thanks wendy, ill let my audi know about that and hopefully i will get results!
ive also been finding that wen i drive with the window down, or even up sometimes, that i the wind seems to b playing a massive part in lowering the levels of my hearing.. at times i find myself constantly trying to "unblock" my ears thinking thats the problem but its not... is there some sort of wind resistance feature on this hearing aid?
cos i am a truck driver for work and i find it extremely annoying when my hearing drops to the level where i can hardly even hear myself just cos i have the window open!
anyinfo that i can take to my audi regarding that??
this is all so very helpful and its good to interact with ppl in similar situations!!
I had the same problem. I now set and keep my hearing aids to the 'speech in noise' mode. The button on the hearing aid is pushed another time so the focus is more on the speech sounds than the wind. However, I did notice yesterday while talking to someone who had music going on in her office that the hearing aid still picked up the music than her voice. I was struggling to understand what she was saying so I had to tell her to turn off the music. Sigh . . .
I do have an appointment with the audiologist today for adjustments.
I think I have pretty much decided that this could be the last audiology visit and make a final decision as to whether or not I should keep this aid or not (and get my money back).
I am hoping there are other hearing aids that will pick up speech sounds better. I'm quite happy with my Phonak analog aid. Although the power isn't there, at least the speech sounds have clarity to it.