*Part 5* to be cont. "I admit"

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I admit it is RAINING very hard now! UGH! Also lighting and thunder going on. Love to hear thunder :giggle:
I admit that I ate some yummy pancakes with lemon juice and sugar on it.
I admit that I put a pic of me: an updated pic of me in AD members.

I admit that I put a pic of me and my son in Pets' Thread.
i admit that my other computer messed up :mad2: I admit that i am lucky cuz i have extra computer to use .. lol.. whew! :D i admit i have to give TJ bath now so be back in a while, ok? :D
I admit that I am so happy and I got lucky last night! *yea yea yea yea* :dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :naughty:

*ooopppssss, TMI! Sorry! :D*
I admit that I am WORN out! Today was nice! My bf and Tyler gave me purple (that's the color what it look like!) roses! And Tyler gave me homemade card from pre-school! So cute!
I admit i do enjoy spend with my mom for mother day this monring at chruch..

I admit i had go work so right now i get off early since 9 30pm get home from work
I admit I don't want to come home from camping. Surely had blast and spends with my family. Hopefully will have another one soon lolz
I admit, I'm TIRED!!!! cleaned up the almost whole house :))))) painted some rooms.. only our bedroom left and small room in basement. :)))))
i admit i am eating Cran-Vanilla Crunch cereal.. it is delicious! lol :D
I admit it is getting late- way past my bedtime! I admit i have to get up early in morning to take my son to school! :D I admit it is time for me to say GOOD NITE YA'LL.. :zzz:
Luckysmile23 said:
I admit it is getting late- way past my bedtime! I admit i have to get up early in morning to take my son to school! :D I admit it is time for me to say GOOD NITE YA'LL.. :zzz:

I admit to say no shit, Luckysmile23! I gotta get my ass to bed as well! So, good night and have a nice wet dream!! lmao
I admit that Nuty is so funny and so *nutty* tonight! lol

I admit that I feel high on life because I have alots of complients from ADers here about my pics! *big:D*
I admit that my son's school and my school is closed due to flooding. :D Staying home for the day. It will be rain all week. But hope to go back to work tmw.
I admit, I'm drink
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