Parents want hearing school to get state funding

Just because you call it teaching doesn't mean that you are a teacher in a special ed class. You have to be degreed and licensed to be a teacher. You have just managed to blow whatever little credibility you had by intentionally misrepresenting yourself.

What do you call it? I was very clear and providing exactly the information about the process I have been doing. I have been working in the program as a teacher for two years now, I never misrepresented anything.
What do you call it? I was very clear and providing exactly the information about the process I have been doing. I have been working in the program as a teacher for two years now, I never misrepresented anything.

Icall it a classroom aide or teacher's assistant. That is what it is. You are not a teacher unless you are degreed and licensed. You are neither. I'm sure the school would be very interested in the fact that you are representing yourself as a degreed and licensed professional when you are not.:cool2: The Dept. of Education of the state of Utah would probably have a few thoughts on that, as well. Not to mention the teacher's union. You really need to just stop at this point. Continuing is only going to make it worse.
Call it whatever you want. I was perfectly clear about the process I'm going through, if it gives you some kind of joy to belittle what I do everyday, because I have not completed the alternative licensing requirements yet, go ahead. I know that the almighty Jillio has a PhD and therefore no one else can possibly know something she doesn't, my apologies for disagree with her :roll:
Icall it a classroom aide or teacher's assistant. That is what it is. You are not a teacher unless you are degreed and licensed. You are neither. I'm sure the school would be very interested in the fact that you are representing yourself as a degreed and licensed professional when you are not.:cool2:

I'm done. Screw you and your judgements. I know what I do and I know exactly how hard I'm working with my program. I'm working with my school and they are super supportive.
OMG, a teacher calling herself a teacher! The horror!! The absolute horror!

I've been calling myself an engineer but I don't have my professional license. Oh shoot!

Anyway, I think it's obvious that in THIS SPECIFIC case, that the parents were just happier with this specific school. Probably because they looked into their child's watering eyes "but mommie why do I have to go to another school? I love my best friend, Melissa, and I don't want to leave her!"

However, it is a good subject for discussion whether a private school should be paid for by tax dollars if there were no reasonable services around.
What do you call it? I was very clear and providing exactly the information about the process I have been doing. I have been working in the program as a teacher for two years now, I never misrepresented anything.

I suppose that they allow you do on your work just like a teacher while you are in school in process of becoming a teacher. Wonder do you talk to each parents regarding with children in your classroom as well?
Call it whatever you want. I was perfectly clear about the process I'm going through, if it gives you some kind of joy to belittle what I do everyday, because I have not completed the alternative licensing requirements yet, go ahead. I know that the almighty Jillio has a PhD and therefore no one else can possibly know something she doesn't, my apologies for disagree with her :roll:

Am going through. Not have gone through. There is a huge difference. The fact is that you intentionally misrepresented yourself as a way to try and recover some degree of credibility, and you stepped over the line in doing so, and simply lied. And then, when you are called out on your lie, you start with the ad hominem attacks.
OMG, a teacher calling herself a teacher! The horror!! The absolute horror!

I've been calling myself an engineer but I don't have my professional license. Oh shoot!

Anyway, I think it's obvious that in THIS SPECIFIC case, that the parents were just happier with this specific school. Probably because they looked into their child's watering eyes "but mommie why do I have to go to another school? I love my best friend, Melissa, and I don't want to leave her!"

However, it is a good subject for discussion whether a private school should be paid for by tax dollars if there were no reasonable services around.

Thank you Daredevil. Sometimes the level of negativity is super overwhelming.
I suppose that they allow you do on your work just like a teacher while you are in school in process of becoming a teacher. Wonder do you talk to each parents regarding with children in your classroom as well?

Some parents are involved, some never hae been. It depends on the age of the student and the family situation.
OMG, a teacher calling herself a teacher! The horror!! The absolute horror!

I've been calling myself an engineer but I don't have my professional license. Oh shoot!

Anyway, I think it's obvious that in THIS SPECIFIC case, that the parents were just happier with this specific school. Probably because they looked into their child's watering eyes "but mommie why do I have to go to another school? I love my best friend, Melissa, and I don't want to leave her!"

However, it is a good subject for discussion whether a private school should be paid for by tax dollars if there were no reasonable services around.

You can call yourelf whatever you choose. I can call myself a hummingbird, but it doesn't make it a true statement.:cool2:
OMG, a teacher calling herself a teacher! The horror!! The absolute horror!

I've been calling myself an engineer but I don't have my professional license. Oh shoot!

Anyway, I think it's obvious that in THIS SPECIFIC case, that the parents were just happier with this specific school. Probably because they looked into their child's watering eyes "but mommie why do I have to go to another school? I love my best friend, Melissa, and I don't want to leave her!"

However, it is a good subject for discussion whether a private school should be paid for by tax dollars if there were no reasonable services around.

I agree that the subject of private schools tution was a good one. It seems to have run it's course.
I suppose that they allow you do on your work just like a teacher while you are in school in process of becoming a teacher. Wonder do you talk to each parents regarding with children in your classroom as well?

If you are working in the classroom while still getting your degree and licensure, you are called a "student teacher", but you are only allowed to do student teaching in the last year of your degree. In fact, it is a requirement of the teaching degree and also of licensure that a student do a certain number of hours of student teaching under the supervision of a degreed, licensed, and experienced teacher before they will even let you take the Praxis to become licensed.
I agree that the subject of private schools tution was a good one. It seems to have run it's course.

No, it hasn't. A parent cannot demand that a school district pay private school tuition when services are available in the public system. Right back on track.
If you are working in the classroom while still getting your degree and licensure, you are called a "student teacher", but you are only allowed to do student teaching in the last year of your degree. In fact, it is a requirement of the teaching degree and also of licensure that a student do a certain number of hours of student teaching under the supervision of a degreed, licensed, and experienced teacher before they will even let you take the Praxis to become licensed.

But there are alternate programs for people who have a degree to be teachers in the classroom while picking up the teaching credential.

At least in Iowa. :hmm:
But there are alternate programs for people who have a degree to be teachers in the classroom while picking up the teaching credential.

At least in Iowa. :hmm:

As long as they have a degree in the specific field in which they are teaching. In that case, they are classified like a substitute. But they must also go back to school and pick up the courses specific to education that they don't have within a specific period of time.
But there are alternate programs for people who have a degree to be teachers in the classroom while picking up the teaching credential.

At least in Iowa. :hmm:

But under the tutelage/supervision, etc of a qualified person, right? Can't just turn non-credentialed/licensed upon the kids without oversight, right?
As long as they have a degree in the specific field in which they are teaching. In that case, they are classified like a substitute. But they must also go back to school and pick up the courses specific to education that they don't have within a specific period of time.

Ok. I didn't realize they were classed as substitute teachers.
But under the tutelage/supervision, etc of a qualified person, right? Can't just turn non-credentialed/licensed upon the kids without oversight, right?

I am not sure. My daughter thought about doing it when her department was eliminated, but then went back to school for nursing instead.

So I am not certain how they are supervised.
Yeah, they aren't labeled as substitutes, but it is the same classification scale.

I have lots of substitute teachers stories LOL

but I'm sure FJ have some knowledge on the subject, but I don't think all IEP are alike though.