Oooooeeeeehhhh... bad bad bad

So sorry to hear about your experience with the other audie Jenny!! Wow, I can't believe you're so calm about it.
I saw my audie on Saturday. I was quite positive, because my brain etc responded very well to the Naidas over the week, and even though my voice sounded like ol'dear Donald duck, I managed to get used to it and it didn't bother me that much anymore.
So she changed the nasal-hollow-voice thingy and yay... sounding good again!

She changed some other stuffy-thingies, not sure what, but I was very happy with the new settings etc.
Back at home, I wasn't that sure anymore. :roll: Happy or not?? No opinion. Ive smsed my audie because it felt like the zoom isn't that efficient anymore, she told me to remember that the brain has to adapt and has to form new memory-lines in order to interpret the new sounds. arrrrghh.. I know it already, but it's not easy. So I rather went to bed early, because I was upset.
Today I've feeling a lot better. She smsed me again today, asking how I am feeling today. Wow.... isn't she supportive?!?!?

But she was right, I was feeling better, and I cancelled the impulsive Monday-appointment I made with her the previous night. Hiehie...
My audie also prefer sms / email contact. I'm sorry to hear about your audie's slow responses Meghan. Maybe you should ask him for his cell-number, so that you can sms him?
Spoke to my parents today, my mom is very glad about the feedback issue that's solved. It irretated her. They asked me a lot of questions about the cost, how am I going to afford it etc etc... I'm getting the idea that they secretly are planning to help me out with a few rand. Will see.
Anyway, I thought about starting a blog too. My friends are tired of my moaning. :P But I guess talking and typing helps a lot!!
Good eve!!