Post your gas prices

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yea it already goes up! we already suffer! .. i dont know what else we can do.. to me, simple plan.. go on homeless and let them scream because we cant go to work and home! that way all busniess realize what was thing went wrong! like system in american was driving a wrong way on the wrong road..

one thing was i cant wait.. is that car or truck would be electirc engine are in sell soon!!!
i need to know if they are affordable for both monthly like insurance and payment for truck.. that is my question.. let see how ..

if i can afford it, then i might buy! who knows!

Hey, don't worry,

Once Diesel goes up more, truckers are gonna protest and refuse to move cargos. Companies suffers, everyone suffers. Economic will suffers too. Government will take emergency action to fix the problem. They will be forced to order Big 3 co to start produce alternative fuel cars and trucks.

I know Govt and Big 3 co are really stupid cuz they didn't learn from 1973 Oil crisis... If they had forced Big 3 to produce Alternative fuel cars truck ect. We wouldn't have any problems and be independent from Foreign oil. They did not work hard enuf to stop conspiracy and buy outs to hush ect. I remembered Sears used to sell Electric Ford car ("Diehard" car) back in 1980's. It used to be in catalog. I try to remember it was about $12,000 which are very expensive back then while many cars and trucks are around $5,000 level.

I sure hope that this time Govt and rest of Gen X'ers learn lesson and start to get going to wean USA off from Foreign Oil. Price for Alternative Fuel cars and truck will go down once it's mass produced.

Hey, don't worry,

Once Diesel goes up more, truckers are gonna protest and refuse to move cargos. Companies suffers, everyone suffers. Economic will suffers too. Government will take emergency action to fix the problem. They will be forced to order Big 3 co to start produce alternative fuel cars and trucks.

I know Govt and Big 3 co are really stupid cuz they didn't learn from 1973 Oil crisis... If they had forced Big 3 to produce Alternative fuel cars truck ect. We wouldn't have any problems and be independent from Foreign oil. They did not work hard enuf to stop conspiracy and buy outs to hush ect. I remembered Sears used to sell Electric Ford car ("Diehard" car) back in 1980's. It used to be in catalog. I try to remember it was about $12,000 which are very expensive back then while many cars and trucks are around $5,000 level.

I sure hope that this time Govt and rest of Gen X'ers learn lesson and start to get going to wean USA off from Foreign Oil. Price for Alternative Fuel cars and truck will go down once it's mass produced.


I believe that retail companies would cut on freight to even or odd day instead of daily when diesel is getting more rediciously expensive, such as $6 or above.

After cut, it would experience on limited supplies.
I don't understand why many drivers (non company/non RV owner/non horse owner) truck drive around without anything in truck's bedbox. Just show off for size but nothing with bedbox. Why not use trailer hitches? It's better than truck's bedbox for boat, two or more ATVs, motorcycle, tractor, and larger item.


It looks sexy, faster, and good mpg.
Why not just drive the motorcycle? Saves more money on gas. ;)
That is what exactly I am doing lately! Left my two gas guzzler vehicles parked and gone in the wind. Man! it was 33 degrees, not bad for riding my goldwing.

Why not just drive the motorcycle? Saves more money on gas. ;)
Why not just drive the motorcycle? Saves more money on gas. ;)

Why not He ride peewee 50cc moped. It get great 150mpg!! LOL. I used to have 50cc moped back in 1983 to ride to school. It gets 180mpg and last me more than 3 weeks to a month worth of gas depending how often I ride with friends and to work. (I had big tank same size as motorcycle, It's a Batavus Regency HS that look like motorcycle)

I believe that retail companies would cut on freight to even or odd day instead of daily when diesel is getting more rediciously expensive, such as $6 or above.

After cut, it would experience on limited supplies.
Yup. the shipment will be intermitted and take longer to deliver. It'll hurts everyone and economic anyway. They might have to resort it to train if they have to.

We need to open up more fields for drilling oil, and build new refineries for quicker and cheaper processing. There's no reason for us to import so much oil when we have much more in our own land.

Motorcycles are great but you can't haul cargo on them. :)
We need to open up more fields for drilling oil, and build new refineries for quicker and cheaper processing. There's no reason for us to import so much oil when we have much more in our own land.

