Phonak Naida V UP

Naida v up

Three months of waiting, excitement has not gone. I was feeling on cloud nine. Today I was going to the hospital to get my new hearing aids, but dreading having another hearing test, I knew deep down it had to be done.
When I saw the amount of people waiting for hearing aid repair, I breathed a sigh of relief that my appointment had been pre-booked.
Watching and waiting for someone to tap my shoulder it's your turn, pushed myself in to the room, looked at the table where are my hearing aids (my heart pounding) they were no where to be seen (my thoughts were no! I have travelled along way, and going to go home disappointed).
The audiologist explained about the hearing test, phew there was no need for me to worry. With the test complete.
Then I could see my new hearing aids being put on the table, I saw they were Phonak's, I was happy... It took the audiologist over an hour to set them up.
Had them also set up to use a CRM 220 FM Radio Microphone.
WOW the clarity sound is amazing just after a few hours of wearing my new hearing aids.
My speech pattern has started to change, I hope for the better? :thumb:
Hi everybody. My husband just got his pair of Naidas. He is having a few problems. I would like to know if someone else got those and/or can they be fixed but going back to the audi. He is saying the biggest problem is the wind noise. He said even walk to one side of the room to the other the sound of wind is crazy. when we go to our gym they have this big fan running. He can't hear anything else besides that wind pounding noise in his ears??? Anyone has this problem with wind noise? And He said that people sound like they are underwater... he said that when i talk is like I am underwater. Is that normal??? Thanks for the help
Hi everybody. My husband just got his pair of Naidas. He is having a few problems. I would like to know if someone else got those and/or can they be fixed but going back to the audi. He is saying the biggest problem is the wind noise. He said even walk to one side of the room to the other the sound of wind is crazy. when we go to our gym they have this big fan running. He can't hear anything else besides that wind pounding noise in his ears??? Anyone has this problem with wind noise? And He said that people sound like they are underwater... he said that when i talk is like I am underwater. Is that normal??? Thanks for the help

Regarding wind noise, you will have to increase the windblock settings. Regarding the "underwater" sounds, it's possible that he may need the bassboost increased, but I think you will need the audiologist to make that determination. There are settings on the iPFG software used to make the adjustments, so all the audi needs to do is check the complaint (ie. sounds are muffled) and the program will automatically make the adjustment.
Thanks for the reply. I wish we knew they could have those things changed before we left our audi office.I read a few of your post. You have a lot of good advices and seems to know a lot about the Naidas. Do you really believe they can make the wind noise disappear or make at least less annoying? Because we are thinking about going back to his Oticon Sumo. He never had this problem before. About the people voices... I saw that you had your bassboost setting changed and improved your hearing. I hope if i send an e-mail to my audi and tell him about it and see what he says. I think this is probably a good HA, but it takes a little more than a regular analogic ha. That is a issue my husband is having ... he is so used to his old analogic Sumo that this new digital sound with the two HA adjusting all the time makes him goes crazy. He says sometimes one side few louder than the other and then everything adjust ... I think is very difficult situation. I just don't know if it is normal or not
From what I have read and experienced with my Naidas, it is common for a long time analog user to have some difficulties adjusting to the digital aids. It took me about 6 major adjustments to have a great fit with my Naidas. To lessen the amount of adjustments, I suggest writing down all the complaints that your husband has in each program setting. In example, if your husband has difficulties hearing correctly out of one side of the ear, you need to note that on paper so you can give it to your audi. I'm not sure if you frequent Hearing Aid Forums | Hearing Loss | Hearing Aids - Powered by vBulletin but I have a lengthy discussion regarding this same subject over the past year.....good luck!!
Regarding wind noise, you will have to increase the windblock settings. Regarding the "underwater" sounds, it's possible that he may need the bassboost increased, but I think you will need the audiologist to make that determination. There are settings on the iPFG software used to make the adjustments, so all the audi needs to do is check the complaint (ie. sounds are muffled) and the program will automatically make the adjustment.
Hi! I am a new user of this site. I JUST got a Naida V UP and from what I'm reading, I've got the same complaints with this new aid. I have a 90 db loss in the speech frequency range. I have had the Naida hearing aide since July 24th and have gone back 2 times to get adjustments. I continue to get annoyed with my own speech; it sounds like I'm hearing myself underwater. I also get the similar 'echoes' with other people's speech. Environmental sounds are within satisfactory range. It's evident from reading other people's feedback that Naida users have to continue to return to the audiologist for adjustments. My audiologist has stated that the software is convoluted and she has complained to the Phonak company but hasn't resolved. I have been documenting what I'm hearing/want to hear and don't want to hear. One of the things I've noticed in comparison to my old Phonak aid is I can't hear my own whistling sound (not the feedback-- the actual formation of the lips to whistle) compared to the Naida. My audiologist says the Naida is eliminating that sound because it thinks its a feedback. Honestly, I find that quite hard to believe. Can anyone else share their experiences with the Naida to date, please and possibly provide suggestions? Thanks! -Wendy
Hi! I am a new user of this site. I JUST got a Naida V UP and from what I'm reading, I've got the same complaints with this new aid. I have a 90 db loss in the speech frequency range. I have had the Naida hearing aide since July 24th and have gone back 2 times to get adjustments. I continue to get annoyed with my own speech; it sounds like I'm hearing myself underwater. I also get the similar 'echoes' with other people's speech. Environmental sounds are within satisfactory range. It's evident from reading other people's feedback that Naida users have to continue to return to the audiologist for adjustments. My audiologist has stated that the software is convoluted and she has complained to the Phonak company but hasn't resolved. I have been documenting what I'm hearing/want to hear and don't want to hear. One of the things I've noticed in comparison to my old Phonak aid is I can't hear my own whistling sound (not the feedback-- the actual formation of the lips to whistle) compared to the Naida. My audiologist says the Naida is eliminating that sound because it thinks its a feedback. Honestly, I find that quite hard to believe. Can anyone else share their experiences with the Naida to date, please and possibly provide suggestions? Thanks! -Wendy

