".

And, again, you are confusing morality with legal decisions. And obviously, your views are parallel, in that you believe that you have the right to dictate the morality and values of everyone dependent upon your own perspective.

Fact of the matter...abortion is legal.

Another fact of the matter...making it illegal will not stop it. It will only lead to more deaths based on a woman's moral decision.
"Ones". It's amazing. We all know they're developing human beings, developing into one of the "ones". There is no guarantee that everyone is going to have a hunky dory life. But give everyone a chance.

You call those of us with these views "Nazis", and yet look at what the Nazis did, and how they valued human life. Lives that were "already on this earth".

give everyone a chance? to what? to die in most inhumane way like this? (**WARNING - DISTURBING PIX)

Yes I cal those Nazis for denying people a choice to make decision for themselves that does not concern other people.
And, again, you are confusing morality with legal decisions. And obviously, your views are parallel, in that you believe that you have the right to dictate the morality and values of everyone dependent upon your own perspective.

Fact of the matter...abortion is legal.

Another fact of the matter...making it illegal will not stop it. It will only lead to more deaths based on a woman's moral decision.

Was it something I said?

"Ones". It's amazing. We all know they're developing human beings, developing into one of the "ones". There is no guarantee that everyone is going to have a hunky dory life. But give everyone a chance.

You call those of us with these views "Nazis", and yet look at what the Nazis did, and how they valued human life. Lives that were "already on this earth".
I believe it will be banned someday as well... the technology available today(and it gets better all the time) is aMAzing..showing how the baby(oops..fetus) develops over time. And it's how we all developed.

Good post.
Was it something I said?

"Ones". It's amazing. We all know they're developing human beings, developing into one of the "ones". There is no guarantee that everyone is going to have a hunky dory life. But give everyone a chance.

You call those of us with these views "Nazis", and yet look at what the Nazis did, and how they valued human life. Lives that were "already on this earth".

The same way that you are attempting to force a moral and value perspective on others. Definately a parallel. You are denying women a right to have medical care as decided between them and their physicans based on the fact that they are women.
And in case some of you don't know, the woman involved in the RoevWade case(Jane Roe herself) is now PRO-LIFE. It seems these days she's into the right of privacy and life for these babies.
YouTube - Jane Roe's prolife commercial

That's interesting to know.

I heard Rosevelt was pro life too. Something I also find interesting since people keep trying to compaire him with Obama who is very pro death.
That's interesting to know.

I heard Rosevelt was pro life too. Something I also find interesting since people keep trying to compaire him with Obama who is very pro death.

Obama pro-death? Please cite your sources on that one.:laugh2::laugh2:
Give this unwanted child to the parents who can't have children. Let them adopt unwanted child. What's wrong with that ? This unwanted child could be a singer, or president, or lawyer or doctor ....

When the parents get old, they could always get help from their child to take care of them in time of needs. :)

That's interesting to know.

I heard Rosevelt was pro life too. Something I also find interesting since people keep trying to compaire him with Obama who is very pro death.

what's pro-death anyway? is he Hitler? does he sign some kind of decree to order deaths of Domestic Dissents?
You know..if you're going to start with name calling- especially Nazis, and you're going to be allowed to do so..well, like I always say- once they resort to that, I know I've won the argument.

It's a life. Use some common sense.

Thanks for posting all these refreshing posts.

I remember once they tried to deny that black people were the same as us. Hitler did the same with the Jews. These examples are racist.

This belief in the baby being a 'parasite' is ageist.
I remember once they tried to deny that black people were the same as us. Hitler did the same with the Jews. These examples are racist.

...and they have nothing to do with abortion.
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