Photos of Chicago, IL

I like the last picture with the globe.
I like the last picture with the globe.

That was taken not far from Ogilvie Transportation Center, where I'm at right now, catching my breath before I head back out again. The next train isn't until 12:35, so I have plenty of time.
I like the pictures taken amid the clusters of very tall buildings. It's a neat perspective of what walking around Chicago is like.
I like the pictures taken amid the clusters of very tall buildings. It's a neat perspective of what walking around Chicago is like.

You can expect more of that in the coming days. I'm actually planning on heading back downtown this weekend, as there's a couple of areas I want to get to on Michigan.
Great pics Mark. Chicago really is a beautiful, artistic city.
Great pics Mark. Chicago really is a beautiful, artistic city.

Thank you, Angel1989. There's a lot to do and see. I'm hoping to get a few more in here within the next few days, either Thursday or this weekend.
Can you explain why alien is swimming in Chicago River?

Is the St. valentine's day massacre garage still there ?

No. It was torn down in 1967. However..... bricks from the site are still existing today, and since the address is fairly close to where I'm at, I can see if I can spot them.
After lunch, I took these photos, but wanted to wait to upload them because I was tired, and needed to rest, so here they are:

This is the other side of Navy Pier, opposite from the one I took yesterday morning after getting off the #29 bus.

A second shot of the famous Ferris Wheel at the Pier:

Another Chicago Skyline photo, this one taken at ground level, quite a bit aways from the earlier photos:

A little bit of something in this one:

Another Skyline photo, a little closer to the lake:

This next photo was too good to pass up:

This was taken after the funmaze photos had been taken:

I like that blue truck that selling nuts.
No. It was torn down in 1967. However..... bricks from the site are still existing today, and since the address is fairly close to where I'm at, I can see if I can spot them.

I thought that it would been saved b/c it's a part of Chicago history.
Today's pictures cover the largest area I have EVER covered-- a span of more than ten miles on my bicycle.


You make it look exactly like where I would like to live.

Wish it didn't have such a high crime rate.