Motorcycles are great but you can't haul cargo on them. :)

I agree with you Reba,I heard that we have so much oil in Alaska that it would keep the US in oil for 37 years.
We need to open up more fields for drilling oil, and build new refineries for quicker and cheaper processing. There's no reason for us to import so much oil when we have much more in our own land.

Motorcycles are great but you can't haul cargo on them. :)

It won't solve the problem to make gas so cheap, also oil wouldn't here for longer time, even it will run out in next 50 years and more environment issue would occurs if you want drilling oil from ground, that's bad idea and global warming is an issue too.

It will be more worse if we don't approve on alternative fuel.

There's your answer from other member in few last pages.
That will cause a lot of environmental issues with drilling and adding more refineries. The gas tax will never be removed, many countries in the world have tax on the gas. Be glad, it's not as high as it's in Europe union.
It won't solve the problem to make gas so cheap, also oil wouldn't here for longer time, even it will run out in next 50 years and more environment issue would occurs if you want drilling oil from ground, that's bad idea and global warming is an issue too.
If it gives us 50 years more to work on alternative fuels and systems, why not take it? Do you prefer to run out of oil in 10 years instead? Do you prefer to be at the mercy of foreign fuel providers?

The environmental issues are way overblown; some are downright false.

What is more risky to the environment? A pipeline within our protected borders, or tanker ships crossing unprotected oceans?

What is safer, refineries within our borders with short distribution links, or refineries in fragile countries with long distribution links?

It will be more worse if we don't approve on alternative fuel.
I fully support continuing research and development of other fuels and energy systems. Just because I support expanding drilling doesn't mean I'm against other energy sources. Do both.
There's your answer from other member in few last pages.
Originally Posted by sequoias View Post
That will cause a lot of environmental issues with drilling and adding more refineries. The gas tax will never be removed, many countries in the world have tax on the gas. Be glad, it's not as high as it's in Europe union.
Environmental issues can be tackled one site at a time. They are not insurmountable.

Who cares what other countries around the world are taxing? We should care about the country in which we live. We have a voice about our taxes; we don't have a voice about European taxes.
If it gives us 50 years more to work on alternative fuels and systems, why not take it? Do you prefer to run out of oil in 10 years instead? Do you prefer to be at the mercy of foreign fuel providers?

The environmental issues are way overblown; some are downright false.

What is more risky to the environment? A pipeline within our protected borders, or tanker ships crossing unprotected oceans?

What is safer, refineries within our borders with short distribution links, or refineries in fragile countries with long distribution links?

I fully support continuing research and development of other fuels and energy systems. Just because I support expanding drilling doesn't mean I'm against other energy sources. Do both.

Do you think that Al Gore's concern on global warming and energy issue is false?

The oil can be run out in less than 50 years if other countries use too much oil, even much more than in USA, such as China and India. We need have alternative fuel to left oil alone. Why does you got SUV at first place and complain about gas price? I don't understand.
Do you think that Al Gore's concern on global warming and energy issue is false?
He's insincere and just looking for a "cause". His viewpoint does not have full scientific support. His "solutions" are not realistic or honest. He's a hypocrite.

The oil can be run out in less than 50 years if other countries use too much oil, even much more than in USA, such as China and India. We need have alternative fuel to left oil alone.
How does leaving the oil alone solve anything? Why would we want to run out of oil before we need to? That doesn't make sense.

Why does you got SUV at first place and complain about gas price? I don't understand.
I guess my basic 1995 Jeep Cherokee might be classified as an SUV. I can't afford to buy a new car.

I'm complaining about gas prices because they don't need to be as high as they are.

So far, I can get by on this gas price. I'm more concerned about people who depend on gas and diesel for their jobs, and how the price of transportation effects the consumer.

Even if you have no car, the price of gas and diesel will affect everything you buy. The cost of food and other goods will increase.

Do you understand that?
He's insincere and just looking for a "cause". His viewpoint does not have full scientific support. His "solutions" are not realistic or honest. He's a hypocrite.

How does leaving the oil alone solve anything? Why would we want to run out of oil before we need to? That doesn't make sense.

