Pit Bulls

Perhaps they bite you.:giggle:

Still and all, does it result in death or horrible disfigurement?

I worked with dozens of pit bulls last year. I'm still alive and my face's still intact, aren't I? :cool2:
aren't we on pit bull subject? That applies to any powerful breeds including german shepherd, labs (yes the labs), rottweilers, etc.

And the word powerful is just more substantiation that this dog is more prone to attack than other breeds.

Throughout history, various breeds have been specifically and selectively bred to enhance certain desirable characteristics. Just as a Lab to hunt and retrieve, a Pit Bull was bred for its agressiveness.
I didn't read full on his thread yet but will read more asap I can.

Anyway, for short and now... I agree that it's some big problem with the pit bulls elsewhere.

I personally believe that it should be lawful for the owners to have a special license to own a pit bull or more. So that way it could be more controllable and less attacks happening.

Some handlers/owners absolutely are/were in no shoes to handle them properly. You, jiro123 seems handling your dig real well as the picture has shown by the way.
I didn't read full on his thread yet but will read more asap I can.

Anyway, for short and now... I agree that it's some big problem with the pit bulls elsewhere.

I personally believe that it should be lawful for the owners to have a special license to own a pit bull or more. So that way it could be more controllable and less attacks happening.

Some handlers/owners absolutely are/were in no shoes to handle them properly.

This is live, if you didn't know and also, there were over 20 sources about what you just said.

My source is pit bulls. They are telling me they wanna fight, not to hug.

Fighters, not lovers.
And the word powerful is just more substantiation that this dog is more prone to attack than other breeds.

no ma'am. "Powerful" breed does not imply aggressiveness - not even close. It just means they're very prideful, loyal, and very very active. They will work to death to finish the job. They can haul heavy things, travel for an extraordinary long period of time, and handle any tough weather - rain, snow, anything. They are mentally and physically tough which means YOU as a responsible owner MUST cater to its BASIC needs by going on LONGER walk/run than chihuahua.

Going out just for a potty run IS NOT ENOUGH. That's barely.. at most 30 min a day for most suburban dogs. Ever wonder why city dogs are happier and tamer than suburban dogs? You must walk at least 2 hrs a day. Many people ignore that needs and that's how the aggressiveness starts.

How would you feel about having sex once a month? there you go. all these pent-up tension, frustration, etc bottling up inside you..... you will easily pissy and aggressive. it's no brainer.

Throughout history, various breeds have been specifically and selectively bred to enhance certain desirable characteristics. Just as a Lab to hunt and retrieve, a Pit Bull was bred for its agressiveness.
yes desirable PHYSICAL characteristics. Big difference. I thought you firmly stated in other threads that behavior are not genetically inherited? Just because a son's father who was a rapist does not mean he will grow up to be a rapist. Pit bulls are not born to be a fighter nor have any predisposed aggressiveness. They simply have the physical advantage in terms of strength.
no ma'am. "Powerful" breed does not imply aggressiveness - not even close. It just means they're very prideful, loyal, and very very active. They will work to death to finish the job. They can haul heavy things, travel for an extraordinary long period of time, and handle any tough weather - rain, snow, anything. They are mentally and physically tough which means YOU as a responsible owner MUST cater to its BASIC needs by going on LONGER walk/run than chihuahua.

Going out just for a potty run IS NOT ENOUGH. That's barely.. at most 30 min a day for most suburban dogs. Ever wonder why city dogs are happier and tamer than suburban dogs? You must walk at least 2 hrs a day. Many people ignore that needs and that's how the aggressiveness starts.

How would you feel about having sex once a month? there you go. all these pent-up tension, frustration, etc bottling up inside you..... you will easily pissy and aggressive. it's no brainer.

yes desirable PHYSICAL characteristics. Big difference. I thought you firmly stated in other threads that behavior are not genetically inherited? Just because a son's father who was a rapist does not mean he will grow up to be a rapist. Pit bulls are not born to be a fighter nor have any predisposed aggressiveness. They simply have the physical advantage in terms of strength.

