*Part 5* to be cont. "I admit"

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I admit My Chantel steal my attention! Aww so cute girl to hollar!
I admit that I am getting scared of GA's avatar!

I admit that I am all ready and waiting for 6pm to go out to dinner. Yummy!
I admit that I'm very happy to found my Sequoias becuase he love me for who I am :applause:
I admit that I haven't been around All Deaf as much as I had.
I admit that I am :pissed: at my son's school for their stupid early release day. I told them you have too many of them. Enough it enough and making it harder for me to find babysitter for him after he get out of school. Dang them. I will try my best to cut their early release. Enough is Enough!!! Or have them set up after school program for those parent who are working when the kids get out on early release. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
*shake my head* Yeah yeah Yeah.. I admit.. Wha.. I'm doing...
err Not read newspaper.. meant reading AD's grapevine mills!
I admit that I have to change channel on TV to watch DOOL in few min! Tyler can watch cartoon in another room. :thumb:
I admit that Im going to look out for Delivery Man to giving me the new sidekick ;)
I admit I'm
to smokey (my cat) stole white feather boa......
Made me..
run after smokey in my house... *sigh* now he's hiding under my son's bed..
Smart ass smokey! lol
I took one feather boa put into the DRESSER safe place.. to prevent SMOKEY COMING BACK!
GalaxyAngel said:
I admit I'm
to smokey (my cat) stole white feather boa......
Made me..
run after smokey in my house... *sigh* now he's hiding under my son's bed..
Smart ass smokey! lol
I took one feather boa put into the DRESSER safe place.. to prevent SMOKEY COMING BACK!

I admit that I am laughing and wish to see her in action. :D
I admit that I ate salad for dinner...not very hungry...:)
I admit that I had a weird/bad day today.

I admit that I took a nap to get rid of my headache.
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