I guess my basic 1995 Jeep Cherokee might be classified as an SUV. I can't afford to buy a new car.

I'm complaining about gas prices because they don't need to be as high as they are.

So far, I can get by on this gas price. I'm more concerned about people who depend on gas and diesel for their jobs, and how the price of transportation effects the consumer.

Even if you have no car, the price of gas and diesel will affect everything you buy. The cost of food and other goods will increase.

Do you understand that?

That's fine if you don't believe about Al Gore's concern on global warming and oil issue, you will see happen in 50 years later if you still here.

The gas price has been skyrocketing because of demand/supply issue, war and others, if oil is peak or shortage then gas price will be more expensive than before, even it will never went down to under $2 anymore. It's not hard to predicts that gas price will hit $6 per gallon in few years.

I used to complain about gas price but not much as before because I have find other way to make less on gas, such as find job that's closer to home, relocate to major cities that offers good public transportation or other thing. I was expected that gas price will be under $2 in several years from 2004 but nothing is happen, just passed $3 now.

If you can't afford to buy car, how about used car? If your money isn't permitted for more gas then how about get 2nd job that's closer to your home?

It's true about gas price does affect consumers and companies, there's nothing that I can help.
That's fine if you don't believe about Al Gore's concern on global warming and oil issue, you will see happen in 50 years later if you still here.
Well, I'd be 107 years old. Who knows? :P

But even if I'm not here, I am concerned about the future for my grandchildren.

That doesn't mean I believe Al Gore. If you think following Al Gore will change the future for the better, then you have been deceived.

The gas price has been skyrocketing because of demand/supply issue, war and others, if oil is peak or shortage then gas price will be more expensive than before, even it will never went down to under $2 anymore. It's not hard to predicts that gas price will hit $6 per gallon in few years.
Did you see that part of your statement that says, "because of demand/supply issue"? We can resolve the supply issue by using more domestic oil.

I used to complain about gas price but not much as before because I have find other way to make less on gas, such as find job that's closer to home, relocate to major cities that offers good public transportation or other thing.
That's nice for you but how does that help interstate trucking? How does that help small businesses who depend on gas-guzzling vehicles to provide you with your goods and services?

If you can't afford to buy car, how about used car?
My Jeep is a used car. Why would I want to buy someone else's problems? This one runs good and is dependable. Another cheap used car instead of my Jeep wouldn't improve my financial situation.

If your money isn't permitted for more gas then how about get 2nd job that's closer to your home?
I'm an interpreter. I go where I'm needed, when I'm needed. When I get the Bat Signal, I zip out of the Bat Cave, and drive my Batmobile to the next assignment. I need to be available, so I can't take on a second job. Besides, that would mean more driving, so that would be counterproductive. :)

That still wouldn't solve the problem for truckers and businesses.

It's true about gas price does affect consumers and companies, there's nothing that I can help.
Yes, there is. You can support more drilling sites and refineries. :)
Oregon: 3.29 lowest price for regular, but goes up to 3.79 some places
Diesel is over 4.00 all across state... it is about 4.05 for cheapest.

Salem, OR: 3.67 to 3.70
I seen it somewhere in the city.

Some people, I know who, told me they sick of changing a price to high cost. =/
$3.53 a gallon at the local Home Depot fuel station.

I still drive my SUV.
^^ I didn't know home depot has a fuel station.
here it is $3.57

Already, the prices are affecting my friends/coworkers' plans for this weekend. One of my good friends is having a bday party this Sunday. First, she asked many of us which is better...Sat or Sunday. I said Sunday because I have to drop my daughter off with her dad in the evening and my friend lives near my ex hubby so I was thinking that would save gas as opposed to going to her house on Sat and then going to that area again on Sunday. However, another friend wanted Sat cuz she is driving from Frederick (about 40 miles away) to that area to visit her parents on Sat and she didnt want to make 2 trips in one weekend because of gas. My friend decided on Sunday since majority ruled. Now, my friend who lives in Frederick is not sure about coming on Sunday cuz of gas costs. Doesnt that really suck? Have to make our plans around the cost of gas. :rifle:
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