People are not selctively bred for specific characteristics, Jiro, so your argument is fallicious.
People are not selctively bred for specific characteristics, Jiro, so your argument is fallicious.

and I'm not talking about people being selectively bred for specific characteristics. I said the behavior cannot be genetically inherited.
And there are numerous cases of children who aren't, not to mention adults.
they should be taught on how to properly approach the dogs. You cannot just stick your hands out and cuddle it immediately.

As for unfortunate victims who were randomly attacked by dogs - what can I say? It's a tragedy. Same for women who were randomly raped. Same for people who were randomly mugged.

[Mod's Edit - previous post removed; unnecessary comments]
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and I'm not talking about people being selectively bred for specific characteristics. I said the behavior cannot be genetically inherited.

Like I said, Generation passed on the "training" to the next one which is why pitbulls are recongized as fighters.

It's not the DNA, it's the generation beside, pitbulls were crossed with bull terrier and shaffie. Or is it the other way around?
Like I said, Generation passed on the "training" to the next one which is why pitbulls are recongized as fighters.

It's not the DNA, it's the generation beside, pitbulls were crossed with bull terrier and shaffie. Or is it the other way around?

exactly. "Training." Pit Bulls need to be TRAINED to be a fighter to utilize its physical advantages to its fullest extent. They are not BORN a fighter.
I don't like pit bulls dogs. They are dangerous pit bulls dogs. Five years ago, Pit bull dog went under the fence of my front house and he went after my pomeranian dog and killed my dog. My hubby tried to get pit bull dog off from my dog but pit bull was too stubborn Pit bull ran to her owner. My hubby jump in his truck, follow pit bull up to owner's house then came home. He made called Animal Control and Animal Control man came here and saw my dead dog. My hubby explained to Animal Control man about what happened. My hubby and Animal control man went to pit bull's owner. They saw owner's dogs. Guess what! Owner had 5 pit bull dogs. He gave dog's owner $$$ fine and Animal Control sent dog's owner to court. The Judge ordered dog's owner to put all pit bulls to sleep. The Judge told owner "no pit bulls dogs allow in all neighborhood". If they live in a country and they can allow their pit bulls in country.
exactly. "Training." Pit Bulls need to be TRAINED to be a fighter to utilize its physical advantages to its fullest extent. They are not BORN a fighter.

But they're born to be vicious, I mean LOOK AT SPUDs, THEY'RE SCARY LOOKING DOGS!
I'm quite the late comer to this thread. I was attacked by 2 pit bulls several years ago so I must say i do not like them one bit.

I really like dogs but they are sooo high maintenance. I'm the consummate cat person. =^..^=
and I'm not talking about people being selectively bred for specific characteristics. I said the behavior cannot be genetically inherited.

When it is selctively bred for, it can be. Just as race horses are selectively bred for those physical characteristics that translate into a behavioral manifestation.....speed and agility that makes them naturally predisposed to race.

And humans have higher cognitive functioning. Animals don't. A predisposition to the behavior is something that a higher cognitive function can mediate. An animal without that higher cognitive functioning is at the mercy of the predisposition.
I'm quite the late comer to this thread. I was attacked by 2 pit bulls several years ago so I must say i do not like them one bit.

I really like dogs but they are sooo high maintenance. I'm the consummate cat person. =^..^=

DOGS ARE HIGH MAINTENANCE? WTF. It's the owner who has to take care of them when CATS, FREAKING UGLY CATS takes care of themselves and I believe that they are the one who are high maintenance, I would know cause my girl is high maintenance. That's the cost of being a sexy waterpolo player.
When it is selctively bred for, it can be. Just as race horses are selectively bred for those physical characteristics that translate into a behavioral manifestation.....speed and agility that makes them naturally predisposed to race.

And humans have higher cognitive functioning. Animals don't. A predisposition to the behavior is something that a higher cognitive function can mediate. An animal without that higher cognitive functioning is at the mercy of the predisposition.

But animals has stronger senses than we do, cause we lazy.
exactly. "Training." Pit Bulls need to be TRAINED to be a fighter to utilize its physical advantages to its fullest extent. They are not BORN a fighter.

They were bred to fight. Do you even know the origin of the name "Pit Bull"?

It is a predisposition. They were bred to enhance those characteristics that would make them good for the activity they were bred for.