Pics of you - Part V

Here are 2 of me in mid 1980s. One picture was taken of me last month. Can you guess which picture of me is from last month?
Do I spy a mullet in the boyhood picture? :lol:
Can't help it. Poor Jim BOEHEIM. Jim's popular now MEME. =X
Yes. I used to have a mullet. Here is a picture of me in Galena, IL back in 1990. Enjoy!!!

I love those then and now pictures!!!


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* below long* tuatara, for me, it isn't obvious that 25 x4 and 4x 25 are the same problem; I also didn't know that the dollar is worth a hundred cents.
There was a time where I wouldn't have been able to see how 4 quarters is the same as a dollar...the way I still often trouble is - someone shows or tells me something spatial-manipulative related, and if I heard it, I don't process it. It's like the information is put into a strainer and simply drains away, or evaporates almost instantly. If someone physically shows or models something for me, I'll have a much better chance of "getting" it - but that is relative the audio processing issue. Someone can still show me and when I attempt to model or copy what was done, I can't translate that into -me- doing it. Or in either a visual or aural sense - if I get it the first time, the next time I'm expected to know what was explained, I have -nothing. I think in pictures, if I have no picture, then there's nothing for me to go on. Part of the reason why word problems have always been such a problem, I don't process them and I if I do process them, I often don't have the pure math to be able to work the math in the problem.
I recall sitting in class in second grade, everybody working on "rounding". and the symbols, which I never figured out.. could NOT for the life of me understand that rounding! As in most math classes for all of my school years, I sat in that segment about rounding with the book open and nothing making sense. Everybody else got it and I was totally, utterly lost and disconnected from that understanding. It was like the teacher was speaking Thai. If asked to explain what it was I didn't understand, I wouldn't have been able to explain that either. I was socially and emotionally behind and awkward and just didn't have the words to explain me labeled as having "math anxiety" during high school Geometry. I was sent to counseling with the school guidance counselor :roll:
:thumb: derek!
I have horseback picture, too, I was about 11...actually my folks have it. I took English<riding> lessons for a while when I was a kid.
* below long* tuatara, for me, it isn't obvious that 25 x4 and 4x 25 are the same problem; I also didn't know that the dollar is worth a hundred cents.
There was a time where I wouldn't have been able to see how 4 quarters is the same as a dollar...the way I still often trouble is - someone shows or tells me something spatial-manipulative related, and if I heard it, I don't process it. It's like the information is put into a strainer and simply drains away, or evaporates almost instantly. If someone physically shows or models something for me, I'll have a much better chance of "getting" it - but that is relative the audio processing issue. Someone can still show me and when I attempt to model or copy what was done, I can't translate that into -me- doing it. Or in either a visual or aural sense - if I get it the first time, the next time I'm expected to know what was explained, I have -nothing. I think in pictures, if I have no picture, then there's nothing for me to go on. Part of the reason why word problems have always been such a problem, I don't process them and I if I do process them, I often don't have the pure math to be able to work the math in the problem.
I recall sitting in class in second grade, everybody working on "rounding". and the symbols, which I never figured out.. could NOT for the life of me understand that rounding! As in most math classes for all of my school years, I sat in that segment about rounding with the book open and nothing making sense. Everybody else got it and I was totally, utterly lost and disconnected from that understanding. It was like the teacher was speaking Thai. If asked to explain what it was I didn't understand, I wouldn't have been able to explain that either. I was socially and emotionally behind and awkward and just didn't have the words to explain me labeled as having "math anxiety" during high school Geometry. I was sent to counseling with the school guidance counselor :roll:

Hey Dogmom - thanks for writing this up for me. It's helpful for me. I have a bunch of things I want to say, but I also want to stop helping derail the pics thread. So I'm going to start another thread here:
Hey Dogmom - thanks for writing this up for me. It's helpful for me. I have a bunch of things I want to say, but I also want to stop helping derail the pics thread. So I'm going to start another thread. I'll post it then come back here and edit this post with a link.

I see you like math so let's start a thread that is all about math for I am a math aficionado! :)

Make sure to post the thread's link here just in case if I can't find it.
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:wave:ok, all, my apologies for any thread de-railing, I'll go see what's up, tuatara!
Ok the new hair, which came out darker than I'd been hoping for, but here it is. Some I'm just being silly, most of the time it's up like in one pic I took. The lighting wasn't quite capturing the color, but I had to go drop off something for my daughter at school so I tried one outside. Meh, closer, but it's sooo not sunny today, very overcast anyway....

Ok the new hair, which came out darker than I'd been hoping for, but here it is. Some I'm just being silly, most of the time it's up like in one pic I took. The lighting wasn't quite capturing the color, but I had to go drop off something for my daughter at school so I tried one outside. Meh, closer, but it's sooo not sunny today, very overcast anyway....

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It looks great, I wouldn't touch it. I am certain the blue will fade and rather quickly.
Thanks!! I love the, concept? it's just the exact color I'm meh about, that can tweaked though So I'm happy

Yeah, I think I can envision what you're talking about: sort of a brighter blue? But still you look awesome - the concept rocks and it works on you:)
The hair looks great, are you doing that in honor of chicagoblue ?
Ok the new hair, which came out darker than I'd been hoping for, but here it is.
That is a very cool way to colour it! Leaves you so much freedom to play up or down the colour just by the hairstyle you do that day. Very nice!
Ok the new hair,....

Ummm... :D

No seriously, like reverse highlighting? It accentuates a darker tone on you really well, though not sure if it will lighten to a baby blue, more like a jeans fade effect. Just wait! :P