yes, it's possible for your whistle to be masked by the wind noise program, if it's set to high. You should be able to hear yourself whistle, if your aids are set up right. It seems that your audi is not very knowledgeable in the Phonak iPG software, which configures yours and other Phonak digital aids. If you search for Naida on this forum and also Hearing Aid Forums | Hearing Loss | Hearing Aids - Powered by vBulletin , I have had a lot of feedback regarding adjustments on this aid.

Currently, I have my aids almost where it needs to be, except finetuning the Soundrecover feature. Your "underwater" sound is usually the result of the the bassboost either disabled or not enough bass. I suggest more adjustments with a Phonak representative present in person to assist your audi. I have had the Phonak rep come to the audi's office 5 times for major adjustments and the other 5-6 from my audi. I will be visiting my audi tomorrow to adjust the MPO and VSTK in relation to the mid and high frequency sounds. Hopefully this helps me hear more s,st,f,c and other high frequencies without any discomfort.

In addition, the more profound the hearing loss is, it's more difficult to have the hearing where it needs to be. The Naida can be adjusted to almost perfection, but it does take time....FYI....I've had my aids for about a year biggest complaint is the time it takes to make an appointment and actually visit the audi. I'd rather configure my own aids.....but fitting hardware is expensive.
yes, it's possible for your whistle to be masked by the wind noise program, if it's set to high. You should be able to hear yourself whistle, if your aids are set up right. It seems that your audi is not very knowledgeable in the Phonak iPG software, which configures yours and other Phonak digital aids. If you search for Naida on this forum and also Hearing Aid Forums | Hearing Loss | Hearing Aids - Powered by vBulletin , I have had a lot of feedback regarding adjustments on this aid.

Currently, I have my aids almost where it needs to be, except finetuning the Soundrecover feature. Your "underwater" sound is usually the result of the the bassboost either disabled or not enough bass. I suggest more adjustments with a Phonak representative present in person to assist your audi. I have had the Phonak rep come to the audi's office 5 times for major adjustments and the other 5-6 from my audi. I will be visiting my audi tomorrow to adjust the MPO and VSTK in relation to the mid and high frequency sounds. Hopefully this helps me hear more s,st,f,c and other high frequencies without any discomfort.

Thanks , Leo for your immediate response. I was JUST perusing the Hearing Aid Forums | Hearing Loss | Hearing Aids - Powered by vBulletin site. I need/want to continue reading through the forums posted. It's DEFINITELY possible that the audiologist I'm currently seeing is not familiar with the software and I sure wish that I could find an audiologist that is more comfortable and familiar with the Phonak software in order to achieve desirable outcomes. I will certainly take your suggestions to my audiologist (at the risk of sounding like I'm the expert!).

With the Naida V UP, I am better able to hear the consonant sounds than the analog Phonak aid and that's definitely a plus. However, what I am currently experiencing is not worth my forking out $2500 dollars for one aid. That's my beef for now. However, I realize that I need to continue returning to the audiologist for further adjustments, which I will do.

Again, many thanks and I will return to this site soon!

