I haven't yet figured out who's side you are on. In your attempt to create bashing material for 'you know who'.....it seems you are in fact advocating 'for' health care reform.
Repubs want to say it cost too much to reform it.....and yet Palin decries a death panel. The death panel you describe would be a 'budgeting' decision......or in other words.....another way to cut cost. It says that democrats want to use 'COMMON SENSE'. And what exactly is wrong with that????? You are arguing that we should not use common sense.
I don't have a problem with death panels......this country has become to much of a politically correct place. We have to please everyone of everyone is going to bytch.
Spoiled country....death is part of life....unfortunately that also includes infant births. Stillborns and premies have a long history.....more so than nowadays with pre-birth care. So why is it that we now expect perfection in everything. Other countries don't do this. Death is part of life to them. Very expensive for intensive care........maybe if we can get the cost down then the death panels become less needed....i.e. preventive care and lower intensive care cost.
The word death scares americans silly.
That is why Palin used the term.....political desperation to grab attention.
It works against her and the repubs if you think about it.
A death panel is just a sign of being frugal with cost. Nothing wrong with that.
I really doubt they pull plugs when a baby is pulling thru.
Simply hyperbole for the purpose of bashing.
Or is this all a hidden religious pro-life ploy?
As it is the taxpayers pay for plenty of these premmies in our system....so what is it you want?
Insurance and health care executives have a monopoly on everything....this is what jacks up prices. Less work more pay. And noone paying in cuz it is ridiculous rates.
They charge more because not enough paying in.
It's like a little store in a little town....the prices are high. They have to charge more to cover thier cost. Charge fewer people more money. Same with insurance and health care. If everyone buys then prices go down...like a Walmart store...lol. Economics 101.
But seriously, they want to do less for more money.
The Daily Mail reported that a woman in Great Britain was told it was against the rules under their nationalized health care plan to save her premature baby. Her baby was left to die.
It is a development issue but there are cases where premies born 21 and 22 weeks old survive only because of our advanced medical technology ensures that chance of survivability outside the womb.
Youngest Premature Baby's Survival Called a ‘Miracle' - February 21, 2007 - The New York Sun
Tiny Baby Has Bright Future - ABC News
The problem here, this "death panel" decided it wasn't worth trying yet we have a case of a premie born during the 21 week stage of development survived because of the doctors' willingness to help here in the United States. The G.B. doctors decided the money wouldn't be "well spent" to help a baby survive.