Premature baby not allowed to live under G.B. nationalized health care plan

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Jul 9, 2006
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The Daily Mail reported that a woman in Great Britain was told it was against the rules under their nationalized health care plan to save her premature baby. Her baby was left to die.

It is a development issue but there are cases where premies born 21 and 22 weeks old survive only because of our advanced medical technology ensures that chance of survivability outside the womb.
Youngest Premature Baby's Survival Called a ‘Miracle' - February 21, 2007 - The New York Sun

Tiny Baby Has Bright Future - ABC News

The problem here, this "death panel" decided it wasn't worth trying yet we have a case of a premie born during the 21 week stage of development survived because of the doctors' willingness to help here in the United States. The G.B. doctors decided the money wouldn't be "well spent" to help a baby survive.
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The Daily Mail reported that a woman in Great Britain was told it was against the rules under their nationalized health care plan to save her premature baby. Her baby was left to die.

Tiny Baby Has Bright Future - ABC News

It is a development issue but there are cases where premies born 21 and 22 weeks old survive only because of our advanced medical technology ensures that chance of survivability outside the womb.
Youngest Premature Baby's Survival Called a ‘Miracle' - February 21, 2007 - The New York Sun

The problem here, this "death panel" decided it wasn't worth trying yet we have a case of a premie born during the 21 week stage of development survived because of the doctors' willingness to help here in the United States. The G.B. doctors decided the money wouldn't be "well spent" to help a baby survive.

I read your article, it doesn't say that anywhere....
Exactly. It doesn't say that anywhere. And the link to the Daily Mail is not provided so that we can read the article ourselves.

This is just another veiled attempt at Obama-bashing.:roll:
Same old, but throwing the ball into the neighbor's backyard again cuz nobody will play with him in politics section.
The link from the Daily Mail is full of inconsistencies, and virtually no medical fact. Nothing more than anecdote from a grieving mother.
Exactly. It doesn't say that anywhere. And the link to the Daily Mail is not provided so that we can read the article ourselves.

This is just another veiled attempt at Obama-bashing.:roll:
Heeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy you made it to 30K! Well done!
I'll tell you what they told me in the NICU with my daughter.

"If the baby fights, we fight for it". If the baby is born alive, they do everything in their power to keep it that way. They said they don't give a damn about the age.
I can understand why doctors said no but its totally wrong. even if they though the baby had no chance they could have helped!!!!
This is just another veiled attempt at Obama-bashing.:roll:

Yeah, that Obama guy really has a lot of pull in determining public health policies in Great Britain, doesn’t he?
Let me attempt to Obama bash by those who have posted misleading and innacurrate information regarding the current proposed health care reform being exactly like that in the U.K. It is a matter of implication.
OK, that makes more sense. :ty: Actually, this is already standard practice in the United States, and has been for a long time. At Cedars-Sinai in LA, the unwritten but standard policy that they have been following for years is that if a premie weighs less than 500 grams, then it’s left to die.
OK, that makes more sense. :ty: Actually, this is already standard practice in the United States, and has been for a long time. At Cedars-Sinai in LA, the unwritten but standard policy that they have been following for years is that if a premie weighs less than 500 grams, then it’s left to die.

That is not how it works at the NICU my daughter was at. Not at all.
That is not how it works at the NICU my daughter was at. Not at all.

Nor is it standard medical procedure anywhere in the states. In fact, the law here is that they must attempt resucitation or the hospital and doctor are liable.
Kokonut, the title you typed is a misinterpretation.

Accord first of three articles you posted, explain the reason why...

Medical experts say babies born before 23 weeks are simply too under-developed to survive, and that to use aggressive treatment methods would only prolong their suffering, or inflict pain.
Kokonut, the title you typed is a misinterpretation.

Accord first of three articles you posted, explain the reason why...

Medical experts say babies born before 23 weeks are simply too under-developed to survive, and that to use aggressive treatment methods would only prolong their suffering, or inflict pain.

Yep. The ethical code of non-maleficience.
Shouldn't this thread be moved to War and Political news?
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