: ) Wendy
Thanks , Leo for your immediate response. I was JUST perusing the Hearing Aid Forums | Hearing Loss | Hearing Aids - Powered by vBulletin site. I need/want to continue reading through the forums posted. It's DEFINITELY possible that the audiologist I'm currently seeing is not familiar with the software and I sure wish that I could find an audiologist that is more comfortable and familiar with the Phonak software in order to achieve desirable outcomes. I will certainly take your suggestions to my audiologist (at the risk of sounding like I'm the expert!).

With the Naida V UP, I am better able to hear the consonant sounds than the analog Phonak aid and that's definitely a plus. However, what I am currently experiencing is not worth my forking out $2500 dollars for one aid. That's my beef for now. However, I realize that I need to continue returning to the audiologist for further adjustments, which I will do.

Again, many thanks and I will return to this site soon!

: ) Wendy

If you need any more info that I can research for you, you're welcome to PM me.....
Wow, what a wealth of information here, thanks to all. I'm a new user of this forum (today) and have a set of Naida IX arriving in about 5 weeks. I am very excited about being able to use an accessory for Bluetooth connection to my cell phone. I see the iCom and the Smartlink SX as both solving my connectivity solution, but I'm confused as to what is best and what the purchase price is going to be for me. Any suggestions as to the “best” solution? Thanks in advance.
Wow, what a wealth of information here, thanks to all. I'm a new user of this forum (today) and have a set of Naida IX arriving in about 5 weeks. I am very excited about being able to use an accessory for Bluetooth connection to my cell phone. I see the iCom and the Smartlink SX as both solving my connectivity solution, but I'm confused as to what is best and what the purchase price is going to be for me. Any suggestions as to the “best” solution? Thanks in advance.

I have the Smartlink SX and two FM receivers for both ears, but if you wanted to purchase these out of pocket, this with come in the range of $2500-$3000. The iCom in contrast is around $350 (plus around $700 for a single FM receiver) on average. The FM for the iCom is not a necessary expense, though. Both can achieve the same effect, but I would get the iCom if you will have to pay out of pocket. (you can also use a state program voucher if you reside in the United States, plus it also depends on the state) Since I reside in Texas, I can use the STAP program to get the iCom for $200 less than the asking price.

I love the Smartlink SX, because I'm able to put the transmitter in a cell phone holder just like my cell phone and carry it like that. The iCom you would have to carry around your neck, which may or may not be a good thing.

Hope this helps!!
iCom vs Smartlink

I have the Smartlink SX and two FM receivers for both ears, but if you wanted to purchase these out of pocket, this with come in the range of $2500-$3000. The iCom in contrast is around $350 (plus around $700 for a single FM receiver) on average. The FM for the iCom is not a necessary expense, though. Both can achieve the same effect, but I would get the iCom if you will have to pay out of pocket. (you can also use a state program voucher if you reside in the United States, plus it also depends on the state) Since I reside in Texas, I can use the STAP program to get the iCom for $200 less than the asking price.

I love the Smartlink SX, because I'm able to put the transmitter in a cell phone holder just like my cell phone and carry it like that. The iCom you would have to carry around your neck, which may or may not be a good thing.

Hope this helps!!

Thanks for the quick reply. So, if I understand, you are using FM receivers as HA's? I reveive my HA's from the VA as I lost my hearing due to combat in RVN back in '67. But I must out of pocket the iCom or Smartlink to hook-up with my Bluetooth phone. Does the Smartlink do anything else that would be of benifit to me if I am not using FM receivers, just the cell phone connection? I do not like the idea of wearing something around my neck, but the cost difference is major. Is the Smartlink or the iCom the latest offering from Phonak? Thank you.
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Thanks for the quick reply. So, if I understand, you are using FM receivers as HA's? I reveive my HA's from the VA as I lost my hearing due to combat in RVN back in '67. But I must out of pocket the iCom or Smartlink to hook-up with my Bluetooth phone. Does the Smartlink do anything else that would be of benifit to me if I am not using FM receivers, just the cell phone connection? I do not like the idea of wearing something around my neck, but the cost difference is major. Is the Smartlink or the iCom the latest offering from Phonak? Thank you.

The FM receivers are Phonak ML10i and are added to be "built-in", meaning the battery compartment is also the receiver.

The Smartlink can be used for bluetooth, but the difference is Smartlink connects as "mono" sounds and iCom connects as "stereo". I can't tell the difference though, because of my profound hearing loss.

