Eve, I agree with you regarding birth control. There are some idoits out there who just pop out the babies on public money....I was just playing devil's advocate there.
I do know that it's thought that middle and upper class people don't need financal help from VR, but on the other hand middle class people do seem to pay through the nose for stuff. I mean, even a lot of middle class people have trouble paying for things like hearing aids. (just look on all the BBs for parents of deaf kids . At least once or twice a month, someone's online seeking info on how to pay for hearing aids) There's also the possibilty that the deaf/hoh person has a syndrome which translates into huge health care expenses. I'm not just talking about the syndromes where the person is globally disabled (eg the ones that translate into VERY profound disabilties, where the person is: deaf, blind, profoundly MR, g-tube'd, trach'd, has AFOs and ostomies etc.)
There are "mild" severe syndromes where the kid may be high functioning in terms of IQ, but have tons of medical issues. I have one of those syndromes myself and my parents (who are middle class) have probaly spent upwards of a million dollars out of pocket on my health care!
I have been told by some militants that the hearing society OWES it to deafies to pay them their SSDI. Yet, these are the same deafies that scream "Im NOT disabled!"
Well....I can see how some militants might think that way. Remember now, I'm just playing devil's advocate. I don't like receiving SSI/Disabilty and I wish that the employment level in the whole deaf-world was higher.
However, what if the person recieving SSI/Disabilty is an oral failure and didn't learn Sign until kinda late? Hearing people were the ones who orginally thought that the oral route was so wonderful and the best thing in the world for deaf and hard of hearing folks. A lot of oral failures spent far far far too much time on becoming oral (becoming faux hearing) and so when they finally were allowed to learn ASL, they were way behind on stuff.
What if the person receiving SSI/Disabilty is one of those people who fell through the educational cracks? I remember reading in Train Go Sorry that in the '70's when most deaf and hoh attended res schools, the employment level among Deaf males was HIGHER then for the general white hearing male population. A lot of us deaf and hoh folks (especially those of us of the immediate post-IDEA generation) really didn't get appropreaite services in school, especially if we were just thrown into class with a 'terp, auditory trainer, and roaming resource teacher.