Pit Bulls

When it is selctively bred for, it can be. Just as race horses are selectively bred for those physical characteristics that translate into a behavioral manifestation.....speed and agility that makes them naturally predisposed to race.
no not predisposed to race. Horses and Dogs are PREDISPOSED to run. Humans simply took advantage of that to race for profits. We are predisposed to socialize and travel. To deny of that from us.... what would you say what would happen to us?

And humans have higher cognitive functioning. Animals don't.
oh? so why do humans rape, murder, torture, steal, etc.? I guess their higher cognitive functioning isn't functioning properly.
They were bred to fight. Do you even know the origin of the name "Pit Bull"?

It is a predisposition. They were bred to enhance those characteristics that would make them good for the activity they were bred for.

Pit for location where they fight.

Bull from Bull terrier as it was cross with different breeds.
They were bred to fight. Do you even know the origin of the name "Pit Bull"?

It is a predisposition. They were bred to enhance those PHYSICAL characteristics that would make them good for the activity they were bred for.

correction - see red text above. It's just a name for any breed they created. It's in no way to characterize it as aggressive trigger-happy dog.
no not predisposed to race. Horses and Dogs are PREDISPOSED to run. Humans simply took advantage of that to race for profits. We are predisposed to socialize and travel. To deny of that from us.... what would you say what would happen to us?

oh? so why do humans rape, murder, torture, steal, etc.? I guess their higher cognitive functioning isn't functioning properly.

Exactly. Humans selectively breed animals to enhance the characteristics they want to enhance based on a specific purpose.

Again, jiro, you cannot compare human pathology to selective breeding. It is a fallicious argument.
They were bred to fight. Do you even know the origin of the name "Pit Bull"?

It is a predisposition. They were bred to enhance those characteristics that would make them good for the activity they were bred for.

correction - see red text above. It's just a name for any breed they created. It's in no way to characterize it as aggressive trigger-happy dog.

Faster, girls, FASTER!
jillio, know this.

If a dog attacks, both dog and owner are in deep shit because it clearly is an assult no matter what reasons are. UNLESS it's at your house or the dog is service dog.

If gulity, dog goes to sleep, owner gets fined.

If not gulity, dog goes back home, owner gets to sue the person who was attacked for breaking into his property, threating him, or the dog.
DOGS ARE HIGH MAINTENANCE? WTF. It's the owner who has to take care of them when CATS, FREAKING UGLY CATS takes care of themselves and I believe that they are the one who are high maintenance, I would know cause my girl is high maintenance. That's the cost of being a sexy waterpolo player.

Rant much?? Try not to take my personal opinion of dogs well, so personally. You hate cats, I get that. No need to shout.:roll:
Exactly. Humans selectively breed animals to enhance the characteristics they want to enhance based on a specific purpose.

Again, jiro, you cannot compare human pathology to selective breeding. It is a fallicious argument.

Please read any dog expert books/sources. Your logical argument is FALLACIOUS and LUDICROUS. Any dog experts will prove you wrong. Again - It's getting tiresome to correct you. Humans selectively breed animals to enhance the PHYSICAL characteristics they want to enhance based on a specific purpose.

In order to use dog for that specific purpose, they must be TRAINED and CONDITIONED for it. In other word - dog's aggressive/violent nature is CREATED by humans, not BORN with.

If your argument is correct, then do I expect to buy a Collie dog to act like Lassie naturally? Do I expect to buy a sheepdog to herd the flock of sheep naturally? Do I expect to buy Chihuahua to act like a cute little innocent puppy naturally? After all - these breeds were bred specifically for that purpose.
Rant much?? Try not to take my personal opinion of dogs well, so personally. You hate cats, I get that. No need to shout.:roll:

Dude, I live with 2 cats, 3 dogs, and a chinchilla. I'm ranting cause you're being retarded about dogs.

But I'm sorry to hear that you got your ass handed to the pitbull.

I'd probably be dragged by pitbull and raped.
Dude, I live with 2 cats, 3 dogs, and a chinchilla. I'm ranting cause you're being retarded about dogs.

But I'm sorry to hear that you got your ass handed to the pitbull.

I'd probably be dragged by pitbull and raped.

lol.... lol..... lol..... oh you sonofabitch but :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
Dude, I live with 2 cats, 3 dogs, and a chinchilla. I'm ranting cause you're being retarded about dogs.

But I'm sorry to hear that you got your ass handed to the pitbull.

I'd probably be dragged by pitbull and raped.

Thank you kindly for your sympathies. Hugs!
Well, I still believe that Pitbulls are fighters, not lovers....

It's hard to say if one wins or not.


Please read any dog expert books/sources. Your logical argument is FALLACIOUS and LUDICROUS. Any dog experts will prove you wrong. Again - It's getting tiresome to correct you. Humans selectively breed animals to enhance the PHYSICAL characteristics they want to enhance based on a specific purpose.

In order to use dog for that specific purpose, they must be TRAINED and CONDITIONED for it. In other word - dog's aggressive/violent nature is CREATED by humans, not BORN with.

If your argument is correct, then do I expect to buy a Collie dog to act like Lassie naturally? Do I expect to buy a sheepdog to herd the flock of sheep naturally? Do I expect to buy Chihuahua to act like a cute little innocent puppy naturally? After all - these breeds were bred specifically for that purpose.

You keep substantiating my points. Yes, jiro, they are bred for specific characteristics. Pit Bulls were bred to be fighters. Predisposition means that the training does not go against their nature.

Do you buy a draught horse and expect it to run in the Ky Derby?

And you are wrong. Aggrssive predisposition is selectively bred for.

But its nice to see that you have given up the fallicious comparison of animals to humans.
jillio, know this.

If a dog attacks, both dog and owner are in deep shit because it clearly is an assult no matter what reasons are. UNLESS it's at your house or the dog is service dog.

If gulity, dog goes to sleep, owner gets fined.

If not gulity, dog goes back home, owner gets to sue the person who was attacked for breaking into his property, threating him, or the dog.

I don't disagree with that at all. Never did.
I don't disagree with that at all. Never did.

So, you're right and jiro's right.

That's the statements I stole from you and jiro. Hahahaha.

You don't realize this. BOTH OF YOU are right.

Maybe I am in some parts.
So, you're right and jiro's right.

That's the statements I stole from you and jiro. Hahahaha.

You don't realize this. BOTH OF YOU are right.

Maybe I am in some parts.

Just because I agree with your statement that dog will be put to sleep and dog owner will be charged, does not mean that I agree that Pit Bulls are not more likely to attack than other breeds of dogs.