Parents are divorced, mom's bf won't accept me or my gf

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Wow, I'm sorry to hear that, it's sad that the mother allow her bf to do that, I know I wouldn't...
gnulinuxman said:
He honestly has the worst English of anyone I know. He says like "I brung this here pizza home." Brung isn't even a word!!

Sometimes I wonder if HE is Human.

My mom, the police, my school counselors, and lawyers would disagree with that.

There is no place for us to stay right now other than in this war zone. It's starting to affect my college performance because I'm not even allowed to do my homework sometimes (he often barges in and says this dog-poop-cleaning chore is more important than homework, yet he expects straight A's.) I'm not even allowed to leave the house without his permission (my mom's order). I lost my mom to this guy--she won't listen to me at all and thinks everything I say is a lie if it doesn't match what her precious boyfriend says.

My mom is, but her boyfriend keeps talking her out of it. :pissed:

My mom's boyfriend doesn't even believe deafness is real. He thinks it's just an excuse for people not to have to listen to others and to play this "silly game" (referring to ASL).

yes "brung" is a is hillybilly s grammars...

SxyPorkie said:
yes "brung" is a is hillybilly s grammars...

Nope, that word is used in the United Kingdom and some other places...
Well, I have a psychiatrist appointment tomorrow (Fri May 26) to talk about all of this so maybe things will get better.
gnulinuxman said:
Well, I have a psychiatrist appointment tomorrow (Fri May 26) to talk about all of this so maybe things will get better.

I hope it goes smooth, good luck :)
I have same feeling like that in 2002 when my dad was in hospital for heart attack and almost to be pass away but he was saved by surgery then I'm lucky.

If he's pass away then I will be screw up with shitty boyfriend or marry with other guys to become stepfather then would treat me like shit but nothing is happen.
My parents are divorced, I live with my mom, and she had her boyfriend move in about a year and a half ago. My mom's boyfriend wants me to be a normal hearing guy, to forget about deaf culture, and to break up with my fiancee because I "don't need no deaf girl..." :pissed: He also calls signing a childish game and says I should quit it. :pissed: He's especially mad that I have mostly female friends (my fiancee LIKES that about me). (This is the main reason I have a girl in my avatar: it makes me proud of the relative "femininity" of my personality.) He expects me to know everything about the car, for example. (I don't know a darn thing about fixing a car, but he thinks that because I'm a guy, I must automatically know.) He's shocked that I have almost no male friends and a ton of female friends. (yes, he hates that about me)

My mom and I used to get along before this guy came in. But lately he's got my mom convinced my fiancee is the reason I don't get along with "anybody" anymore. He's got my mom convinced I'm a juvenile delinquent (even though I'm 19). My mom loved my fiancee until her boyfriend started putting these ideas into her head. I can't move out yet because I need to finish college first. I have 1 year to go, but I can't support myself until I graduate. He keeps getting drunk and threating to beat me up, but nobody believes me about it except my fiancee and my friends. Any ideas? :pissed:

Hi. You don't know me since I'm sorta new here but I wanted to reply & give you my advice, wheter you take it or not. I think you should have a long one-on-one talk with you Mom, explain to her how you feel about this whole situation, remind her that she liked your glf in the past, and only just recently stopped liking her all cause of her bf. Remind her all your glfs good qualities and stuff. Also, tell her what your Mom's bf had said to you. Tell her something along the lines of "I know you may not want to believe he's said this and that, but Mom, I'm your son, please hear me out & try to believe me..." Try to also reassure her that you're not saying these things to break them up, that will just make the situation worse.

I've been in your situation in the past with my Mom's now ex. My mom woke up one day & realized what an ass he was and dumped him. But for the time that my Mom was dating him, we didn't get along very well. It got the point that I even moved out much sooner than I had originally planned. I left to live at my at the time boyfriend's house with his parents for a few mos while I worked at a job near their house [so that was also my perfect excuse for moving out!] then my now husband & I moved 3 mos later to our own apartment. I was gonna go back home to my Mom's for awhile but my bf & I couldn't bear the thought of having to spend less time apart, so we just moved in together And it is then that my Mom & I began to get along better & then when she finally dumped that asshole, we began along almost perfecty like we used to before he came into her life. :]

I also advise you that if you need to stay at your Mom's until you're done with school, just be patient, ignore the Mom's bf as much as you can, and just grin & bear with it. Your Mom is probably "blindly in love" so she can't see all the things he's doing to you & your gf. My Mom was the same way for awhile & apologized to me for not seeing it eariler, and for not listening to me. She simply at the time thought I was only trying to say things to break them up, despise me explaining to her that it wasn't my intentions.

The situation you're in totally sucks! I wish you the best of luck!
Tried it...didn't work, because he only threatened instead of doing anything physical. I live in fear he will do something.

Oh yeah, and he wants a restraining order against my fiancee because he thinks she's stupid (because she's deaf).

Ha. The police won't give him a restraining order on her just because he thinks she's stupid. The police will laugh in his face. :)

*Note to all, I just noticed just now that I didn't look at the date of the orginial post.. whoopsie!!! Oh well!!!
when i was 9 years old my parents got divorces

my mom got remarried to my step-dad in summer 1994 but im lives with my mom at my step-dad's house but i dont like lives farm homes than city! till my step-dad's pass away in summer 2000 but thankness godness my mom,me and my brother moves to city than farm.

when i visit my dad and sometimes my dad getting away from city but i dont like getting away from city but i wanted local city best than farm what i wanted it.but my dad got moves to city in Morrilton,Ar thankness godness than faraway.

my parents always support at me
A similar problem was shown in the movie called Sling Blade and you need a guy like


to solve it for you.

I can't believe your mom's bf wants to put a restraining order on your fiancee simply because she is deaf. Geez..some people r just so stupid that it amazes me!
oh, the dramaaaaa make it stop! We don't want to hear it in here, keep it out of Alldeaf!
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