NOICE! It's always nice to have the option to rent something out to try it before you buy it. :P I happened to have a friend of mine who had a Shadow Spirit so I rode around on it and turned out I loved it. Though, I am thinking about trading up to an 1100. I enjoy the 750 wide ratio shift don't get me wrong, but it feels like it could use a 6th gear sometimes ( just on the highway over 70 ) and a little more weight behind it. As it sits it's around 600 pounds so not bad, but I really think the VTX1100 would be a good choice. Omg, I also fell in LOVE with the Yamaha Strykers! That, is a sexy friggin' motorcycle! The only thing I don't like is they're air cooled! I love my Shadow because the shaft, and it's liquid cooled...

decisions decisions! That stryker though... WHEW! *sizzle*
Omg, if I could date bikes...

Maybe the newer ones are liquid cooled, this one kind of looks like it has a radiator? I'll have to check into that! :P Stupid belt driven though...