*Part 5* to be cont. "I admit"

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I admit that I'm having stress now. :(
I admit that somehow I became depressed. I went from being happy to depressed within 4 hours. What is wrong with me? I am crying a little.
DeafGeorgiaLady said:
I admit that somehow I became depressed. I went from being happy to depressed within 4 hours. What is wrong with me? I am crying a little.

Yeah.. so am I had been mood swing.. strange w/my head ? not even cry.. nothing..
Just feeling funny strange alike mood swing.. unwanted chat anyone..

Probably my feeling went sour alike chemical emotions no reasons..

You're not alone as same other women does!
until today.. Im getting there okay..

Due stupid miragines for 3 days row... finally today broke!
DeafGeorgiaLady said:
I admit that somehow I became depressed. I went from being happy to depressed within 4 hours. What is wrong with me? I am crying a little.
aww.. im so sorry u are depressed.. maybe it was hormones? mine pretty messed up.. but u should keep track on ur depressed and see if its ongoing for more than 3 weeks then u shld see a dr.
GalaxyAngel said:
I admit I'm anxouis to see yer newest hairdo...

Like this...

If yes.. I will scream... *exciting*
I admit I'm laughing at that picture! :lol: Me with that?? Naht! My old best friend used to be punk like that picture, but the hair color was all black and she's blonde. She was a wild girl... *smh* Good memz tho!
I admit that I cried hard for an hour and stopped then cried again. It is not hormones or anything like that. Something triggered it and I became depressed.

I admit that I am going to take a break for a while. You all be good and have a good weekend and Happy Mother's Day to all mothers here. :hug:
I admit that I hate my cold. Sniffle sniffle. Geez I hate that.

I admit that I didnt have a good days for 2 days. Darn rain. Go away!!!
i admit that yall are depressing me cuz yall are sad or depressed? :( i hope tmw will be a better day for yall :D
i admit its time for me to sign off so good nite yall.. Sweet dreams! :D
I admit I read some of your posts (luckysmile) lol while I ate my lunch here at Penny's Diner. I work overtime alot and never cook my food at home but only I make ham and cheese sandwiches and breakfast cereals. When I am free time so can cook my food at home! :)
I admit that I don't think I would be coming here here for a while...I dont know when I'll be back but as of right now...I really need to take a real loooonng break... :cry:
I admit that this is a wonderful, strikingly beautiful day outside so I'm going for a swim at the local pool in a moment. I'm in the mood to teach someone how to swim. Anyone care to join for some swim lessons?
starrygaze said:
I admit I forget something?!?!?

I admit u are cracking me up badly.. sadly that u forgot something, tsk tsk.. :whistle: :rofl:
I admit that I am :cold: to death and gotta go take a long hot shower before I go to work tonite. GRRRRRRRRRRRR dont wanta :cry:
I admit I will miss Nuty's crazy/weird/funny post. Hurry back!
i admit i am exciting cuz i made it past 1,000 posts.. hehe.. :)
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