The iCom is the latest offering, but Smartlink SX is not. I hear Phonak may have a second generation of Smartlink (Smartlink 2??) that has better bluetooth capabilities.

You can also connect to your computer via cables or a bluetooth receiver (on computer) to listen to audio sounds also.
I have been using a pair of Naida V UP for about 7 weeks now. I wore Unitron Element 16s for 2 years prior. I do make use of a Smartlink FM device. The Naidas are more powerful and do help with overall comprehension. They do much better outside when I work and sweat. I can acutally use them outdoors when I am doing something. The Unitrons would shut down with the slightest hint of moisture.

The Smartlink does help me understand people in meetings. I have to attend many meetings in different settings with my job. I like the fact that I am able to understand people on the telephone without the HA automatically kicking in to the T-coil setting. I do use the T-coil setting at home for watching television with an induction loop system I installed. I also like the FM bluetooth capability. Making adjustmens on one HA and having it send that adjustment to the other is convenient.

Overall, I do better with these than with the Unitrons. I still do not comprehend music. And I will most likely look into a CI at some point in the future.
Thank You

Thank you both for your information and answers to my questions.:wave:
hey all,
just got my phonak naida 9 the other day and i am experiencing all the problems that everyone else has already (sounding like im underwater, wind noise, blah blah) im due to go back for a adjustment in 2 weeks which i hope i can handle the wait!!! lol
after reading all the forums im strongly gonna suggest to my audi to get a phonak rep in there with us just as to reduce the amount of times i end up having to go back for adjustments, which are understandably inevitable.
from wat i seen of the phonak software it just seemed too simple for wat is supposed to be the "most powerful hearing aid on the market at the moment"

just a question regarding the iCom tho, does anyone have it set so as to TOTALLY eliminate background noise when using it as a bluetooth for ur mobile fone?
cos my audi has it set but i still hear alll the noises in the background and it is practically worthless in different scenarios, thus far.
any help/feedback will be greatly apprectiated!!
thanks all!!!
Phonak Naidi V UP

I've gone to the audiologist 3 times so far to make adjustments w/ the Naida V UP. The last adjustment was done 2 days ago and while I was in the office, it sounded like the audiologist was able to get rid of the reverberating/'echo-y", compressed sounds (speech sounds not exactly clear making it sound like people are talking underwater or I'm talking underwater). However, when I left the office and started talking to people, the same quality of speech sounds was still there but not as much. So, I think the audiologist is making some improvements with the adjustments of my Naida V UP. The audiologist said she's tried lowering the "bass boost". I am still at a quandary as to whether or not I should purchase the aids because at this point, I was told by another audiologist (works for our school district) that digital aids can be programmable to 'match' the analog aid that I've been wearing for years. I'm trying to be optimistic about digital aids but it definitely has been an inconvenience though I DO have to say that there is definitely more power to this aid.

In response to Kingzaia's e mail, the audiologist was able to turn off background noise when I talk on the phone. So, it can be done.

This forum has been helpful in knowing that I am not the only one finding that returning to the audiologist's office a number of times is an inconvenience. Doesn't seem right to me. Hummm . . . . .I have another appt. tomorrow (I made it asap since it only takes me a day to know what adjustments I need when I leave the office).

:roll: Wendy
Phonak Naidi V UP

If you need any more info that I can research for you, you're welcome to PM me.....

You seem to be well 'versed' with the Naida V UP. My audiologist made some adjustments and it seems to be a little better. However, I am still hearing some of that 'echo-y' quality of sound and the clarity of speech sounds is still not quite there. The audiologist worked with the 'bass boost.' Any other recommendations you can make? The audiologist has consistently told me that my explanations of the sounds I hear is not helpful to her. It's definitely quite hard to tell her what I'm hearing. As I was driving today I kept thinking of how else I could possibly describe what I'm hearing. I thought of how people have colds and how some of the sounds might not be clear and muffled when their ears are plugged." That's what I'm going tell her tomorrow when I see the audiologist.
Anyways, any other recommendations you can make? I find you quite helpful!
thanks wendy, ill let my audi know about that and hopefully i will get results!

ive also been finding that wen i drive with the window down, or even up sometimes, that i the wind seems to b playing a massive part in lowering the levels of my hearing.. at times i find myself constantly trying to "unblock" my ears thinking thats the problem but its not... is there some sort of wind resistance feature on this hearing aid?
cos i am a truck driver for work and i find it extremely annoying when my hearing drops to the level where i can hardly even hear myself just cos i have the window open!

anyinfo that i can take to my audi regarding that??

this is all so very helpful and its good to interact with ppl in similar situations!!


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